Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2913: Shameless especially!

Chapter 2913 Shameless!

No matter how deep the man's city was, facing Ren Ning's domineering words and aggressive gaze, he still couldn't stand it, and took half a step back involuntarily.

But then he reacted and was deeply ashamed of his performance.

It's intolerable for me to be frightened by a little girl.

So he took a deep breath and said sarcastically.

"Ren Ning, these words of yours are really interesting. We just came here to ask for compensation. Why did you ever drive you away? It's you, who is so rude and aggressive. It's really funny!"

Ren Ning's eyes were blazing, and she didn't respond to his words at all, but stood at the door of the inn without saying a word, with the aura of a man who is in charge of everything.

Because Ren Ning knew very well that she had to be strong enough at this time.

As long as he is a little weak, these guys will swarm up like hungry wolves and tear him apart alive.

The scene immediately fell into a stalemate.

But soon Sheng Hongqian realized something was wrong, because more and more people gathered outside the door.

And the people who came were basically from the major academies in Xihua City, which was obviously not a good phenomenon.

The biggest possibility is that these academies in Xihua City have reached an agreement in private, otherwise they would not dare to be so blatant.

Sheng Hongqian was very anxious.

Ren Ning naturally noticed this too, but she had no fear at all, she just stared at these visitors coldly, as if she wanted to engrave their appearances in her mind.

At this time, the situation was on the verge of breaking out. Seeing that "the general trend has been settled", the man couldn't help but become more confident and spoke in a condescending manner.

"Ren Ning, you have also seen that people from all the academies in the city have come to ask you for an explanation, what else do you have to say?"

"I only have four words to give away, especially shameless!" Ren Ning replied unceremoniously.

The man's face turned red instantly, "What a sharp-tongued little girl, back then your master recklessly destroyed the accumulation of countless academies, and finally led to the end of this group of people's anger. You are all to blame for this, no one else is to blame!"

As he said that, the man raised his hand and pointed, "Everyone, what's the use of keeping such ungrateful people, it's justified to drive them out of Xihua City!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the crowd immediately began to respond.

"Yes, drive them out!"

"If you want me to say that driving them out will be cheap for them, isn't this little girl the apprentice surnamed Xue, arrest her to atone for her master!"

Shouts came and went.

The smug look on the man's face grew stronger.

Sheng Hongqian walked forward silently and stood beside Ren Ning.

Not only her, Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Fu Yuanfeng, Zhuo Benzheng and others all stepped forward and expressed their attitude with practical actions.

And these people in the academy also began to rush forward irresistibly, seeing that the conflict was about to break out.

But at this moment, a cold shout came from the distant sky.

"Stop it all!"

Following the voice, several figures flew into the field and landed right in the middle of the two sides.

"It's Lu Hui!"

"People from Qisi Poetry Club are here!"

That's right!

The person who came was Lu Hui, the big brother of Qisi Poetry Club.

Seeing it was him, the complacent man's complexion sank.

Because he knew how powerful this Lu Hui was.

In order to unite people from major academies to do this, the first person he approached was the Qisi Poetry Club.

Because no one in the world knows that Xue An blew up the headquarters of Qisi Poetry Club.

And before leaving, he also abducted a woman from the Qisi Poetry Club.

So in this man's view, Qisi Poetry Club must hate Xue An the most.

But he never expected that he would be turned away without even seeing Lu Hui's face.

Moreover, Qisi Poetry Club's attitude is very clear, don't mention these things in the future.

This attitude greatly exceeded the man's expectations, and he tried several times later, but all failed in the end.

In desperation, he had no choice but to give up the Qisi Poetry Club, and turned around to contact other academies.

So when he saw that Lu Hui did not come early or late, but he arrived at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

But on the surface, he didn't show half of it, instead he had a smile on his face.

"President Lu, you are here!"

Lu Hui took a deep look at the man, and finally sighed softly, "Kou Zangfeng, let's leave this matter as I said. The loss of your academy will be borne by Qisi Poetry Club. What do you think?"

Kou Zangfeng!

Hearing this name, Sheng Hongqian was startled, and then thought of something, her face became more and more gloomy.

She clearly remembered that Kou Zhengfeng was the person who urged the various academies to come to ask the teacher for his crimes.

How similar the names of the two are, it is hard to say that there is no relationship.

In fact, she wasn't the only one who thought of this, but anyone with a little brain noticed that something was wrong.

Only Ren Ning was calm as usual, without any surprise.

She has already made up her mind, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, she will never even think about stepping into the Xiyue Inn.

It's not for my own face, but not to lose the dignity of Master.

And here Kou Zangfeng was startled after hearing Lu Hui's, and then burst out laughing.

"Okay! What a benevolent and unparalleled President Lu, his own headquarters was blown up. Instead of resentment, he turned around and wanted to wipe his ass! Kou really admires it!"

These words were very unpleasant, and Tang Zheng, who had followed Lu Hui, changed his expression and wanted to speak.

Lu Hui reached out his hand to stop him, and then said to Kou Zangfeng calmly: "We don't need you to comment on what we Qisi Poetry Club does. I am now urging you to stop as soon as possible. This is a good thing for you and everyone!"

"Then what if I don't!" Kou Zangfeng said sadly.

"I know, you are all afraid of that Xue An, and you are scared out of your wits by him, but you are not afraid of me, I just came here today to ask for an explanation, how can I be persuaded by you in a few words?"

"Then what do you want to say?" Lu Hui asked.

"It's very simple!" Kou Zangfeng raised his hand and pointed at Ren Ning and the others, "Let them hand over enough compensation, and then get out of Xihua City!"

Niu Dali was furious, "You **** point to another one? Believe it or not, Grandpa, I'll screw your head off!"

Kou Zangfeng ignored Niu Dali's yelling at all, but just looked at Lu Hui coldly.

"I don't think my request is too much!"

Lu Hui suddenly laughed, "It's not me who wants to be too much but not too much, I just don't want to make things worse, since you insist on doing this, then I can only take it as you please!"

As he said that, Lu Hui took a step back and put on a posture of staying out of the matter.

This move greatly exceeded Kou Zangfeng's expectations.

He thought that this Lu Hui would stop him, but he didn't expect him to give up so quickly.

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