Chapter 2917 Before leaving

A cloud of chaotic brilliance projected into the room, and then condensed into a phantom shadow of a human silhouette on the open space in front of the window.

In the dead of night, such a spooky scene is enough to make one's hair stand on end.

However, Xue An seemed to have been prepared for a long time, watching with a smile, without any surprise.

It wasn't until the phantom slowly turned to look at Xue An that Xue An sighed softly.

"Thank you for that!"

The phantom materialized at an astonishing speed, and turned into an ordinary middle-aged man in the blink of an eye.

"You're welcome, in fact, even if you don't inform me in advance, I can't let Shuming do whatever I want!"

"That can't be done. After all, you are the master of literature and Taoism in this world. If I don't tell you in advance, I will always be rude!"

The man smiled, then looked at Xue An with strange eyes.

"Are you planning to go to Dari Island next?"

Xue An was not surprised that this man knew this.

Because he is the manifestation of the highest will in this world, everything that happens in this world cannot be hidden from him.

Xue An nodded

The man was silent for a moment, and then said: "Actually, from the moment you first entered this world, I knew that everything was inevitable!"

"Oh? What is inevitable?" Xue An laughed.

The man was very solemn, "As the will of heaven, I can see that you are carrying great karma. It is a scene I have never seen before. I knew at that time that you are definitely not ordinary people!"

Xue An laughed, "I'm overwhelmed!"

"I don't have any awards, I don't have the emotions you humans have, and I've always said one thing, but before you leave, I still want to give you a piece of advice!"

"Oh? What advice?"

"That Dari Island is different from other places, because it is the most complicated place in the universe. Even if it is us, we must stay as far away as possible, so after you go, you must take care of yourself!"

In fact, it was not the first time Xue An heard such words.

The person who betrayed the news in the Nether Ghost City had also said so.

But the more this happened, the more calm Xue An became.

He has never been afraid of difficulties and obstacles, even when facing enemies far higher than himself.

What's more, he has a more important thing to do besides looking for the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror.

So Xue An just nodded with a smile, "Okay, I see, thank you for your advice!"

"When are you going to leave?"


"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Actually, I didn't intend to go back here, but in order to settle down for Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan and others, I still had to come back!"

"Good luck then!"

"Thank you!"

The figure disappeared without a sound.

The inn was quiet, no one knew that the highest will of the world had just come here.

Xue Jing sat quietly on the chair, most of his face was shrouded in darkness, only a pair of exposed eyes were shining like stars.

Jinshanquan naturally had to follow when he went to Dari Island this time. After all, as the only person who had been to Dari Island, he had to take on the role of guide.

The second is Shu Jingchu.

Although Xue An didn't want to take her with him, this guy was like a dog's skin plaster, it couldn't be peeled off if it stuck on, so Xue An had no choice but to let it go.

In addition, Tang Xiao, Yun Lingxuan and Tuan'er and the three daughters will stay.

That's why Xue An made a special trip back here.

Now that the matter has been settled, in order to avoid other unnecessary troubles, Xue An plans to leave as soon as possible.

But before that he had something to do.

Ren Ning's room!

Ren Ning was not asleep at all.

All her heart was occupied by excitement and joy.

She was really tired during this period of time.

Even though she was sure that Xue An would be fine, just thinking about those dreadful days made her miserable.

Fortunately, Xue An finally returned safely.

Although she brought back another beautiful woman, and she didn't know if she was the mistress, Ren Ning was still very happy.

This put her in a kind of morbid excitement, and even her whole body began to feel hot.

So after she lay down for a while and found that she couldn't fall asleep, she simply sat up and began to meditate cross-legged.

Her current strength is quite impressive, this is not only due to Xue An laying the foundation for her well, it is also related to her diligent cultivation.

You must know that Ren Ning spent this period of time in crazy practice, except for eating, sleeping and some things that had to be handled by herself.

She wanted to grow up as soon as possible and become Xue An's right-hand man.

But today she didn't know what was going on, she couldn't get into samadhi no matter what, she just felt agitated in her heart, as if something was about to happen.

At this moment, Xue An's voice suddenly came from her ear.

"If your mind is so chaotic, don't force yourself into samadhi, it's easy to go crazy!"

Hearing these words, Ren Ning suddenly raised her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Xue An's smile.

I saw him standing not far from the door, with a smile on his face, looking at himself.

Ren Ning blushed, and then her heart started beating wildly.

What does it mean that Master suddenly appeared in his room so late at night?

Could it be...

Thinking of those pictures, Ren Ning felt that the blood flow in her body accelerated a lot.

But apart from a little fear, there is more joy.

Xue An looked at her flushed in a strange way, but didn't think too much about it. Instead, he thought that it was because of the forceful interruption of her meditation, which caused the retrograde flow of qi and blood, so she reached out and gently stroked the top of her head.

Ren Ning felt as if all the blood in her body was rushing to the top of her head. While she was dizzy, there was only one thought in her mind.

I do!

But just when she was ready to devote herself, she found that the master had no next move except to hold her head.

This couldn't help but make her sneak a peek, only to see Xue An frowning, wondering what he was thinking.

"Strange, how come the qi and blood surge so violently? Could it be the harbinger of madness?"

Xue An murmured, and at the same time, the huge true essence poured directly into the top of Ren Ning's head, calming down her boiling blood very quickly.

Ren Ning felt that her thoughts became extremely clear in an instant, and then she felt deeply ashamed.

What was I thinking about just now!

That is my master!

Ren Ning secretly spat at herself for being An didn't notice her thoughts at all, although she could interpret Ren Ning's inner voice with just a little touch of divine sense.

But Xue An is not that perverted, except for the enemy and when he has to, he will not easily use his divine sense to interpret the voices of others.

Because that is a great disrespect to others.

Let alone his little apprentice.

Speaking of which, Ren Ning was Xue An's first serious disciple.

Even on Earth, Xue An didn't devote too much energy when he was the instructor of Fire Phoenix.

(end of this chapter)

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