Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2914: The strong don't need to say much

Chapter 2914 The strong don't need to say much

Could it be that there is fraud in this?

Suspicious by nature, this thought flashed across his mind.

But soon he put those thoughts behind him.

He didn't think Ren Ning and the others had a chance to come back at this time.

So he sneered and said, "President Lu really knows the current affairs!"

As he said that, Kou Zangfeng looked at Ren Ning again, "Ren Ning, no one will help you anymore, obediently hand over the compensation and get out of Xihua City, this is the last respect I can give you!"

"If not..."

Kou Zangfeng was about to say a few harsh words to shake his prestige.

But at this moment, a calm but majestic voice came.

"What else?"

Although there were only four simple words, it shocked the audience.

Ren Ning trembled all over, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face immediately.

Lu Hui sighed secretly, then raised his head and looked into the sky.

Not only him, everyone looked at the source of the voice at the same moment.

Then I saw a ray of light piercing the sky, descending from the sky, and fell in front of everyone in an instant.

When the brilliance dissipated, it was Xue An who stood at the head.

In an instant, the whole audience fell into dead silence.

Many people even showed panic, the arrogance just now has long since disappeared.

They all thought that Xue An must have died in the void by now.

It was precisely because of this that they dared to listen to Kou Zangfeng's instigation and came here to make a noise.

But he never expected that at this critical moment, he would rush back.

Not only did he rush back, but he also had a breakthrough, seeing the strong and persistent aura on his body.

More importantly, since he came back, wouldn't that prove that the space giant snake Shuming had already lost?

Thinking of this, many people's faces turned pale.

Unlike their panic, Ren Ning, Sheng Hongqian and the others were ecstatic and rushed forward immediately.


"Young master!"

"grown ups!"

There are various names.

Xue Anan smiled, but he was obviously partial to Ren Ning.

He looked at Ren Ning's cheeks covered with tears, and said lightly, "Don't cry, now that I'm back, no one can bully you anymore!"

Ren Ning nodded heavily, but the tears could not be stopped no matter what.

Xue An knew that she would not be able to calm down the excitement in a while, so she ignored it and turned her head to look at Lu Hui.

At this time, Tang Zheng had already seen his younger sister Tang Xiao who had followed Xue An back, and he was impatient to step forward.

But Tang Xiao didn't come over in a hurry, instead he stood there with a smile, as if he was waiting for a good show.

"Have you noticed my return just now?" Xue An asked.

Lu Hui nodded.

"Then what if I don't come back at this time by chance?" Xue An asked again.

Lu Hui didn't hesitate, and said lightly: "Then stand aside and watch, anyway, I don't believe you can't guess this situation!"

Xue An laughed, "You bastard, you are really a chicken thief!"

After finishing speaking, he took the time to look at Kou Zangfeng.

At this time, Kou Zangfeng's face turned pale.

Because he knows it's over!

It's all over!

Don't look at the righteous words of these academies when they were instigated by him, but Kou Zangfeng understands the virtues of these people too well.

It's okay to fight with the wind, but once you encounter an unfavorable situation, you can withdraw faster than anyone else.

It's not that he didn't think of resisting.

But when facing Xue An, he couldn't think of resistance at all.

Kou Zangfeng understood that this was due to the large gap in strength.

But this person is also a ruthless person, knowing that there is no escape, he simply gritted his teeth, faced Xue An's playful gaze, and said coldly.

"Xue An, you came back just in time, shouldn't you explain to everyone what happened before?"

"Confession, what do you want to explain?" Xue An was not in a hurry to act, but said with a smile.

"The sudden sound was obviously because of you, but the battle spread widely and injured a lot of innocent people. What do you say about this account?"

After going all out, Kou Zangfeng's thinking became very quick, and his words were also very sharp.

At least those who said these words looked at Xue An, wanting to see how he would respond.

Because what Kou Zangfeng said was not unreasonable.

If it wasn't for Xue An, that Shuming wouldn't have appeared, and if it didn't appear, this great battle would not have been fought.

Xue An fell silent, seemingly lost in thought.

Time passed by second by second.

The crowd began to stir.

Sheng Hongqian also showed anxiety.

She didn't understand what Xue An was talking nonsense with people like Kou Zangfeng, wouldn't it be enough to kill him directly?

Lu Hui didn't show the slightest worry, and even folded his arms and looked at it with a half-smile.

He also wanted to hear how Xue An would answer this matter.

After all, he had blown up the headquarters of Qisi Poetry Club back then.

Although later he ordered Ren Ning to send Wenshan Tinder, which did not break the inheritance of Qisi Poetry Club, but there must be an explanation after all!

And just when his heart was floating, Xue An sighed slightly.

"Stupid, stupid!"

Kou Zangfeng was secretly happy, thinking that his words had stopped Xue An.

So when he heard Xue An's words, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Are you calling yourself stupid?"

Xue An raised his eyes and glanced at Kou Zangfeng and immediately blocked the words behind him.

"I'm talking about your stupidity! It's true that the sound came because of me, but the responsibility for this great war should be attributed to it, not me!"

Kou Zangfeng was overwhelmed by the power of that gaze just now, and couldn't speak at all for a while.

Xue An continued to speak slowly: "Actually, I shouldn't explain anything to you. After all, the strong don't need to talk, let alone short-sighted ants like you!"

"But since you asked this, I will tell you! There is indeed a grudge between me and Shuming, but the premise is that it has done many unrighteous things, and I came to eradicate it, so the conflict broke out!"

"The root of all this comes from Shuming, not me! So no matter how many people die, it is because of Shuming, understand?"

Kou Zangfeng stammered: "'s just your one-sided opinion!"

"Hehe, in fact, I found that the weak always like to use some strange logic of public opinion to kidnap others, especially in this kind of thing, it is obvious that one party started first, but when the insulted party fought back, people pointed the finger of accusation at the insulted party, and asked for the so-called explanation!"

"What do you think?"

Kou Zangfeng completely turned off this time, not only because of Xue An's power, but also because he was powerless to refute his words.

The smile on Xue An's face was still the same, but the killing intent in his eyes gradually showed, "Who are you, Kou Zhengfeng?"

"My brother!"

"Sure enough, they are brothers, even the methods are exactly the same, and they are motivating Mingyi to make profits for themselves, do you know that they are wrong now?"

Kou Zangfeng nodded, and then the light in his eyes went out.

"If you know you're wrong, go to hell!"

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