Chapter 2920 Focus Fire Attack

The person who first patted the table said in a dark voice.

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, a ray of sword light blasted through the roof and landed on the heads of these people.

"What is this... ah ah ah!"

As soon as the screams sounded, the ray of sword light circled around the room like a horse.

Puff puff!

Skulls soared into the sky one by one, bringing out countless **** flowers.

None of these people in the house was spared, and they all became headless ghosts.

And at the same time, in the new headquarters of the Qisi Poetry Club, Lu Hui, who was meditating, suddenly raised his eyes to the sky.

"Did you just leave like this? You come and go in a hurry, so you won't be affected by foreign objects!"


Dari Island is located in the center of this universe, and it is more than billions of millions away from the world Xue An came from.

But for Xue An, who has already proved to be the peak saint, distance is no longer a problem.

After several successive crossings of terrifying length, Dari Island is already far away.

At this time, only three days had passed since Xue An's departure.

This is an extremely astonishing number.

Because even a strong man at the same level as Xue An couldn't have such a fast speed.

After all, there are not many people who can possess such a huge divine sense like Xue An.

But after arriving here, Xue An and his party slowed down.

Jin Shanquan introduced: "My lord, if you fly a little further, you will enter the territory of Dari Island!"

Xue An nodded.

In fact, there is no need for Jinshanquan to say anything, Xue An himself can feel that there is a huge monster that is as bright as a boundless scorching sun lying in the middle of the universe.

Of course, this is not a scene observed with the naked eye, but a perception from the divine mind.

"Going in at our position, which sect will we encounter first?" Xue An asked.

Jin Shanquan smiled wryly and shook his head, "I don't know about that. After all, Dari Island is too big and spherical in shape. In addition, our current location is still uncertain. Naturally, we can't guess who the first sect we will meet will be!"

Xue An didn't bother with this issue either.

Anyway, we've already arrived here, let's talk about everything after we go in.

The three quickened their pace and soon flew into the territory of Dari Island.

When they crossed the invisible barrier, Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu didn't feel anything.

Xue An's mind was shaken by it.

It was a prying feeling that was hard to describe in words, but this feeling was fleeting and soon returned to normal.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xue An's footsteps slowing down, Shu Jingchu couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, I just feel something occasionally, move on!"

Xue An did not mention his feelings to Shu Jingchu.

Because that would not solve anything other than causing tension between the two of them.

And Xue An was already prepared for this.

This big sun island is so famous that it has become the core of this universe, and there must be many powerful people who are born in the world.

It's normal to feel snooped on yourself.

With this in mind, Xue An calmed down and led Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu to fly deep into Dayri Island.

If understood literally, this Dainil Island seems to be an island.

But in fact, the Dari Island is more like a spherical object, surrounded by the universe.

Therefore, some people call Dari Island the baby conceived by this universe.

From this, one can also imagine how vast the area of ​​Dari Island is.

At least after entering the territory of Sun Island, Xue An and his party flew for a full hour, but they still didn't see any planets.

Jin Shanquan frowned.

"Strange, it stands to reason that we have already flown so far, we should have encountered the outer sects!"

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Shu Jingchu asked immediately.

She has been a little nervous since she entered the big sun island, and she always feels depressed and panicked, so she is startled at the slightest sign of trouble.

"There are two groups of people fighting not far ahead!"

"Fight? Then let's take a detour! After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing!" Shu Jingchu said immediately.

Her words also attracted Jin Shanquan's approval.

"Miss Shu is right. Anyway, this is not the only way to go deeper. Let's bypass the front!"

But Xue An just smiled lightly at this, "It's late, even if you want to detour, it's already too late!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flame coming towards Xue An and the others at an extremely fast speed.

Before Jinshanquan had time to react, the fire had already rushed forward.

But just when he was about to open his mouth to scream, Xue An stretched out his hand and directly blocked the flame.


A shock wave spread out immediately.

Only then did Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu see the true nature of the flame,

This is something that looks like a bullet, but it is far bigger than the bullet.

The pointed tip in front shone with a chilling luster, and it might explode at any time.

But it is such a big killer, but it is easily held by Xue An at this moment.

And before the bullet exploded, Xue An's palms snapped together.

Huge force spread from the head back, and UU Reading instantly crushed it into a ball.


Someone in the distance seemed to see this scene and let out a cry of surprise.

But immediately after, countless flames roared towards Xue An and the others.

Until then, Jinshanquan's exclamation had just come out.


But in the next instant, he was coerced by Xue An's spiritual thoughts and disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, the three of them had already arrived at the front battlefield

Only then did Shu Jingchu and the two of them see clearly what was going on.

I saw a huge ship lying in the void, with scars on it, all traces of guns.

At the same time, countless flames were rushing out of the darkness, constantly bombarding the ship.

Compared with this violent attack, the ship's counterattack seemed very weak.

Apart from the occasional flash of runes, little can do damage to ambushers in the darkness.

This also led to the unscrupulousness of these ambushers.

The ammunition poured out crazily as if they were free of money, but at this moment, someone in the darkness said coldly: "Split the firepower and destroy these three people!"

In fact, even without this voice's order, countless tongues of fire have already aimed at Xue An and the three of them and started attacking wildly.

Intensive bullets came overwhelmingly.

However, Xue An did not rush, and as soon as he stepped down, a faint glow protected Shu Jingchu and Jinshanquan behind him.

Then he rushed towards the darkness in a flash, and said lightly at the same time.

"Stay where you are and don't move!"

In fact, there was no need for Xue An's instructions. Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu were already shocked by this overwhelming fire attack, and they didn't dare to move when they stood still.

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