Chapter 2947

Because Nai Yingying's appearance is too easy to cause misunderstanding.

Especially when she took Xue An's arm, she was set off like a child.

And everyone heard what she just said.

Why do you get up suddenly, haven't rested well...

Just listening to it is mind boggling.

Lei Boping took a deep look at Xue An.

I really didn't expect that the seemingly dignified and upright appearance is actually such a flamboyant play.

But... so envious!

When can I find such a tender girl! Lei Boping secretly drooled.

Xue An naturally also noticed the strange meaning in the eyes of Lei Boping and others, but it was too late to explain it now.

Besides, Xue An didn't bother to explain to these people, as long as he had a clear conscience, as for what others thought, that was their business, and had nothing to do with him.

At this time, Wu Shaobei and the others also rushed over, and Wu Shaobei's pupils shrank when he saw Nai Yingying who was holding Xue An's arm intimately.

I guessed right.

This woman really has a lot to do with Xue An.

Fortunately, I didn't offend this woman before!

Wu Shaobei was secretly rejoicing.

Seeing so many people here, Lei Boping was also afraid that the incident would cause unnecessary attention. After all, what Shen Hao said was clear, so don't alarm the owner of the valley.

So he hastily coughed lightly.

"Ahem, it seems that I did make a mistake, so farewell!"

After speaking, Lei Boping led the people away.

Wu Shaobei and the others looked at each other, and at this moment Xue An said calmly: "Okay, let's all go back and rest!"


People are leaving.

Shu Jingchu took a deep look at Nai Yingying who was holding Xue An's arm and refused to let go, then turned her head and left immediately.

Soon, only Xue An and Nai Yingying were left in the vast night.

Even so, Nai Yingying still hugged Xue An's arm intimately, without any intention of letting go.

Xue An frowned, "Everyone is gone, why don't you let go?"

"Hee hee, what's wrong with hugging too much? Do you still dislike me?"

Xue An nodded, "You guessed it right!"

Nai Yingying showed a sad look on his face, "He helped you with good intentions, but you demolished the bridge when you crossed the river, and still despise him, you really have no conscience!"

The voice is soft and waxy, combined with Nai Yingying's image of a loli with ponytails, it can indeed arouse the desire for protection in most men's hearts.

It's a pity that Xue An was not among the majority of men, and he was not moved by them, but said coldly.

"Do you think these tricks of yours are very tempting?"

Nai Yingying pursed her lips, "You're at the murderer's house again!"

Xue An sneered, and suddenly leaned down and whispered in Nai Yingying's ear, "Believe it or not, if you dare to speak like this again, I will let you know what pain is in the next second!"

Nai Yingying's smile did not change, but her eyes suddenly turned dark.

"Is there something wrong with me? Why aren't you moved at all?" Naiying said lightly.

"It's very simple, because no matter how cleverly you pretend, you are still an evil in my eyes!" Xue An said bluntly.

The smile on Nai Yingying's face quickly subsided, and then let go of her hand.

"You and I are just partners based on a common goal, so I hope you can weigh your position clearly, especially this kind of trick is best not to let me see it again in the future! Do you understand?"

Nai Yingying nodded, "Understood!"

"Very good, I hope that the future cooperation will be smooth sailing, instead of your pretentious hypocrisy!"

After Xue An finished speaking, he turned and left.

He didn't feel good about this naiyingying.

Especially after tonight's incident, he was even more vigilant.

No matter how well this Naiying is disguised, it is still an evil thing in essence.

And since it is an evil thing, it is destined not to be speculated and understood from a human perspective.

So no matter how Nai Yingying performed in the future, Xue An would just sit on the sidelines and not be moved by it at all.

I hope this will calm her down a bit!

This was Xue An's last thought, but he never expected that just as he turned to leave, a strange smile appeared on Naiying's face.

"Are you sick... You summed it up really well!"

"But you don't know, it's not my performance!"

At the end, Nai Yingying licked his lips, the black light in his eyes gleamed, making people shudder.

And so the night passed.

At dawn the next day, Shen Hao brought people to the living room.

Wu Shaobei and the others had naturally woken up.

Shen Hao's face was full of smiles, as if the riot last night never happened at all.

"Is everyone resting okay?"

Speaking of these hypocritical superficial articles, Wu Shaobei, as the second in command of the Wu family, is naturally familiar with it, and immediately laughed.

“The rest was simply fantastic!”

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go. The owner of the valley has already heard the news. He is very happy to know that it is you who came in person, Second Master Wu. Let me take you there!"


The group followed Shen Hao to the depths of Sen Luo Valley.

From the outside, this Senluo Valley is not big, but in fact, there is something else inside.

It took a group of people a quarter of an hour to fly through the densely packed rocky area and arrive at the real core of Senluo Valley.

This is an extremely wide highland, and the mountains on both sides are sunken inward.

This feeling is as if the two mountains have turned into two giant hands, holding this highland within.

An extremely magnificent palace was built on the high ground.

After arriving at the gate of the palace, the group of people all stopped.

It wasn't the first time Wu Shaobei came here, so he behaved fairly calmly.

Shu Jingchu and Jinshanquan were quite amazed.

Because only when you get closer can you appreciate the grandeur of this palace.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the two of them, Shen Hao couldn't help but feel a little proud.

But when he saw Xue An, the pride in his heart gradually dissipated.

Because he couldn't see any joy or anger on the boy's face.

He was as calm as a piece of ice, exuding a slight chill.

And Nai Yingying who was standing beside had a pair of ponytails dangling back and forth, showing no sign of surprise.

Shen Hao couldn't help feeling a little doubt in his heart.

Lei Boping had already reported to him what happened last night.

At that time, he also felt that Xue An was quite suspicious.

But since he couldn't come up with real evidence, he had no choice but to let it go.

And looking at today's performance, this Xue An is obviously not an ordinary person.

Then why was such an outstanding young man not famous before?

However, all these doubts disappeared after seeing Yi Guyun who was standing in front of the door to meet him.

In any case, since the martial arts family intends to rely on this young man to gain the limelight, they have to suppress their arrogance no matter what they say today.

(end of this chapter)


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