Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2928: The winner gets away with his body, the loser keeps his life...

Of course Chen Shichun wouldn't respond, she didn't even dare to look back at where the voice came from.

She could only stand in place like a sculpture, feeling the imposing torch-like existence behind her slowly walking towards her.

She closed her eyes in resignation, without a trace of resignation in her heart.

The battlefield is like this, willing to bet and admit defeat!

Those who win get away with their bodies, and those who lose leave their lives behind.

She is just a little pity.

It's a pity that I didn't talk about a relationship until my death.

But at this moment, she felt a light in her hand, and suddenly raised her eyes to find that her gun had appeared in the hands of the boy opposite.

This was the first time she saw Xue An's face.

The guess that he would be a burly man or an octogenarian was overturned, and the one who easily defeated himself and wiped out his entire team turned out to be an unbelievably beautiful boy.

A sigh flashed in Chen Shichun's heart.

But she didn't despise the boy in the slightest because of this.

On the contrary, her intuition as a professional killer clearly told her that the young man in front of her was even more terrifying than the prehistoric beast.

Just when she was secretly terrified, Xue An looked at the sniper rifle in his hand, then raised his head and smiled at her.

"It's an interesting gun, more refined than others, so if I'm not mistaken, you should be the captain of that group!"

At this time, Chen Shichun no longer concealed it, she nodded.


"very good!"

As soon as the words fell, a wave of divine sense engulfed Chen Shichun, dragged her up, and disappeared in place along with Xue An.

Here Wu Nianyin is waiting anxiously.

Although Shu Jingchu reassured him reassuringly, it was a matter of his own family and life, so Wu Nianyin couldn't wait calmly no matter what.

Fortunately, his torment did not last long, only a moment later Xue An came back with Chen Shichun.

"Brother Xue!" Wu Nianyin was overjoyed, and walked a few steps to Xue An.

Xue An smiled lightly and threw it away, and Chen Shichun was thrown in front of everyone.

"She is the captain who assassinated you this time!"

Chen Shichun looked at Wu Nianyin with a look of despair on his face, knowing that he would never be spared.


Before Wu Nianyin could speak, the man behind him rushed up aggressively.

"You actually intend to murder my young master, I will send you on your way now!"

"Old Zhan, stop, I have a few words to ask her!"

Only then did Lao Zhan forcefully stop his hand, and retreated to the side.

Wu Nianyin walked up to Chen Shichun, "Tell me, who bribed you to assassinate me?"

"Do you think I can say it? Do it, give me a good time!" Chen Shichun closed his eyes and waited to die.

Wu Nianyin sighed, "Actually, I know even if you don't tell me, it must be my stepmother Wu Qiaojun who bribed you to assassinate me, right?"

Chen Shichun's body trembled slightly, but he still closed his eyes and didn't speak.

"Hehe, my stepmother really took great pains to support my younger brother!" Wu Nianyin said with a sneer.

Then he turned around and said lightly, "Let her go!"

"What? Master, this..." Old Zhan was shocked.

"Don't make things difficult for her, she is just using people's money to eliminate disasters, the real one to deal with is Wu Qiaojun!"

Chen Shichun didn't expect Wu Nianyin to let him go, so he opened his eyes and looked at Wu Nianyin in astonishment.

Wu Nianyin said indifferently: "Go back and tell you the high-level members of the Musket Club, don't look at Wu Qiaojun's power now, but it's only temporary, the Wu family is Wu after all, let them weigh the pros and cons when they take on the task again!"

Chen Shichun took a deep look at Wu Nianyin, then got up from the ground, "Okay! I understand, I will definitely bring it with me!"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Xue An who was standing in the distance.

In fact, the only person she was afraid of was Xue An.

She didn't even dare to resist this unpredictable young man.

Xue An shrugged with a smile, "Since the parties don't care about it, then I have nothing to say!"

Only then did Chen Shichun let out a long breath, and then he didn't even dare to delay for a moment, turned around and fled from here.

In an instant, the surrounding fog also began to dissipate, and soon returned to normal.

Except for the bodies of snipers scattered all over the void, it was as if nothing had happened.

"Let's go, this place should not be far from your Wu family!" Xue An asked.

Wu Nianyin nodded, "If there is no delay, we can arrive in half a day at most!"

Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, there will be no more delays!"

The group left.

Not long after they left, Yin Gu and Meng Yi arrived.

The scene in the field immediately made them fall into shock.

"This..." Meng Yi was a little confused.

"Chen Shichun and the others failed!" Yin Gu said in a deep voice.

"But... but how is this possible? Senior Sister Chen led an elite team to ambush here!"

Meng Yi still couldn't believe it.

Yin Gu couldn't help but sneered, "Elite team? In front of that young master, what can you do if you are elite?"

Meng Yi gulped his saliva and remained silent.

"Let's go, now I can finally confirm one thing!"

"What's up?"

"This time we survived not because of lack of manpower, but because they didn't want to kill us!"

"Then...then what should we do now?"

"Of course I went back to report, **** it! My drones were lost for nothing!"

Yin Gu is very sure that after going back this time, the top management of the Musket Club will have new choices and judgments on this matter.

At least he won't take orders from the Samurai family as he thought it didn't matter.

But because of this, these drones of his own can be regarded as lost in vain.

Meng Yi was secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, I ran fast. Although I lost some of my men, at least my mecha didn't suffer too much damage.

Of course, this kind of emotion cannot be expressed in front of Yin Gu.

Otherwise, she would definitely tear herself apart.



As one of the five surnames of Dari, its headquarters is naturally indescribably grand and solemn.

But at this moment, this huge manor is full of eyes.

The people who came in and out were all dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, but except for some close people who were sad, the rest of the people all had strange expressions on their faces.

Among them are anxiety, greed, and the gloating of watching the fire from the other side.

All kinds of emotions were mixed, casting a layer of gloom over the funeral of the Wu family.

In the mourning hall, Wu Qiaojun, as the eldest lady, naturally had to stay here to keep watch.

Beside her is her only son, Wu Niantang who is only seven years old.

At this time, the second young master, who was ignorant of the world, was kneeling on the ground bored, not knowing what was going on in his head.


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