Chapter 2904 Absolute Learning

Jinshanquan showed no signs of fear.

Although he has just recovered from his madness and his strength is far from recovered, the arrogance of being the number one bounty hunter is still there.

Even in the face of this gang of wolves and tigers, he still behaved very calmly.

"Miss Shu, at this critical moment, you and I must work together to fight side by side, otherwise, it is very likely that these villains will take advantage of the situation and spoil your lord's great affairs."

Shu Jingchu chuckled, "Don't worry, I can still understand the pros and cons of this point!"

After saying that, Shu Jingchu's eyes shifted, and then a dazzling holy light burst out from her body.

Although it is said that Shu Jingchu came from time travel, after so many years of cultivation, she also has the saintly physique that she has perfectly inherited, so if she does not use her hands, she will use them, and the power of her hands is astonishing.

Bang bang bang!

After a few muffled sounds, the evil slaves who rushed to the front were smashed to pieces by the holy light before they even had time to snort.

Blood splashed all over the faces of those who followed behind.

In an instant, most of the arrogance of these aggressive evil slaves disappeared.

At the same time, Jinshan Spring moved.

I saw his figure disappear in place like a ghost, and then a huge wound appeared on the throat of an evil slave.

Bai Sensen's trachea was exposed, like an open baby's mouth, which made people shudder.

And this was just the beginning, before the evil slave next to him could react, glaring blood spattered from his throat.

Seeing this, the remaining evil slaves couldn't help but retreat in a hurry.

Jin Shanquan's figure then appeared, and he was covered in sweat and his face was pale. It was obvious that the wave of attacks just now had put great pressure on his body.

But the deterrent force caused by this kind of death that does not know when will come is far greater than that of Shu Jingchu just now.

This can be seen from the expressions on the faces of these villainous slaves who retreated again and again.

But at this moment, Tang Shengen, who was supervising the battle at the rear, suddenly sneered.

"Tsk tsk, a saint from the Bright Palace, a former bounty hunter, no wonder you dare to be so tough, but you are still too naive!"

With the voice, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed drastically.

The turbulent time and space that was originally raging disappeared, replaced by a huge canyon.

This canyon is as deep as ten feet deep, with bare stones everywhere, and even the sky is the color of rust.

"Sen Luo Gu!" Jin Shanquan's complexion became extremely solemn.

At any rate, he was also the hunter who once ranked first on the bounty list, so he had a lot of knowledge.

So as soon as he saw this extremely realistic picture, he immediately realized that this was Tang Shengen's unique skill.


I heard a burst of wild laughter from the distant sky.

"It seems that you still have some knowledge! That's right, this is exactly the unique skill of our Sen Luo Valley's town school. It's something worthy of praise for you to die under this trick!"

Tang Shengen's words were very full, and his tone was full of domineering arrogance.

Jin Shanquan's complexion was unpredictable, but Shu Jingchu didn't like him.

"Hey, you want to trap me, my old lady, even in this illusion? It's a good idea!"

She raised her hand and pushed forward slightly.

The extremely condensed holy light immediately turned into a solid light curtain and blasted towards the side stone wall.


After a loud noise, a huge crack appeared on the stone wall, and countless rocks rolled down.

But Tang Sheng'en, who was hanging in the air, didn't even have any intention of making a move. Instead, he looked at Shu Jingchu with the eyes of a trapped animal in a cage.


The stone wall stopped collapsing, but apart from a deep pit, nothing changed at all.

Shu Jingchu was taken aback.

She thought it was just an illusion, as long as she was powerful enough, she would be able to break it open.

But now it seems that the situation seems a little different.

At least the performance of this stone wall is not like an illusion.

Could it be true that everything around me was real?

But how is this possible?

If this Tang Shengen had the strength to take the two of them to other planes with a wave of his hand, and he could kill the two of them with just one finger, why bother?

Thinking of this, Shu Jingchu took a deep breath and was ready to do it again.

But at this moment, Jinshanquan on the side stopped her.

"It's useless, no matter how much you bombard, at most you'll smash some rocks, it won't help our current situation at all!"

"This is Sen Luogu's famous stunt, how could it be broken so easily!"

Clap clap!

There was a burst of applause.

Tang Sheng'en in the air nodded in satisfaction and said: "That's right, it seems that your reputation back then was not in vain! Now that you know your current situation, then obediently surrender!"

Jin Shanquan sneered, "Who says I'm going to surrender? It's true that your stunt is really good, but it's not without weaknesses!"

"Oh? Then I want to hear where the weakness is?" Tang Shengen played with taste.

Jin Shanquan was too lazy to talk nonsense with this Tang Shengen, but turned his head to Shu Jing and said: "Miss Shu, the crux of all this should be on him, so if you want to get out from here, the only way is to kill him!"

Shu Jingchu immediately understood, nodded and said: "Okay, I understand!"

Then the two got up at the same time, and rushed towards Tang Shengen who was in the Seeing this, Tang Shengen didn't have the slightest fear, instead he burst out laughing.

"Good sense, your guess is indeed right, all the crux lies in me, but if you want to kill me here, it is tantamount to an idiot's dream!"

Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu didn't listen to his yelling at all, and rushed away with all their attention.

But at this moment, there was a loud rumbling sound from the ground, and then an extremely huge statue of a **** rose from the ground.

The violent coercion made Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu retreat back and forth like leaves falling in the wind.

Then I saw the statue slowly unfurl behind Tang Shengen.

This **** statue has three heads and six arms, and its whole body is shining with golden light. Just looking at it will make people feel terrified.

Tang Shengen hovered in front of the forehead of this statue, his face full of complacency and arrogance.

"This is the ultimate skill of my Sen Luogu. If you don't surrender, how long will it be?"

Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu looked at each other, saw the determination on each other's faces, and then rushed towards Tang Sheng'en again.

Tang Sheng'en sneered again and again, "I really don't know that my death is imminent. Under my Sen Luogu's unique knowledge, the gods are also fans!"


Before the two of them rushed to the front, the idol raised a hand and smashed it down overwhelmingly.

Wherever it passed, Juli even distorted the space.

Jinshanquan and Shujing Chuqi were shocked.


As they said that, the two of them wanted to run away, one on the left and the other on the right.

But it was too late, that giant palm had the power to destroy heaven and earth, how could he escape.

But at this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared under the giant palm, and raised his hand to hold the palm.

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