Chapter 2972 ​​I am invincible

But at this moment, a burst of extreme cold came from the tip of the fire-pointed spear, and spread upward at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the fire-pointed gun was covered by thick ice crystals, and even the burning flame above it was frozen.

Nezha wanted to let go, but it was too late, his arms were also frozen by the cold, and quickly spread to his chest and abdomen.

Seeing that the spider silk was about to cover it, at this moment, the space was shaken, and the spider silk was directly thrown out.

Xue An appeared behind Nezha and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back violently.


The ice crystals shattered, and Xue An fled away with Nezha.

Without the source of cold energy, the ice crystals on Nezha's body were nothing but rootless water, which melted away in the blink of an eye.

But Nezha's face was covered with frost.

The blow just now made him feel ashamed of being arrogant by nature, so he wanted to strike again.

Xue An stopped him, then shook his head.

Nezha could barely hold back the anger in his heart, and stood where he was without saying a word.

Then Xue An looked at the giant spider coldly.

"Actually, I've always had a doubt!"

"Oh? What doubts, tell my sister!"

"With your strength, you should have noticed it from the moment I stepped into this universe, but why did you not attack me until now?"

"Heck, heck, I believe you already have the answer in your heart, so why ask me again?"

"No!" Xue An stepped forward, his eyes were as cold as ice and he said, "I just want to ask!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you! Did you think we didn't want to attack you before? It's just that there is an existence that even several adults are afraid of has been protecting you, so we can't do it ourselves! But now the existence that protects you is unknown, and you will become the target that will be eliminated in the next step!"

"But to be honest, Xue An, the speed at which you grow up really scares us all. How long has it taken you to reach such a height? That's why the lord sent me here in person to kill you once and for all!"

"Who is the adult you speak of?"

"Heck, heck, I've answered enough of your questions, do you think it's still possible to continue talking?"

"Be obedient, let my sister spoil you, and then become my favorite collection, what do you think?"

As the giant spider said, Xue An already had the answer before, and the reason why he asked again was just to confirm his guess.

And after hearing what the giant spider said, Xue An sneered, "Actually, I already know if you don't want to say it!"

"Oh? What do you know?"

"The guys I slaughtered before either didn't know who the real behind-the-scenes instigator was or said some vague words. Only you can clearly and unmistakably call them adults, so..."

"I'm already very close to them now, and I've even really threatened them, that's why I'm so impatient to kill me, right?"

Both faces of the giant spider gradually became gloomy, "Xue An, you really deserve your reputation, no wonder that idiot Shu Ming thought he could kill you with just one avatar, but it turned out to be the opposite and became a laughing stock between us!"

"That's right, your growth rate is indeed very fast, and the adults do regard you as a serious problem, but that is all in the past. From today on, this world will never have you again!"

After the words fell, the giant spider's two mouths opened together, spitting out a sky full of spider silk.

"Hehe, it's as if you can kill me!"

Xue An sneered, and thrust forward with both hands suddenly, a bright sword glow erupted from the palm of his hand.

Then a huge sword appeared in front of everyone.

At Xue An's level, every gesture has infinite power, not to mention the sword energy that Xue An is most good at summoning at this moment.

With the long sword in his hand, Xue An cut off the spider threads in the air with a quick swipe.

Immediately after, Xue An took a step forward, stabbing with the long sword.

This sword is too fast to describe.

Even the sun and the moon will be pierced by this sword.

But the giant spider didn't even hide, mocking smiles appeared on both faces, and then they both opened their mouths and exhaled.

Two brilliance, one red and one blue, quickly formed a shield in front of him.

boom! boom!

After two loud bangs, although the long sword pierced through the shield, its forward speed inevitably slowed down.

Not only that, but because of the severe temperature difference, tiny cracks appeared on the sword body composed of countless sword glows.

When it came in front of the giant spider, it suddenly melted like a burning candle.

In the blink of an eye, the long sword shattered and disappeared, and the force of the countershock knocked Xue An back a few steps.

The giant spider laughed wildly triumphantly: "Xue An, do you know why I sent two phantoms to attack you before? It was just to break your sword energy!"

"Because that's the only thing that can threaten me. As long as the sword energy is ineffective, you are just a fish on the sword in my eyes!"

Of course, Xue An couldn't be swayed by its words. The moment the sword shattered, Xue An exhaled and punched!

This fist contains all the principles of boxing that Xue An has learned since he practiced, it can destroy life and death, and break chaos.

But the giant spider didn't even dodge, it just stood where it was and took Xue An's punch forcefully.


A loud noise brought a violent shock wave.

But the giant spider at the center of the storm remained motionless, but Xue An was pushed back tens of meters.

But Xue An didn't give up. Almost when he was backing away, a red glow between Xue An's brows shone like a star, and his sea of ​​consciousness launched with all his strength, and his substantial spiritual thoughts condensed into giant palms, which descended from the sky, vowing to smash this giant spider into meatloaf.

But the giant spider just exhaled lightly, and then this shocking blow was blown away like a cloud.

so far.

The three waves of sword repair, physical skills, and divine sense attacks were completely ineffective.

Then the giant spider laughed wildly.

"Xue An, what my sister said before, it is impossible for you to survive today, because now I am immune to all physical and mental attacks!"

"Even the only sword energy that can pose a threat to me has failed under my analysis!"

"I am truly invincible now! What are you fighting against me with?"

"Surrender obediently, my sister can let you leave the world in extreme joy, and I promise you won't have any pain at all!"

Desperation appeared on the faces of many people.

Because if everything is as the giant spider said, then it is really invincible.

Immune to all physical and mental attacks, UU Reading www. Then how do we fight this battle?

Xue An stood there with a face as heavy as water, his face was slightly pale.

Although the shock just now didn't hurt him, it also put a lot of pressure on him.

Nezha's face was also ugly, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was as fierce as fire, and he was not at all depressed.

"Xue An, take a rest first, then replace me!"

?? Let me say a word of apology first, this month's update is indeed very hip, and I know everyone's feelings very well! But this month, I don't know what's going on, I can't write, even if I know the plot behind it, the words I write are extremely dry and tasteless! In addition, I have had a headache for the past two days, so I have been breaking updates! I'm so sorry! Even today's two updates were made by me abruptly, and there are 10,000 words in the waste manuscript alone! I might need to see a psychiatrist!



(end of this chapter)


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