Chapter 2943 Senluo Thirteen Swords

Xue An's heart skipped a beat.

The sound of splashing water, combined with these words, could it be...

At this moment, I heard a little maid say: "Miss here!"

Then the little maid said in an envious tone: "Miss, your skin is so good, even I can't help but want to touch it!"

"Damn girl, you dare to tease your young lady, let's see how I deal with you later!"

"Hee hee, this is not making fun of you. What I said is clearly the truth. Haven't those men been unable to move their eyes away after seeing you, Miss?"

"Let's say yes, I think you are really itchy!"

Then there was an exclamation, and the little maid also fell into the water with a plop, and then the master and servant laughed together.

Although no specific picture was seen, the scene inside could be deduced from these sounds alone.

Xue An was a little embarrassed.

He swore he really didn't come here to eavesdrop.

The key point is that the girl in the bath is too uninhibited, she didn't even set up the simplest shielding circle, and just took a bath in a grandiose way.

Doesn't she know that this is the same as being undefended for a master of divine sense?

Of course, it may also be that this girl has absolute confidence in her own strength and status, thinking that no one dares to approach this room.

But she did not expect such a bold existence as Xue An.

Xue An turned his head and glanced at Nai Yingying. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were already clear.

Hurry up to see if there is any here, if not, then leave quickly.

But who would have thought that Nai Yingying's gaze towards Xue An was not anxious, but instead smiled more happily.

"How does it feel to eavesdrop? Are you excited?"

There was a chuckle in Xue An's ear.

Xue An frowned, and said with his spiritual thoughts: "Don't mess around, it's important to get down to business!"

"Tsk tsk, you don't dare to look at it with your divine sense. I have no such scruples. This chick is really good. She has smooth skin and a great figure. Are you sure you don't want to take a look?"

Nai Yingying said with a smile, her words were unscrupulous, and she called the woman in the house the word chick, completely forgetting that she was also a chick.

Xue An was furious, "Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time to spend with you, if you don't have it here, then hurry to the next place!"

But Naiying became more and more excited, "You are actually angry, I thought you would never be angry!"

Xue An remained silent, turned around and left.

He has no time to spend with this guy anymore.

Don't look at this Naiying, who is no different from a human woman in appearance or speech, but she is still an evil thing in essence.

And as long as it is an evil thing, it is impossible to speculate with common sense.


Just as Xue An turned to leave, Nai Yingying cleared his throat with an evil smile on his face.

Although the sound was not loud, it still spread far away in the silent night.


The two master and servant who were laughing in the room immediately came to their senses.

Xue An trembled even more, and immediately looked at Nai Yingying.

Nai Yingying still looked like he was watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. He opened his mouth and imitated Xue An's voice, and said into the room.

"I passed by here by chance and saw the girl's beautiful figure. I couldn't help but stop and admire it. Now I have seen enough, so I told the girl to leave now!"

As soon as this remark came out, an extremely embarrassing voice came from the room.

"Dengtuzi, go to hell!"

Following the voice, a white light rushed out of the room, and then slashed towards Naiying at a very fast speed.

Nai Yingying was unafraid, "Thank you girl for seeing me off, goodbye!"

After all, her figure quickly disappeared into the darkness, and the white light cut into nothingness.

Before disappearing, Nai Yingying smiled at Xue An.

The meaning is obvious, and the rest of the mess is up to you!

Xue An couldn't laugh or cry.

But I also know that the situation can no longer tolerate my own explanation.

If he really waited for the people inside to rush out, then he would be completely speechless.

So he immediately followed Nai Yingying and planned to hide.

But at this moment, an angry shout came from the room.

"Want to leave now? It's too late!"

With the voice, the surrounding darkness suddenly became extremely hard, even Xue An couldn't blend in.

Immediately afterwards, a rustling sound of dressing came from the room, and then a beautiful figure rushed out of it.

At this critical moment, Xue An couldn't help complaining, and then rushed towards the darkness in the distance at an extremely fast speed.

It's not that he's afraid of the woman inside, but that he doesn't want to be treated as a voyeur.

But even though he ran fast, the woman rushing out from inside was not slow.

When she saw a white light rushing towards the darkness in the distance, she thought it was the apprentice who just teased her with words.

In shame and anger, she raised her hand and slashed thirteen swords.

If anyone else is present, they will definitely exclaim.

Because this is one of Sen Luo Valley's unique techniques, the Sen Luo Thirteen Swords.

Over the years, in addition to relying on the power of the gods, Sen Luogu has also developed many unique skills.

This Senluo Thirteen Swords is one of them, and its power is quite astonishing.

This woman was able to slash thirteen swords in an instant, which shows her profound cultivation.

But an amazing scene appeared.

After catching up to the white light, the blow that he thought was sure to kill disappeared like a cow falling into the sea without even arousing the slightest wave.

The woman was shocked, her face full of disbelief.

That was a blow from her anger, the thirteen swords were extremely cold, enough to kill all the people of her level, but in the end it was dispelled without any pain.

What is the origin of this apprentice?

For a moment, the woman stopped in her tracks, her mind full of messy thoughts.

In fact, it is impossible to chase after this time.

The figure had long since disappeared into the darkness.

"Miss, who was that just now?" The little maid who was still in shock also ran out at this time.

She had obviously just changed clothes, and her hair was still wet.

The woman's face was as cold as frost, "I don't know, but it must be a rare master!"

"A master? Miss Lian, aren't you an opponent?" The little maid was even more surprised. UU reading

In her mind, her young lady is an invincible existence in the world, and she suffered such a big loss this time, the matter is obviously not that simple.

"I don't know, I will know everything after fighting, but no matter what, since he dared to do such a nasty thing, I will make him pay the price!" The woman said bitterly.

At this moment, the surrounding rooms turned on lights one after another, and many people rushed here.

After all, the movement just now was so loud, no matter how dull the people around were, it was impossible for them not to notice.

Seeing this scene, the woman took a deep breath and quickly returned to her usual cool state.

"Senior Sister Yi, what happened just now?"

The person who came first had already asked anxiously before he arrived.

(end of this chapter)


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