Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2933: Visiting late at night is incomprehensible

Xue An had already expected this answer.

In a sense, the practice world is the same as nature, and nature selects the fittest to survive.

This is especially true for Dari Island where the sect family is most concentrated.

And a top family like the Wu family seems to be at the top of the food chain, possessing unimaginable resources and rights.

If other small aristocratic families want to survive in this cruel environment, they must be attached to a behemoth like the Wu family and live off some resources leaked from its fingers.

This seems to be a kind of feeding relationship. The Wu family usually raises these small families as pets, and if something happens, these small families will also bear the brunt and be the first to be used for bloodletting.

Today these women are living examples.

In the past, they might have been the charming daughters of their own family and had a happy life, but because of a word from the Wu family, they had no choice but to come here and play a humiliating role.

Just like this, they dare not be dissatisfied in the slightest, and even when the task cannot be completed, they are more afraid and worried than anyone else.

It is a common scene in the practice world, at least in Dari Island, where the superiors take what they want and the inferiors dare not resist at all.

This can be seen from Wu Nianyin's attitude.

Is Wu Nianyin a bad guy?

Through this period of getting along, Xue An didn't feel that Wu Nianyin was a bad person.

On the contrary, he has many advantages.

But only when dealing with these maidservants, he was very ruthless, as if treating them as goods that could be traded at will.

And this attitude obviously comes from habit.

Maybe Wu Nianyin's ancestors treated these small families like this before, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Xue An was contemplating, when he saw the servant girl who spoke before cautiously asking: "Master... Sir, you..."

She was very nervous, because this young man in white, who looked young but was actually very expensive, sat on the chair and suddenly stopped talking.

This kind of silence made her heart almost jump out, so she plucked up the courage to shout.

Xue An raised his eyes to glance at this courageous woman, and smiled slightly.

"Okay, you all retreat! If you don't dare to retreat because you are afraid that Wu Nianyin will trouble you again, then you can find a room in this courtyard to rest!"

Hearing Xue An's words, these maidservants felt relieved, hurriedly bowed and saluted, and shouted in unison: "Thank you, my lord!"

This thank you is sincere, because Xue An's actions really saved their lives.

Xue An waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

The women withdrew, but some did not.

For example, this courageous woman just stood there without moving.

Xue An glanced at her, "Is there anything else?"

The woman gritted her teeth, and then said: "Sir, in fact, I can stay and serve you, and it is absolutely voluntary..."

Such words are really difficult for a woman to say, even if this woman is quite courageous, she will blush after she finishes speaking.

Xue An just smiled lightly at this, "No need, I don't need this so-called service, go down and rest!"

"Oh!" The woman replied in a low voice, and then left with some disappointment.

To be honest, this woman was overwhelmed by Xue An's appearance and demeanor after seeing him for the first time.

At that time, she was thinking in her heart that it would not be unacceptable to serve such an invaluable young man.

But he never expected that his initiative would be rejected, so he could only leave feeling ashamed.

And after all these women left the room, Shu Jing said quietly: "I can't see that you are quite sympathetic!"

Xue An smiled, "It's not really a pity! It's just that I don't want to bring harm to the innocent just because of one of my thoughts!"

"Of course I can justifiably accept them, but that goes against my heart! I can also throw them all out mercilessly, but that will only push these women into the abyss of death."

"It's just an insignificant act that can save them from the fire and water, why shouldn't I do it?"

Hearing Xue An's explanation, Shu Jingchu was silent, and then looked at him carefully for a long time as if it was the first time she knew Xue An.

"What are you looking at?" Xue An asked.

"I always thought that people would cease to be human after reaching a certain level of cultivation, but fortunately, you are not like that, because at least you have not lost your empathy!"

Xue An laughed, "Alright, let's all go down and rest!"

Shu Jingchu and Jin Shanquan left.

The house became quiet again.

Xue An originally planned to find his wife and children in the space of spiritual thoughts, but at this moment, the surroundings were in a trance for a while, and then he heard the sound of jingling rings coming from the courtyard.

"My lord is here, the little girl is here to pay a visit, and I will see you!"

Xue An was taken aback for a moment, and then a strange look appeared on his face, but he didn't get up, but said calmly, "Since we're already in the courtyard, why don't we go inside?"

"That little girl is bothering you!"

Following the voice, a beautiful shadow walked into the room.

Before the people arrived, a gust of fragrant wind hit.

Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows.

It was Mr. Wu Qiao who came.

It's just that at this time, she has already taken off her filial piety during the day, and put on a gorgeous attire instead.

The well-groomed face is even more radiant, and coupled with the graceful figure, it exudes amazing charm in this silent night.

Xue An's heart moved, he already understood most of it, but on the surface he remained calm, he just said indifferently: "Madam Wu came to visit late at night, I don't know why?"

Wu Qiaojun smiled brightly, "There is nothing important, it's just that there is nothing to do in the middle of the night, so I just came here to talk to you, my lord!"

The wife of a dignified family ran into a man's room to talk in the dead of night.

This sounds so unreliable.

Xue An just smiled slightly, "Oh? If you have anything to say, Madam, please say it!"

Wu Qiaojun glanced at Xue An with anger and resentment, wondering why this young man is so incomprehensible.

He took a huge risk, and even used secret techniques to block all visitors around him, but he actually asked what he wanted to But in order to successfully win over this super expert, Wu Qiaojun still said with a charming smile.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask if you're still used to living here, sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

Xue An looked at Wu Qiaojun meaningfully, "Oh, if you want to say that, I really need my wife to help me with one thing!"

"No matter what it is, it's okay to talk about it, I will do my best to help you complete it!" Wu Qiaojun said immediately.

"It's so late, the courtyard door outside is still closed, and I'm too lazy to move, so please help me close the door when Madam leaves, thank you!"

"Invincible, starting from Xianzun Daddy"

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