Chapter 2903 Dari Island Senluo Valley

As soon as the words fell, there was a turbulent turbulence in the turbulent flow of time and space, and then a group of people walked out of it.

This group of people were all well-dressed and imposing, obviously they were not common hands.

The leader was a man in fine clothes.

Seeing this man, Jin Shanquan was taken aback for a moment, and then said coldly: "It's actually you!"

"Hehe, it's me, why? The bounty hunter who used to be number one recognizes me now?"

The person who came was different, it was the same person who had punched and kicked Jinshanquan on the street outside Xunbao Pavilion before.

That is, the man named No. 25 in the Baishanpu auction.

Seeing him, Jin Shanquan's complexion became very ugly.

The man on the 25th was in high spirits, he glanced at the entrance of the radiant and uncertain treasure, and immediately smiled triumphantly,

"Tsk tsk, it's not in vain that I spent all my efforts, I didn't expect to get something, Jinshanquan, this must be the mysterious treasure that made you fall into the sand!"

Jin Shanquan's face was ashen, he ignored the words of man No. 25 at all, and instead asked, "Are you following me?"

Man No. 25 smiled and shook his head, "How can this be called stalking? I just secretly left a message on you when I was acting with you on the street!"

What the No. 25 man said was indeed the truth.

And all of this was a premeditated action by him.

Speaking of this, let me first introduce the identity of the No. 25 man.

His name is Tang Sheng'en, and he is the only successor of Sun Luo Valley on Dari Island.

This big sun island is a strange place, a small territory that gathers nearly 30% of the sects in this high-dimensional universe.

And this Sen Luo Valley is one of them, and it is also an extremely powerful existence among them.

As the sole descendant of such a top sect, Tang Sheng'en is naturally rich and powerful, that's why he dared to spend so much money at the auction in Nether Ghost City.

But this person is by no means a brainless rich second generation, on the contrary, he is very smart, especially good at making money.

When he heard about Jinshanquan's past and current situation from other people, he immediately felt a chance.

Judging from his keen intuition, this Jinshanquan is very strangely crazy, and at the same time, his subordinates have also disappeared. It is obvious that a very serious change has taken place here.

And the biggest possibility of this change is the last mission performed by Jinshanquan.

But as Han Bao said before, the rules of Treasure Hunting Pavilion are very strict, as long as you are not the direct recipient of the mission, it will be difficult to see the details of the mission.

Let alone a mission that has failed for a long time.

But Tang Sheng'en couldn't be bothered, after careful consideration, he came up with an idea, and then deliberately pretended to be a playboy, and clashed with him while pretending that he didn't know Jinshanquan.

In the process of punching and kicking, Tang Sheng'en had already planted a message in Jin Shanquan's body with Sen Luogu's secret method.

This information is invisible and qualityless, the key is that it directly acts on people's consciousness and karma, and it is difficult for you to detect it if it is covered by ontological thoughts and information.

At the beginning, Tang Shengen just regarded it as a game of idle chess, and didn't take it seriously at all.

But I didn't expect that the message he left would take effect as soon as he left.

Although Xue An couldn't hear the conversation between Xue An and Jinshanquan, Tang Shengen was keenly aware of it immediately after Jinshanquan disappeared in the Nether Ghost City.

That is, the sudden departure of Jinshanquan is obviously not that simple.

For this reason, he immediately organized his manpower, and quietly searched for it according to the location indicated by the message.

Even Tang Sheng'en was a little dumbfounded when he came to the place where the information pointed.

Of course he recognized it.

Isn't this the headquarters of the famous Guangming Palace?

Could it be that Jinshanquan hooked up with Guangming Palace?

With this guess in mind, Tang Sheng'en simply sent someone to squat outside the Guangming Palace.

The hard work paid off, and after one night, a dazzling light suddenly flew out of the Guangming Palace, and flew towards the depths of the void at an extremely fast speed.

Tang Sheng'en was overjoyed, but he was cautious by nature, fearing that there would be fraud, so he deliberately stayed where he was and waited for half a day.

It wasn't until Xue An and the others had disappeared without a trace that he led his men to chase them down.

During the whole process, he was really cautious, not daring to make the slightest advance, for fear that he would startle the snake again.

Hard work pays off.

He finally arrived at this space-time chaotic place according to the vague instructions of that message.

Although Tang Sheng'en has never explored any treasures, he has heard of the common sense that treasures are generally hidden in the turbulence of time and space.

So he was overjoyed, and immediately ordered his subordinates to start preparations, and then quietly sneaked into the turbulent flow of time and space.

This is how Tang Shengen came here.

Naturally, Jin Shanquan didn't know about this, but with his rich experience, he immediately understood Tang Shengen's tricks and couldn't help sneering.

"What a conspiracy~ what a trick! But do you think this will do anything? To tell you the truth, I did come here for this unfinished treasure, but if you come a step too late, this treasure already has another owner!"

Tang Shengen's face darkened, "You mean the boy who saved you?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him?"

"Hahaha, don't be joking. What can the young Fang Ruoguan do? Jinshanquan, I won't embarrass you. You just need to tell me the secret of this treasure, and I promise to let you leave safely. What do you think?"

Tang Sheng'en did not believe what Jin Shanquan said.

Because in his opinion, Jinshanquan has worked so hard to pretend to be crazy for so many years, it must be for this treasure.

How could it be possible for an "inconspicuous" boy to pick the fruit at this critical moment?

Jin Shanquan was naturally aware of this, but he didn't bother to explain. Instead, he was happy to argue, so as to buy time for Xue An among the treasures.

So he said coldly: "Dari Island Senluo Valley is also a big sect anyway, how could it cultivate such stupid successors? I already said that the treasure already has another owner. Do you not understand people's words or what?"

These words instantly ignited the anger in Tang Shengen's heart, "Very well, it seems that you are really toasting and not eating fine wine! Then I will do as you wish!"

After saying that, Tang Shengen's subordinates swarmed up, surrounding Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu.

"Dare to be rude to the young master, kill without mercy!"

With an order, these people rushed over.

At this time, we can see the strength of these big disciples.

Not to mention their personal strength, just relying on the tacit cooperation between advance and retreat is not something ordinary people can achieve.

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