Chapter 2944 Night investigation

The person who came was a true disciple of Sen Luo Valley, named Lei Boping.

His qualifications are very deep, and he can even be said to be the most senior male disciple after Tang Shengen's death.

That's why he inherited the residence here logically after Tang Shengen's death.

It happened to be not far from the residence of Senior Sister Yigu Yunyi, so he was the first to rush over after hearing the noise.

Seeing that it was him, a look of impatience flashed in Yi Guyun's eyes.

What a character she is, she can naturally feel the possessiveness in Lei Boping's heart.

Although this Lei Bo usually hides it very well, the desire hidden in the depths of his eyes can't be concealed no matter what.

So her attitude towards Lei Boping has always been indifferent.

This time is no exception.

"It's nothing, it's just that I was resting in the room just now, and suddenly felt someone was peeping outside, so I fought, but the other party ran away!"

Yi Guyun didn't mention that he was taking a bath, but Lei Boping noticed something was wrong with just a glance.

Because Yi Guyun came out in a hurry, although his clothes were not messy, his long hair was floating in the air and was not tied up.

And it is precisely this slightly messy feeling that adds a charm to Yi Guyun, who is usually unsmiling.

Lei Boping's heart fluttered, knowing that Yi Guyun was not telling the truth, she was definitely not resting at that time, most likely she was taking a bath.

Thinking of this, Lei Boping felt an evil fire brewing in his belly, he hurriedly lowered his eyes, not daring to let Yi Guyun see his eyes.

"It's really unforgivable that such a thing happened, senior sister, can you see the face of the peeping person clearly?" Lei Boping pretended to be filled with righteous indignation, and said bitterly.

"No! But I can be sure that he should be in Sen Luo Valley now, and he is not far away!"

The rule of Sen Luo Valley is that whenever night falls, the gate of the valley will be closed, and no one can enter without a warrant from the owner of the valley.

Lei Boping's heart moved, if this is the case, then the peeping person should be someone inside Senluo Valley?

Thinking of this, Lei Boping felt a little angry.

Oh shit!

I have been chasing my senior sister for so long, but I haven't entered the country. I didn't expect someone to sneak in and spy on my senior sister taking a shower.

The key is to do this kind of thing without calling me in advance, it's really... unforgivable!

But at the same time, Lei Boping also understood that if it was done by someone inside Sen Luo Valley, the scope of suspicion would be too great.

Because Yi Guyun is the number one true disciple of Senluo Valley, and also has a peerless appearance, he has long been the goddess in the hearts of thousands of disciples of Senluo Valley.

I don't know how many male disciples can't sleep at night because of a kiss.

There are not a few people who can do such things as voyeurism.

Lei Boping was thinking about it, and the elder Shen Haoshen also led a group of people to rush over.

"What's going on?" Shen Hao was quite nervous.

He was about to rest just now, but suddenly felt the breath of Sen Luo Thirteen Swords, which woke him up suddenly.

His first reaction was an enemy attack.

This is because the fact that Tang Sheng'en was killed by someone has been placed in Shen Hao's heart and he can't let it go.

He has never been able to understand how Tang Shengen, who possessed the lore card of invoking the power of the gods, could be killed by someone.

The key point is that even the avatar of the **** disappeared.

This is what frightens Shen Hao the most.

So during this period of time, he has been a little restless, always feeling that there is something secretly spying on Sen Luogu, and is ready to strike at any time.

But he didn't dare to mention this feeling to outsiders, for fear that others would say that he was chasing rumors and frighten himself.

Until this evening, he suddenly felt a strange aura, and then Sen Luo Thirteen Swords broke out, and he immediately realized that something was wrong, and then began to mobilize his men to rush here.

The process took a while, which is why he was long overdue.

Yi Guyun bowed his head and said: "Elder, just now I felt that someone was secretly spying on me, so I made a move just now, I didn't expect to disturb you, I'm really sorry!"

Shen Hao waved his hand, and asked impatiently: "Can you see the face of the peeping person?"

Yi Guyun shook his head.

Shen Hao actually expected this a long time ago and couldn't help sighing.

"Forget it, as long as you don't get hurt! Everyone should disperse, if you gather like this suddenly, if you disturb the valley owner, you will be in trouble!"

Hearing Shen Hao's words, most of the people dispersed.

Only Lei Boping didn't leave, but hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward cautiously, and said in a low voice.

"Elder, Senior Sister, I don't think this matter can just be left alone. The person who was peeping in the dark obviously has evil intentions. If he is allowed to hide like this, it will obviously be detrimental to our Sen Luo Valley!"

"Then you mean..."

"I would like to invite a small team to search the Sen Luo Valley tonight. Wouldn't it be better if we could find that guy?"

Shen Hao hesitated.

He didn't worry about anything else, but he was afraid that the commotion would be too loud and disturb the owner of the valley.

Lei Boping naturally saw Shen Hao's concerns, and immediately said: "Elder, don't worry, I have my own measure, and I will definitely act carefully!"

Only then did Shen Hao nod his head, "Okay, since you have the heart, then go!"

Lei Boping was overjoyed, but he didn't forget to turn his head and say to Yi Guyun: "Don't worry, Senior Sister, I will definitely find out that guy who was peeping in the dark and bring him to you!"

Yi Guyun was noncommittal, and nodded indifferently, "Thank you!"

Although still indifferent, Lei Boping was still overjoyed.

Because this can be regarded as the first time Yi Guyun expressed his gratitude to himself.

For a moment, Lei Boping felt that he was full of energy, and seemed to have seen the bright future of the beauty in his arms, so he nodded, turned and left with a serious face.

After Lei Boping left, Shen Hao glanced at Yi Guyun who was wearing a green lotus-colored shirt, and smiled slightly.

"It's getting late, you should go back and rest early! I have another task for you tomorrow!"

"Yes!" Yi Guyun didn't ask what the task was, just nodded, then turned and went back.

After returning to the house, the water in the bathtub was still Guyun raised his hand and made several perception-shielding circles, then he took off his disguise, and sat down on the soft bed flushed with embarrassment and indignation.

"Miss, calm down. That guy just now may have deliberately angered you. Our house is made of special materials, and ordinary spiritual thoughts can't penetrate it at all. How can he see it?" the little girl comforted.

Yi Guyun gritted his teeth secretly, "I'm not angry about this!"

"Why is that?" The little maid was a little puzzled.

Yi Guyun's face was flushed, but he didn't know how to open his mouth.

She remembered the last words that voice left in her ears.

"It's a pity that it's a little small!"


Yi Guyun looked down and saw the tops of his feet.

(end of this chapter)


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