Wu Nianyin was a little embarrassed and wanted to cover it up, but Shu Jingchu was quite familiar, walked up to Wu Nianyin and pointed at the jade gourd.

"Can I see it?"

Wu Nianyin's thoughts changed, he waved his hand to stop the man whose expression changed drastically, and then took off the jade gourd and handed it to Shu Jingchu.

"Miss Shu, you're being polite, but it's just a gadget, of course it's okay!"

Shu Jingchu caught the jade gourd, fondly playing with it in her hand.

"Wow, what kind of jade is this made of? It feels smooth and tender and so warm?"

Wu Nianyin shook his head, "I don't know, my father left it to me!"

Speaking of the word "father", Wu Nianyin's eyes flashed with sadness.

Shu Jingchu also felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly handed the jade gourd back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"It's okay, it's just that I'm thinking about people when I see things! If Ms. Shu likes it, I'll find some better ones for you later!"

"No need, no need, I'm just curious!"

That is, when they were chatting on this side, Xue An turned into a white shadow and shuttled rapidly through the mist.

This fog is very strange, not only can it block all human exploration, it can even block the sound.

That's why these bullets didn't make any sound when they were fired just now.

But this kind of shielding is only effective for ordinary people, but it is like a joke to Xue An.

At least when his divine sense spreads, although he can't see all the secrets in it, he can vaguely detect the existence of some humanoid creatures.

But for Xue An, vague perception is enough.


When he rushed towards one of the figures, this figure also sensed his exposure, and immediately turned around and began to flee.

But how could his speed be comparable to Xue An's.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Xue An had already rushed in front of this figure.

This figure knew that there was no hope of escape, and its reaction was extremely fast.

He turned around, raised his gun, took aim, and pulled the trigger.

Countless magic circles gathered, and finally ignited the special gunpowder, which was transformed into huge kinetic energy.

The bullet rushed out of the gun at an almost terrifying speed, but such a large recoil did not shake the shooter at all.

I saw him staring at the void coldly, but the depths of his eyes were full of fear.

Because everything that happened just now has overturned his cognition.

Someone can connect the bullets fired by himself and his team members several times without warning.

And it is hard to connect with the palm of the hand.

God knows how many shocking words filled the team channel after seeing this scene.

This is incredible enough.

But what happened next broke everyone's cognition,

The young man was not afraid of the cover of the mist, and rushed into it at an extremely fast speed, with a clear goal, and came straight to his side.

At the beginning, this person didn't think that Xue An could find him.

But the fact is so cruel.

He didn't think of running away until Xue An's figure was already visible in the distance, but it was too late.

In desperation, he had no choice but to hastily fire his gun, hoping to injure him.

But everything turned into a luxury after all.

After the shot was fired, it didn't even stir up any waves, only the mist drifted back and forth.


The shooter's pupils contracted to the size of pinpoints.

Because at this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the mist.

When he fully appeared in front of the gunman, the gunman couldn't help but gasp.

Because the bullet just fired was actually bitten by the boy.

The white teeth are in stark contrast to the yellow body

But what frightened the shooter the most was the faint, imperceptible sneer at the corner of the boy's mouth.

"The marksmanship is good, but that's all!"

"Excuse me..."

Before the words of fate were spoken, a sword light flashed like a horse.


A line of blood appeared at the gunman's throat, and then expanded rapidly, and then his head shot up into the sky.

The dead body fell to the ground.

Xue An walked forward slowly, bent down and picked up the spear tightly held by the dead body.

As soon as he touched it, the gun trembled slightly, as if it was resisting Xue An.

But Xue An wiped it casually, and the remaining consciousness in the spear was erased.

Then he looked at the spear with great interest.

Its appearance is actually the same as the sniper rifles on the earth, except for the dense texture on the body of the gun, there is almost no difference.

With Xue An's cultivation level, although these patterns are extremely dense and complicated, he can see the mystery of this spear just by looking at it.

"It's a very interesting transformation. The special gunpowder is activated by the power of the runes to form a huge kinetic energy. Its power can even defeat the strong under the saint! There is something about this gun club!"

Xue An whispered to himself, and then, holding the spear in his hand, he quietly disappeared into the mist.

Chen Shichun's current feeling is simply terrible.

I thought it would be a relaxed and enjoyable assassination operation, but I didn't expect that it was not as simple as imagined.

Especially the boy who caught the bullet hard with his palm gave Chen Shichun a big jump.

In fact, according to the law of snipers, if you fail to achieve one hit, you should move quickly.

But this assassination used the precious mist to assist in order to be safe, so it would be a big loss if he just gave up like this.

So Chen Shichun gritted his teeth, and instead of ordering to retreat, he ordered his men to continue attacking.

As a result, the second sniper failed again.

This young man is like an omnipotent **** and demon, no matter how tricky the angle is, the bullets can't escape his palm.

Now Chen Shichun really felt fear in his heart.

But before she gave the order to retreat, Xue An had already rushed into the mist.

In desperation, Chen Shichun had no choice but to order his subordinates to quickly gather on his side.

But it was this order that killed her.

As the captain, she could see that the light spots in the team were going out one by one.

The extinguishment of each light spot represents the death of a subordinate.

Chen Shichun was going crazy.

She really couldn't understand what method this guy used to see through the fog.

But it's useless to think about other things now.

She knew she had no way out.

If you turn around and flee now, your death will only be worse,

So she took a deep breath, held the spear in her hand, and sneaked into the mist with the most cautious attitude in her life.

In order not to reveal her whereabouts, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com even tried her best to control her heartbeat to the same frequency as the surrounding environmental sounds.

The body temperature then dropped rapidly.

If you don't get close to observe carefully at this moment, you would never have guessed that this is actually a living person.

This is also the stunt that Chen Shichun relies on to save his life on the battlefield.

Relying on it, Chen Shichun was able to survive cruel wars again and again, and finally became the captain of this sniper team.

But now, Chen Shichun knew that the most severe test in his life was coming.

"Invincible, starting from Xianzun Daddy"

I like invincible, starting from Xianzun Daddy


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