Chapter 2925 Mist Kill

Wu Nianyin followed closely behind Xue An, asking questions from time to time, obviously very interested in Xue An.

Xue An was not too indifferent to him, and occasionally answered a few words.

Like now.

"Brother Xue, but I don't know why you came to Dari Island this trip?"

Wu Nianyin was obviously trying to win over Xue An on purpose. He had just spoken a few words, and the address had changed from "adult" to "Brother Xue", which was even more affectionate.

"It's nothing, I just came here to deal with some trivial matters!" Xue An said lightly, and then glanced at Wu Nianyin.

"Why are you asking these questions?"

Wu Nianyin immediately said: "Brother Xue, don't get me wrong, I'm just out of my friend's concern, and don't worry, after I return home, the first thing I will do is to help you complete your own affairs!"

Xue An smiled, knowing that Wu Nianyin's words came from his heart.

No way, who made him rely on himself now!

And now Wu Nianyin has no power or power, so the only thing he can do is to paint big cakes.

"Then thank you very much!" Xue An said lightly.

Wu Nian wanted to say something more in the printed version, but seeing Xue An's uneasy expression, he finally swallowed those words back.

Although the contact time is still short, Wu Nianyin has already seen that this strong and terrifying boy in white is a person who doesn't like nonsense.

At this moment, someone screamed suddenly.

"Look, what is that?"

Everyone looked up, and saw that the originally dark void in front of them was suddenly shrouded in a layer of milky white mist.

Moreover, the mist spread extremely quickly, enveloping Xue An and the others almost in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, everyone fell into a white nightmare where there was no one on the other side.

The crowd couldn't help but panic.

"what happened?"

"Why is there such a large white fog in space?"

Wu Nianyin was also very nervous at the beginning, but when he saw Xue An standing there with no panic on his face, but looking around with interest, he couldn't help calming down quickly.

"Don't move around, grab each other's clothes to prevent them from getting separated!" Wu Nianyin said in a deep voice.

It may be that his calmness also infected his subordinates, and the originally restless crowd gradually quieted down.

"Brother Xue, look..."

Wu Nianyin wanted to ask Xue An what he meant, but before he finished speaking, Xue An suddenly came to his side and raised his hand.

As if rehearsed in advance, the moment Xue An raised his hand, a black light rushed out from the white mist, and Xue An's hand just blocked its path.

The two collided together, and the shock wave caused Wu Nianyin to retreat several steps.


His follower shouted very worriedly.

Wu Nianyin waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, and then walked quickly to Xue An's side.

I saw Xue An holding a yellow bullet in his hand.

This bullet is extremely long, and the bullet is engraved with dense patterns, showing its impressive lethality.

Wu Nianyin's expression changed, "Is it the Musket Club?"

Xue An lightly stroked the still hot bullet in his hand, but his eyes lingered in the direction it came from.

The mist disperses uncertainly, and the big hole hit by the bullet has long since disappeared.

But Xue An smiled, "That's right, and he's still a more difficult master than the previous two waves!"

A look of worry flashed across Wu Nianyin's eyes.

Why can't he see the current situation!

Although the two waves of attacks encountered before were magnificent, there were traces to follow after all.

Only the mist that he was facing at this time was so terrifying.

No means can see through what is hidden behind the fog.

And the appearance of this bullet is like an antelope hanging horns, there is no trace at all.

But soon he adjusted his mentality, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xue, if you feel that you can't cope with this crisis, you can leave on your own, and I will never stop you!"

Xue An glanced back at him, "What do you mean?"

"These people are all here for me, and they probably don't want to cause trouble, so as long as you leave with my subordinates, they will definitely not stop you!"

As soon as Wu Nianyin's words fell, all his subordinates fell to their knees.

"Master, I will follow you to the death and never leave!"

Wu Nianyin sighed, "Too many people have died because of me alone. If this crisis is really unavoidable, it's better for me to bear it alone!"

Xue Jing looked at him quietly, and suddenly smiled, "Who said this crisis is inevitable? Come with me!"

Saying that, Xue An swaggered and walked deep into the mist.

Wu Nianyin was slightly shocked by the way Xue An looked at him just now, but his reaction was extremely fast, and he immediately said: "Everyone is pulling the clothes of the person in front of you, and you must not disperse!"

Then he followed immediately.

Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu naturally followed, but compared to the nervousness of Wu Nianyin and others.

The two of them seemed much more relaxed.

Because after such a long time of contact, Xue An has long been omnipotent in their Mere fog and sneak attacks can stop his footsteps.


After walking not far, Xue An's figure flashed, and then he transformed into several phantoms, catching bullets fired from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An said coldly: "You wait here, don't move around, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

After saying that, Xue An dodged and rushed into the mist.

Wu Nianyin opened his mouth slightly, his face full of astonishment.

He wanted to stop Xue An just now, but he didn't expect that his speed was too fast, and he disappeared before he could say anything.

In desperation, he had no choice but to order his subordinates to garrison in place, and then looked at the fog ahead with a worried expression on his face.

Shu Jingchu still has a good impression of Wu Nianyin who looks like a girl.

That's right.

She is an out-and-out face dog.

So when she saw Wu Nianyin seemed quite worried, she couldn't help walking forward and laughing.

"Don't worry, there is nothing in this world that can hinder him. If he says he will come back soon, he will come back soon!"

"Miss Shu said that it's not that I don't have confidence in Brother Xue, but isn't it too risky to rush in like this when the situation is unclear?"

In Wu Nianyin's view, the best way is to get a group of people together to get out of the fog first.

But Xue An didn't give him a chance to discuss it at all, and just left.

This made him feel powerless.

"Hehe, you still underestimate him. Since he dared to rush out, it proves that he has full confidence! Don't worry!" Shu Jingchu said carelessly, but her eyes fell on the jade gourd hanging on Wu Nianyin's waist.

"Hey, what is this? It's so cute!"

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