Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2927: 1 All sins are forgiven

Everything is silent, only the fog is moving slowly.


A figure rushed towards it at an astonishing speed. Wherever it passed, the mist dispersed, forming a straight path.

Chen Shichun's heartbeat also stopped at the same time, completely integrated with the surrounding environment.

She knew that that terrible opponent had arrived.


The figure stopped abruptly after reaching the vicinity, and the mist that hadn't dispersed in time was constantly disturbing around him under the action of inertia, forming a turbulent flow like a whirlpool.

Although the distance was not far, Chen Shichun couldn't see the face of this figure clearly because of the fog.

But this is not important anymore.

I saw her raising her hand little by little at an extremely slow speed, each step was so careful that the slightest mist was not disturbed in the slightest.

Although the heart stopped beating, the blood in the body was still flowing slowly under the effect of inertia, providing energy support for Chen Shichun's movements.

All this stems from Chen Shichun's special talent.

She can make slight movements without breathing at all and without her heart beating.

It is precisely because of this that she was hailed as a natural sniper by the master who accepted her into the Musket Club.

Do not underestimate this talent.

On the battlefield, the first rule a sniper must follow in order to survive is to hide himself.

Only by hiding yourself well can you kill others!

And Chen Shichun's talent seemed tailor-made for becoming a sniper.

Just imagine, a dead person who doesn't even have a breathing heartbeat points a gun at you without your attention. What a terrifying scene it is.

That's why she was able to become the captain of a sniper team in just a few years and carry out tasks independently.

At this moment, the sniper rifle in Chen Shichun's hand was aimed at the figure on the other side of the mist.

Despite this, Chen Shichun still did not have any emotional fluctuations.

After entering this state, all her emotions were forcibly stripped away.

The slender index finger rested lightly on the trigger, and with a slight movement, the magic circle would immediately gather energy, ignite the gunpowder, and then the bullet would be ejected.

This process sounds complicated, but it actually takes less than a microsecond.

In particular, the sniper rifle in Chen Shichun's hands has been specially modified. It is more powerful and has a faster response.

Relying on it, Chen Shichun reaped the lives of no less than ten strong men above rank four.

So Chen Shichun has always felt that when his finger is on the trigger, he is no longer himself.

Instead, he became a **** who controls the life and death of others.

Flashing through his mind was the master's entrustment before he was about to die while lying in his arms.

At that time, the master was crushed half of his body by a palm, and even the most basic first aid was too late.

But even in this situation, Master still held Chen Shichun with her only remaining hand, and said in a weak but firm voice.

"Xiao Chen, your talent is far higher than mine, and your achievements in the future will be even more limitless, but you must remember that you must always be in awe of life, otherwise you will no longer be the master of the gun, but its slave!"

At that time, Chen Shichun didn't quite understand what Master's words meant, and she didn't understand until after a long time on the battlefield.

At the moment when the trigger is pulled, other people's lives are no longer his, but in your hands.

This feeling of controlling life and death can easily get lost and people lose their awe of life.

And once you lose this awe, you will gradually become a killing machine without emotion.

So Chen Shichun has been trying to find his own awe all these years.

Like this moment.

Her gun was already aimed at that figure.

Thousands of times of practice convinced Chen Shichun that no matter how strong this person is, even if he can react in less than a microsecond, he still cannot escape the lore of this shot.

So she prayed silently in her heart.

All sins are forgiven!

Then the index finger pressed down lightly and pulled the trigger.


Accompanied by a light sound that was so slight that it was hard to detect, the energy gathered, the gunpowder ignited, and then the bullet rushed out of the gun at an unimaginable speed, heading straight for the figure.

With such a short distance, the bullet rushed to the front almost instantly.

But the expected picture of the skull being smashed did not appear.

On the contrary, at this very moment, Xue An raised his hand and stretched out his **** to pinch the bullet in the air.

This is simply impossible for ordinary strong people to accomplish.

Because the time is too short, so short that you have no time to react.

But Xue An did it.

Because Xue An's divine sense is too powerful, so powerful that it can distort time.

Of course, this does not mean that Xue An can change the external time, but that he can distort his own perception of time.

In this way, the microseconds, which are astonishingly short for others, are much longer for Xue An.

That's why Xue An was able to react within this unbearable time and reach out to stop him.

But even so, Xue An's action was still a little late.

His hand had just reached midair, and his **** caught the middle of the bullet, but before he could exert any force, the bullet escaped from his hand like a slippery yellow croaker.

At this time, Chen Shichun in the distance also reacted, and a cold smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Although Xue An's blocking made her very surprised, but in the end, she was superior.

She just waited to see Xue An's head was blown to pieces.

But at this moment, another accident happened.

I saw that the bullet hit Xue An's eyebrows accurately, but when it was three inches away from his eyebrows, it was blocked by a huge force and stopped abruptly.

There was no sign of this kind of stop beforehand, as if an invisible giant hand had pressed the pause button.

But even though the bullet stopped, the huge kinetic energy did not disappear.

Under the action of inertia, the bullet was folded inch by inch from the head, and was finally compressed into a round cake.

This scene instantly froze the smile on Chen Shichun's face.

She didn't even see what was happening before the shot went off.

The great fear that came right after that caused her to escape from the hidden state in an But she didn't run away.

Because she knew very well that for an existence that could easily break her own attack, any escape behavior would be stupid.


At this moment, Xue An slowly raised his eyes and looked towards Chen Shichun.

Even with the barrier of fog, Chen Shichun was still shocked by the brilliance in these eyes.

It was a light that could burn a person's soul.

But in the next moment, a gentle voice came from behind her, "Your marksmanship is good!"


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