
A cry came from outside.

"The second master is here!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the mourning hall changed.

The people who were sitting crookedly and kneeling immediately straightened up and knelt there neatly.

Even Wu Qiaojun, who was already drowsy, quickly regained his energy, first squeezed his eyes hard, turning them red, and then quietly tugged at his son who was kneeling beside him.

Although Wu Niantang was young and ignorant, he also understood what his mother meant, and hurriedly knelt up straight, trying to express sadness on his immature face.

At this moment, a man with a burly figure and a majestic face walked into the mourning hall with his head held high.

Upon seeing him, everyone inside and outside the mourning hall was silent.

This is not only because he is the second master of the Wu family, the only half-brother of the deceased head Wu Shaoyong.

More importantly, it was because of the power in his hands.

You must know that the Wu family is extremely huge, and its wealth is even more astonishing, and apart from the lineage of the family head, it is he who holds the most financial power in his hands.

Especially now that the patriarch Wu Shaoyong died suddenly and unexpectedly, he is the most powerful person in the entire Wu family.

In this solemn atmosphere, Wu Shaobei respectfully offered three sticks of incense in front of the spirit, and then spoke casually.

"Has Nian Yin not come back yet?"

Hearing this sentence, the complexions of many people present changed.

"Go back to Second Master, Eldest Young Master, he hasn't come back yet!" An old butler said respectfully.

"Oh? It stands to reason that he should have arrived home a long time ago? Could it be something delayed on the way?" Wu Shaobei said lightly.

Now no one dared to answer.

The old housekeeper even involuntarily cast his eyes on Wu Qiaojun in the distance.

She saw her complexion change instantly, and then she lowered her head deeply, sobbing, as if she didn't hear these words at all.

But she didn't want to talk, but Wu Shaobei didn't intend to let her go.

I saw him walking slowly in front of Wu Qiaojun, and said condescendingly: "Sister-in-law, do you know what's going on?"

Wu Qiaojun trembled all over, then raised his head, forced himself to be calm and said: "Second Master is joking, I am a woman, I only know how to care for my husband and teach my children at home, how can I know about the outside world!"

Wu Shaobei took a deep look at her.

Wu Qiaojun looked very nervous, but he didn't dare to look sideways, so he could only support himself.

After a while, Wu Shaobei nodded clearly.

"That's right, I'm overthinking!"

Then he turned his eyes to look at Wu Niantang at the side.

"Is it tiring to read the church?"

Wu Niantang shook his head, "Second uncle, I'm not tired, I just want to spend more time here with my father!"

"Good boy, be filial!"

Wu Shaobei smiled and rubbed Wu Niantang's head, then turned and left.

It's just that no one noticed that the moment Wu Shaobei walked out of the mourning hall, the smile on Wu Shaobei's face disappeared instantly.

"Second Master, do you need to do something?" A follower asked in a low voice.

"Do it? What hand?"

"Everyone can see that Mr. Wu Qiao is the most suspicious of this matter, including the death of the head of the family and the assassination of the young master, so are we..."

This entourage was obviously Wu Shaobei's absolute confidant, so he spoke without any scruples, and even called Wu Qiaojun by his name.

Wu Shaobei shook his head, "No need, to be honest, this matter has nothing to do with us, after all they are fighting for the position of Patriarch, we just need to do our own thing well!"

"But..." The attendant hesitated.

"But what?"

"But everyone says that you are the most qualified to be the head of the family after the death of the head of the family. Why should you give it up to a concubine or a young child?"

"Enough! Don't mention these words in the future, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!" Wu Shaobei said coldly.

The follower closed his mouth, but his face was obviously not reconciled.

"Where is my nephew?"

"I was ambushed by the Musket Club just after entering the territory of Dari Island, but a strong reinforcement came right after that. Now I have broken through two waves of ambushes from the Musket Club, and I am about to return home!"

"Oh? Strong support? Have you found out your identity?" Wu Shaobei was obviously interested.

The entourage shook his head, "I have inquired, but there is no clue at all. It seems to be a newly born strong man!"

"The newly born strong... It seems that my precious nephew is not so simple!" Wu Shaobei said to himself, and then strode away.

And when he left, everyone in the mourning hall let out a sigh of relief.

Wu Qiaojun quickly embraced his son, and carefully stroked the top of his head, "Son, are you okay!"

"Mom, I'm fine, the second uncle praised me just now!" Wu Niantang said happily.

But Wu Qiaojun couldn't see any joy on his face.

She knows better than anyone else that what she did in secret can be hidden from anyone, but can't be hidden from this second master of the martial arts family with all eyes and hands.

That's why she was so nervous just now.

But unexpectedly, Wu Shaobei didn't seem to want to pursue this matter.

This could not help but ignite a glimmer of hope in Wu Qiaojun's heart.

Could it be that the second master of the martial arts family intends to stay out of this matter and not care about these matters?

If so, that would be great!

Wu Qiaojun was pondering in his mind, when he suddenly heard a commotion outside, and then someone shouted loudly.

"The young master is back!"

"The young master is back!"

The shouts were deafening, and Wu Qiaojun couldn't help but change his expression.

But before she could react, she saw a group of people rushing in. The leader was a handsome young man who looked like a woman, who else could it be if it wasn't Wu Nianyin?

After smashing the gun club's sniper kill, Wu Nianyin rushed to the Wu family headquarters without stopping.

There were no more waves along the way, and they arrived at their destination smoothly.

And after landing, Wu Nianyin felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and then went straight into it without saying a word.

No one dared to stop them along the way.

Because everyone knows that since the nominal heir of the Wu family has returned smoothly.

Then there will be a **** fight surrounding the position of Patriarch.

Although Wu Qiaojun is the continuation, it is not impossible to give up the position of In addition, the second master Wu Shaobei has been holding an ambiguous attitude since the death of Patriarch.

The situation becomes more complicated.

Under such circumstances, anyone with a brain would have to stay far away, not daring to offend any of them.

Because no one knows who will have the last laugh in this battle, if he offends the future Patriarch, wouldn't he be courting death!

Therefore, Wu Nianyin came to the mourning hall very smoothly. When he saw the coffin placed in the middle of the hall, Wu Nianyin fell to his knees with a plop, stepped forward on his knees, and burst into tears.

"Father, the unfilial child is one step too late!"

I like invincible, starting from Xianzun Daddy


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