Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2946: be treated as a pervert

Chapter 2946

"A comb?" Xue An was slightly taken aback.

"What? Are you surprised?" Naiying smiled like a little fox that had successfully stolen food.

Xue An fell silent.

He is thinking.

Nai Yingying naturally saw his surprise and disbelief, so he said with a smile.

"I know you don't quite believe it. After all, you haven't felt any abnormalities in your divine sense, but judging from my talent for predicting the future, this thing is indeed the key!"

"If you still don't believe me, then there's nothing I can do!" Nai Yingying said calmly.

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Xue An just nodded slightly, "Very well, then I will trust you again this time, but if your prediction does not come true by then, then I will get back what happened today with interest!"

"No problem!" Nai Yingying replied confidently.

After hearing these words, Xue An walked outside without even looking back.

Although Shu Jingchu was confused, it didn't prevent her from asking.

"What are you going to do?"

"Someone came outside. They should have come to investigate this matter. Naturally, I'm going to perfunctory!" Xue An said lightly.

somebody is coming?

Shu Jingchu was a little dazed.

Naiying said with a smile, "I'll go with you!"

Xue An didn't pay attention to it, but walked out at a leisurely pace.


When he came outside, Lei Boping had already led his men to investigate here.

At this moment, Lei Boping was full of resentment.

Because he was full of confidence and thought that as long as he went out, he would be able to find out the truth.

Whoever thought it took a long time but got nothing.

Although he really wanted to beat him up and make all those whom he suspected, or those who hadn't dealt with him before, all suspects.

But today I don't know what's going on, but all the people I suspect have sufficient alibi.

Even if Lei Boping tried his best to arrange crimes, he couldn't do it.

How could this not make him full of resentment.

In fact, before he visited the living room, Lei Boping had already planned to give up.

It was one of his subordinates who made a suggestion to him, saying that someone from the Wu family happened to be visiting today, so why not go over there to check.

Originally, Lei Boping didn't think this would find anything, but a glimmer of hope was hope, so he came anyway.

Coincidentally, just as he arrived at the door, Xue An also arrived.

When he saw Xue An, who was dressed in white like snow and had picturesque features, a trace of jealousy suddenly appeared in Lei Boping's heart.

Oh shit!

This guy is really a good skin!

The key point is that Lei Boping hasn't felt any traces of carving.

This shows that Xue An's looks are all born with him.

You must know that as a monk, you can actually modify your appearance, but this will bring two disadvantages.

The first is that the modified appearance cannot last for a long time, and it needs to be maintained by cultivation from time to time.

This can be said to be an unbearable burden for those who are determined to make progress, so any monk who has a little pursuit will not modify his appearance.

Even those female monks who pay more attention to their external image will only make minor changes.

But this is not the main reason. The main reason is that when you modify your appearance, what you change is only your external appearance, and your soul or consciousness is still the same as before.

This creates a mismatch situation.

Although it's only a slight mismatch, don't underestimate this change.

After all, in the competition between masters, a slight difference in wind direction may lead to a very different result.

So Lei Boping didn't dare to modify his appearance.

But he didn't feel any incongruity from the boy in white in front of him.

There is only one possibility, that is, the boy's appearance is innate.

Oh shit!

It's really unfair to grow up like this and have such a high talent!

Lei Boping complained secretly in his heart, and the expression on his face became gloomy and cold.

"I'm Lei Boping, the true disciple of Senluo Valley. Just now something happened in the valley, so I want to check around. Are you a guest here today?"

Xue An nodded, "Yes!"

"Then what were you doing just now? Have you ever left the living room? To be honest, you must not hide anything!" Lei Boping said viciously.

Xue An wasn't angry, but rather amused.

Because he only heard impotent rage from Lei Boping's words.

"I just slept in the house, what's the matter?"

"Sleeping?" Lei Boping looked at Xue An suspiciously, "Who can prove it?"

"What? Do I need to prove that I sleep alone?" Xue An said calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, you said you were sleeping, why did you suddenly come outside?"

"That's because I heard the commotion outside and didn't know what was going on, so I came here to take a look, why? Are people not allowed to come out and take a look?" Xue An said neither humble nor overbearing.

Don't look at Lei Boping's menace, but in Xue An's eyes, he is stern and weak, and his whole body is full of flaws.

Lei Boping was not a fool either, so he could naturally hear the sarcasm in Xue An's words.

This couldn't help but make his heart more angry.

"I think you're just denying it, take it back and interrogate it first!" Lei Boping said viciously.

Xue An smiled, "It's so majestic, I am your honored guest of Senluo Valley, even your parents and elders should respect you, but you dare to be so rude?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you can't tell what you did tonight, that's your weakness, I just want to arrest people, I don't care about the rest!" Lei Boping simply started to play tricks.

These people under him are even more ready to move.

Xue An's smile gradually turned cold.

He really did not expect to meet such a group of unreasonable people.

He dared to arrest people without any scruples based on just guesswork.


His guess was wrong and it turned out to be true.

But of course Xue An would not admit it.

He would rather turn against Sen Luogu now than plead guilty to the crime of peeping.

And just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Naiying arrived suddenly.

As soon as I arrived at the scene, I heard her say with a smile: "Master, what's the matter? Why did you get up suddenly after sleeping well? I haven't had enough rest yet, servant girl!"

The voice is soft and It makes people feel comfortable just by listening to it.

Lei Boping and the others looked up.

At this moment, Naiying jumped up and down to Xue An's side, grabbed Xue An's arm, and said with a charming face.

"Master, you should say something!"

Xue An's eyelids twitched slightly.

He naturally understood Nai Yingying's intentions, which was obviously helping himself.

Somehow, he would have preferred that such help had never occurred.

Because it is easy to be regarded as a pervert.


The eyes of Lei Boping and others gradually changed from the initial surprise to a meaningful stare.

(end of this chapter)


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