Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2934: bring shame on oneself

The smile on Wu Qiaojun's face gradually froze.

She never dreamed that Xue An would make such a request.

"What? Didn't you hear clearly?" Xue An said calmly.

Wu Qiaojun's face turned green.

She had carefully prepared for so long, and she was confident that she would be able to easily capture Xue An with her beauty and make him use him for herself.

But he didn't expect to get a nosebleed as soon as he arrived.

This was going to blow her up.

But she didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction in front of Xue An, so she could only force a laugh.

"My lord is joking! The little girl came to visit late at night. I think you must be very clear about what it means. As long as you nod your head, the little girl will be yours tonight!"

When he said this, Wu Qiaojun's face was full of charm, and the coquettish attitude of giving and taking was enough to make people's blood boil.

Wu Qiaojun wanted to make one last attempt.

Up to now, she still thinks that this young man may be so alienated from her because of his tender face.

She doesn't believe that any man can resist her charm.

Especially the temptation to take the initiative to deliver to your door.

Xue An smiled, his smile was full of sarcasm.

"Of course I know what you mean, but I have a question!"

Xue An paused, and then said: "What makes you, a vulgar fan, so confident that anyone will bow down under your skirt?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Qiaojun finally couldn't hold it anymore, the smile on his face disappeared, and besides the embarrassment in his eyes, there was uncontrollable shame and anger.

"you you…."

But she talked to you for a long time and didn't say anything. Instead, she was so angry that she trembled all over.

This may be the first time in her life that she has suffered such humiliation.

You must know that although she was born in an ordinary family, but because of her amazing appearance since she was a child, she has always been the focus of attention no matter where she goes.

When she grew up, it was even more exaggerated. I don't know how many young Tianjiao fought for a kiss.

This phenomenon did not disappear until Wu Shaoyong, the head of the Wu family, came forward.

And although Wu Qiaojun married a man who was older than his father and was also a surname, he was not dissatisfied at all, but very happy.

After all, in the concept she had cultivated since she was a child, a woman like herself was born to marry the strongest.

It can be said that her appearance is her greatest reliance and pride.

But today, in front of this young man in white, everything he relied on was completely ignored, and even dismissed as worthless.

How can she not be angry?

But her anger was worthless, Xue An turned around and said in a calm tone.

"Don't forget to lock the door for me when you go out! It's getting late, I'm going to rest, don't send it off!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An was about to leave.

Wu Qiaojun stood where he was, his face turned blue and red, and finally turned into hatred in his eyes.

At this moment, the woman's impulse finally defeated the little reason left in her mind.

I saw her let out a piercing shrill laugh.

"Hehehehe, you sound grandiose, as if you are some kind of gentleman, but in my opinion, you are nothing more than a silver pewter tip, which is useless at all!"

As soon as these vicious words came out, Xue An stopped in his tracks, and then slowly turned around to look at Wu Qiaojun.

In fact, Wu Qiaojun secretly regretted it after he finished speaking, and felt that he should not have stimulated this young master with words.

But she really couldn't swallow the anger in her chest, so when she noticed that Xue An had stopped in her tracks, she insisted.

"What? Am I wrong? If you were a man, how could you do such a thing?"

Xue An didn't get angry, but was laughed at by this brainless woman.

"According to what you say, whoever rejects you is not a man?"

"That's right!" Wu Qiaojun puffed out her chest proudly, "With my looks, no man in the world can resist me!"

But different from what she had imagined, the boy in white in front of him laughed instead of being provoked.

The smile is full of weird meaning.

Wu Qiaojun was a little confused.

what happened?

Could it be that he was driven crazy by his own words?

At this moment, only Xue An said with a smile.

"I've always heard that some women think so highly of themselves that they don't even know how much they weigh. I thought it wasn't true. How can there be such stupid people in the world? I didn't expect to see them today!"

Wu Qiaojun blushed from being scolded, "You..."

Xue An didn't give her a chance to continue talking at all.

"Didn't you say I'm not a man if I'm not interested in you? Then today I'll let you know how ridiculous it is to know you feel good about yourself!"

"Yan'er, you've been watching it for a long time, why don't you come out!"


Who is he talking to?

Before Wu Qiaojun could react, he only heard a burst of silver bell-like laughter coming from the void.

Then, a woman gradually appeared beside Xue An.

The woman was wearing well-tailored clothes that were not ostentatious at all. Although she was simply standing there, it gave the impression that there was an extra garden out of thin air.

It's so beautiful!

And this kind of beauty made Wu Qiaojun, who is also a woman, look stupid.

She is a very jealous person, but when facing this woman, she can't even raise the slightest bit of jealousy.

Because this is an all-round, thorough crushing.

At the same time, I saw An Yan's eyes fluttering, first glanced at Wu Qiaojun who was full of astonishment, and then said softly.

"Husband, is this the woman who said you are not a man?"

Although I don't know what husband means, but the intimacy of An Yan's speech can also guess the relationship between the two.

Wu Qiaojun was completely dumbfounded.

No wonder people look down on me. With such a beautiful woman as a wife, I really feel like a stupid vulgar fan, bringing shame on myself.

Xue An smiled lightly, "Yes!"

An Yan turned her eyes to look at Wu Qiaojun, and said softly: "Girl, I can testify to this matter that my husband is a real man. As for why he is not interested in you... In fact, he just doesn't like you!"

The tone of these words is extremely gentle, but in fact there is a hidden sarcasm.

Xue An smiled knew that An Yan was angry.

Don't look at An Yan's gentle and generous performance at ordinary times, but once it concerns herself, she will hold a grudge very much.


Wu Qiaojun's face was flushed red by An Yan, and she was speechless.

If there was a crack in the ground, she really wanted to get in now.

But the matter was not over yet, because at this moment, two small heads popped out from behind An Yan.

"Sister, was this bad woman speaking ill of our father just now?"

A little girl carved in powder and carved jade asked through gritted teeth.


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