Chapter 2916 Three birds with one stone

In this way, there are three major benefits. The first is that these academies will no longer be united since then.

The second is that these high-ranking scapegoats obviously don't like the person who just threatened him.

The last and most important point is that these scapegoats must be full of gratitude to Xue An who "saved" them.

It was also killing a person, but Xue An's methods obviously killed three birds with one stone.

Many people were amazed at Xue An's superb methods.

Only Xue An ignored these scapegoats kneeling on the ground and banging their heads, but turned around and went back to Xiyue Inn.

As far as he is concerned, whether these academies exist or disappear, they are simply not in his eyes.

Because in Xue An's view, these people are no different from ants.

The reason why they didn't wipe them all out was just to give face to the will of Wen Dao in this world.

Looking at the back of him leading Ren Ning and others away, Lu Hui's eyes flickered slightly.

The teenager went out for a trip... seems to be more mature.

At least just now he was ready for Xue An to kill all directions, and even planned to dissuade him when he did it.

I didn't expect it to end like this.

At this time Tang Zheng couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Elder brother, why don't we go in?"

Tang Zheng has always been concerned about his younger sister, and he wanted to approach her just now, but he never got the chance.

Later, when Xue An went back to Xiyue Inn, his younger sister Tang Xiao followed everything in.

This made Tang Zheng even more worried.

Lu Hui smiled when he heard the words, "Go in, of course you have to go in!"

After all, he glanced at the messy academy students and sighed inwardly, knowing that after today, the academy in Xihua City would never have peace.

But this is not the time to think about these things, Lu Hui stepped into the Xiyue Inn.

At this time, the hall of Xiyue Inn was extremely lively.

Niu Dali and the others were overjoyed when they saw Xue An's return, and immediately began to prepare a banquet to welcome Xue An.

Ren Ning followed closely behind Xue An, as if afraid that he would disappear again.

At this time, Lu Hui's arrival did not arouse everyone's surprise.

Tang Xiao even walked up to Tang Zheng, and said with a smile: "Brother, I just said I went out to find you, but I didn't expect you to come!"

When Tang Zheng saw Tang Xiao, the anger that was originally full of anger disappeared, and he could not utter the words of reprimand he had planned.

Tang Xiao didn't care about the seriousness before, but after leaving with Xue An, Tang Zheng was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

At that time Tang Zheng swore more than once that he would teach her a lesson when his sister came back.

But I didn't expect to see Tang Xiao again, except for the worry, the anger disappeared without a trace.

"You...ah!" Tang Zheng sighed helplessly.

Tang Xiao smiled, she knew her brother's temper best, so she was not afraid at all, stepped forward and hugged Tang Zheng's arm.

"Oh, don't sigh, isn't he coming back safely!"

When Tang Zheng and his sister were talking, Xue An walked up to Lu Hui and smiled slightly.

"President Lu, you came just in time, I just wanted to ask you something!"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"How much do you know about Dari Island?"

"Da Ri? Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Lu Hui was a little surprised.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have to go there for some things!" Xue An said lightly.

Lu Hui's heart tightened.

What Xue An said was definitely not a trivial matter, so after he lowered his head to consider his words, he raised his head and spoke solemnly.

"I don't know too much about Dari Island. After all, this world is located in a corner, which is completely different from the bright place in the center!"

"But when I was studying abroad, I actually went to Dari Island!"

"Oh? Let's hear it!"

At this time, the banquet was set up, Xue An and others took their seats, Lu Hui sat on Xue An's drooping head, and spoke in a low tone.

"The Dari Island is said to be an island, but it is actually an extremely vast space, in which there are countless sects, which can be called the core of the entire universe!"

"But if we say that the most powerful sect among the vast and numerous sects belongs to the four great masters!"

"Oh? Which four are you?"

"They are Feixian Temple, Zhuangyun Temple, Supreme Pavilion, and Zhanhai Palace!"

Then Lu Hui described the composition of these four sects in detail.

Xue An listened very carefully, until after Lu Hui finished speaking, he suddenly asked: "How about Sen Luogu?"

"This Senluo Valley can be regarded as the top sect in Dari Island, but it is still not as good as these four great sects!"

Xue An nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, what Lu Hui said was no different from what Jin Shanquan said.

But at this moment, Lu Hui suddenly hesitated to speak.

"President Lu has something to say, but it's okay to talk about it!" Xue An said lightly.

"Although I don't know Mr. Xue why you inquired about Dari Island, but there is something I have to remind you!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Xue An asked with great interest.

"In this Da Ri Island, the most important thing to pay attention to is not the four great masters, but a very secretive organization!"

"What organization?"

"This organization is called the Musket Club, and it suddenly emerged in the last few years. Although the time is short, the strength of this Musket Club is extremely strong, especially they are best at long-range sniper killing!"

"After killing several top bosses in a row, the Musketeer Club has become famous and has become an existence that makes people talk about it in Da Ri Island today. Even the four of you have to stay away from the Musketeer Club when you see them!"

"The Musketeer Club..." Xue An repeated the name, and a strange brilliance suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Because it is an organization that has only emerged in recent years, it is naturally impossible for Jinshanquan to know!

But what Xue An is interested in is not this, but the name and the meaning it represents.

In particular, the mysterious sniping method that Lu Hui mentioned aroused Xue An's great interest.

But after asking in detail, Lu Hui didn't know.

He was able to know so much thanks to his friends from the outside world, otherwise the news would not be so well-informed.

Afterwards, the whole group exchanged glasses and finished the dinner happily.

Almost everyone was drunk by the end.

Especially Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the lay on the ground so drunk that they fell asleep.

Lu Hui, Tang Zheng and others left.

Before leaving, Tang Zheng looked at his younger sister Tang Xiao who refused to leave no matter what, the eyes were so resentful that water dripped out.

But Tang Xiao had no choice but to say that he would not leave. As an older brother, he had no choice but to leave helplessly.

Although Ren Ning really wanted to have more conversations with Master, she resigned early considering that Master was exhausted all the way.

After Xue An was left alone in the room, he raised his head to look at the night outside the window, and exhaled lightly.

"It's really... more and more interesting!"

(end of this chapter)

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