Chapter 2919 Leave

Sheng Hongqian felt as if her heart was being held by an invisible giant hand, and even breathing became very difficult.

A look of fear appeared on her face.

Because she was really scared.

As someone who had followed Xue An for a while, she thought she knew this boy in white very well.

Knowing that he seems harmless to humans and animals, but if he doesn't make a move, it will be a thunderous blow.

In particular, he never sympathizes with you, even if you are a stunning beauty, if you provoke him, you will still kill him.

Thinking of what she had just overheard in the corridor, Sheng Hongqian couldn't help lowering her head in despair, and completely gave up resistance.

It's over!

Xue An will definitely not let himself go this time.

After all, such a big "secret" has been broken by myself, isn't it a routine operation to kill myself to silence it!

Just as she was thinking wildly, she heard a chuckle in her ear.

"What? Do you really think I'm going to kill you?"

Sheng Hongqian suddenly raised her head, eyes full of confusion.

Xue An sighed. According to his personality, he was unwilling to explain these things, and even if he explained, it would not be Sheng Hongqian's turn.

But thinking that his apprentice Ren Ning would still gain a foothold in this world in the future, he had better dispel the doubts of others.

So he said lightly, "What did you hear just now?"

Sheng Hongqian faltered and mumbled. She wanted to make excuses and say that she didn't hear anything, but facing Xue An's cold gaze, she didn't even have the courage to hide it, so she stammered.

"I just... happened to pass by the corridor just now, and I happened to hear your voice coming from Miss Ren's room, saying... say..."

"say what?"

"It might hurt a little, let Miss Ren be patient!" Sheng Hongqian said with a guilty conscience, and then peeked at Xue An's expression.

Xue An was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a dumbfounding smile.

"Then what?"

"Then I heard Miss Ren groaning in pain, and you said to let her be patient a little bit, and she will be fine soon!"

Xue An was speechless.

Because what Sheng Hongqian heard was really what she said, but the situation at that time was not like that at all.

But as Sheng Hongqian who couldn't see the specific situation in the room, these words were enough to make her think wrong.

In fact, not only her, even anyone else would have to think wrong after hearing these words.

That's why Xue An was a little dumbfounded.

I still blame myself for not being prepared for the fuss. If the room was shielded with a magic circle at that time, how could these things happen?

Thinking of this, Xue An sighed, "Actually, things are not what you think at all. I went to Miss Ren's room to give her empowerment!"

Sheng Hongqian nodded without waiting for Xue An to finish speaking, "Yes, yes, I understand what you said, I am indeed wrong!"

Sheng Hongqian's attitude made Xue An speechless. It seemed that this woman had already made up her mind about this matter.

Xue An simply didn't bother to explain anything.

"Forget it, think whatever you want, just because you are here, I have a few things to tell you!"

"My lord, please order!"

"I'm leaving this world soon, but Ren Ning, as my apprentice, can't do it alone, so in order to let her have more helpers, I'm going to support a few of you!"

After this period of contact, Xue An has figured out the personalities of these people in Longhuzhai.

Although they have their own flaws, they are not too bad in nature, so they are quite good as Ren Ning's right-hand man.

Although it is said that people like Zhuo Benzheng and Yao Yachao should pay attention to nature and kindness, but sometimes being too pure and kind is not a good thing.

Especially in the face of complicated situations, a cunning "villain" is far more useful than a modest gentleman.

That's why Xue An chose people like Sheng Hongqian.

Sheng Hongqian was naturally overjoyed after hearing this.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Xue An nodded, and raised his hand to reveal a beam of brilliance.

Sheng Hongqian was shocked all over, and then realized that there were many things in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Among them are several powerful exercises and detailed guidelines.

"You can bestow these exercises according to the personalities of Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others. Remember not to bully others. If you violate them, you will be executed after I return!"

Sheng Hongqian heard Xue An's words, and when she raised her head, the room was empty.

After standing still for a while, Sheng Hongqian couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from her forehead.

so close!

He almost died just now.

Fortunately, my wife is smart!

When Sheng Hongqian secretly rejoiced, Xue An had already returned to her room.

At this time, Jinshanquan and Shu Jingchu had already arrived, and asked immediately after seeing Xue An.

"Shall we go now?"

Xue An nodded, "It's not too late, let's leave now, so we won't have to worry about other things!"

The two naturally had no objection, and flew out of the Xiyue Inn after Xue An.

Standing above the city, Xue An suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Shu Jingchu asked.

"Wait a minute, let me see if those academies in the daytime are still dissatisfied!"

The words were harsh and full of killing intent.

Xue An is absolutely bored with these sloppy If he hadn't given Wen Daozhi a face, he would have wiped them all out on the spot.

Before leaving now, Xue An naturally wanted to see if these academies had other intentions.

It's okay to be honest, if there is still dissatisfaction, then Xue An will not be polite.

Wherever the divine mind passes, there is nowhere to hide.

Xue An, who has reached the pinnacle of a sage, is so powerful that it can be said that all obstacles are in vain in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, he had a panoramic view of everyone's thoughts in Xihua City.

After removing most of the useless information, Xue An had a complete overview of the thoughts of those in the academy.

After a while, Xue An nodded.

"It's not bad, but there are a few who are secretly dissatisfied!"

Saying that, a ray of sword light, like a dragon, flashed across the sky in an instant, and fell into the darkness.

"Let's go!" Xue An really turned around this time, shooting straight into the sky like a crossbow.

Shu Jingchu and Jin Shanquan followed closely behind, and the group of three disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And at the same time as they left, a small building located in a corner of Xihua City had a very dignified atmosphere.


Someone slammed the table and said viciously: "No, this matter can't be left alone. Is it easy for our Kou family to train two students, but they all died in the hands of this Xue An!"

"So what if that's not the case? Then Xue An is so powerful, who would dare to take the lead lightly?"

"You can't say that. Although our Kou family is far from Xue An's opponent in terms of strength, the tiger will also take a nap. I don't believe that he can always guard against us! Let's lurk quietly in the dark, and attack him as soon as he shows a slight weakness. There will always be a day when he will pay the price!"

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