Chapter 2973 Burning Ice

Xue An stretched out his hand to stop him, and said calmly: "Don't go over, it's impossible for you to defeat this guy by yourself!"

Nezha raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of evil spirits.

If someone else had said that, he would have blown up a long time ago.

But facing Xue An, he could only forcefully suppress the anger in his heart.

"Then what should we do? Do we just stare at this guy showing off his might in front of us?"

"of course not!"

Xue An raised his eyes to look at the extremely arrogant and domineering giant spider in the distance, his expression was terribly cold.

"Senior, do you believe in invincibility?"

Nezha pouted, "I don't believe it, I only believe in myself!"

"Actually, I believe it, but it is definitely not the kind of invincibility that this four-legged worm boasts. In my opinion, there is only one person who is truly invincible!"



After the words fell, Xue An rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, launching an indiscriminate attack on the giant spider.

Looking at Xue An's back, Nezha was a little stunned at first, and then smiled.

This guy... is even prouder than himself in some places!

But that's not bad, after all, the younger generation of the Chinese race should have such a spirit of swallowing the sky.

At the same time, Yang Fu's gloomy expression, who was watching the battle outside the crowd, was also slightly moved.

Especially when he saw Xue An displaying all kinds of martial arts skills as if showing his own strength, hitting the giant spider back again and again, he couldn't help flashing a look of admiration in his eyes.

This kid... has a bit of backbone!

If it were anyone else, they probably would not have dared to do it, and they would have been paralyzed by fright!

After all, in the face of a huge evil that can be immune to physical and mental attacks at the same time, it is good for ordinary people not to be intimidated, so let's talk about doing it.

But... would such an attack really work?

Yang Fu was skeptical.


At this moment, the giant spider that was being covered by Xue An's fists suddenly sneered.

"Have you had fun playing?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they heard a loud noise, and Xue An was thrown hundreds of feet away.

Then people discovered that after being baptized by Xue An's fists and kicks, not only was this giant spider not injured, it even got bigger and bigger.

On the other hand, Xue An's complexion turned pale, obviously exhausted.

"Sometimes I really don't understand what you people are insisting on. Knowing that you are not an opponent, you go forward to die desperately. Is this what you humans call self-moving?" The giant spider sneered.

Xue An didn't respond, but the whole person gradually calmed down, only a pair of eyes were frighteningly bright, like a piece of burning ice.

"you are wrong!"

"Huh?" The giant spider was a little surprised.

"You think that what I did was useless and I was moved by myself, but you are wrong!" Xue An said indifferently, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"You are indeed immune to physical and mental attacks, which seems to make you invincible, but it is... not!"

The giant spider was startled, but soon it laughed.

"Giggle! It's so funny, it seems that you know me very well, so tell me where is my weakness?"

The tone was casual and full of sarcasm.

Xue An ignored its provocation, but turned his head to look at Yi Guyun in the distance.

"Miss Yi!"


This cry woke up Yi Guyun who was in pain and couldn't extricate himself.

Xue An could naturally see the sadness and hesitation on her face, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart, then raised his hand and pointed at the giant spider in the distance.

"Miss Yi, are there any members of your clan who were swallowed by this giant spider?"

Yi Guyun nodded, his eyes were full of tears and hatred, "Yes! My father and all the people of my family have been buried in this guy's belly!"

"Heck, what should I say? So that's what I'm asking, that's right! I've indeed devoured the people of this little girl, so what?" the giant spider sneered.

But Nai Yingying, who had been silent all this time, suddenly lit up at this moment, and then looked at Xue An with strange eyes.

He suddenly asked about this, could it be...

The corners of Nai Yingying's mouth gradually raised, and she felt that she had understood Xue An's thoughts.

He couldn't help but marvel at Xue An's keen insight.

In comparison, the clamoring giant spider is just like a fool except for its domineering rules.

At this moment, Xue An waved his hand.

Yi Guyun came to Xue An's side.

"Miss Yi, can I borrow your cloud bow next?"

Without any hesitation, Yi Guyun took off his hair and cloud bow and handed them to Xue An.

"Mr. Xue, please take care!"

Yi Guyun is not a fool, so he naturally understands that if he wants to take revenge, he can only pin his hopes on Xue An.

Xue An smiled slightly, turned around and left.

At this moment, the giant spider became more and more calm.

It thought that it was already an undefeated golden body, and none of the people present could escape from its control, so it was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, the old **** stood where he was, and wanted to see how Xue An would deal with him.

When it saw Xue An borrowing a cloud bow from Yi Guyun, it couldn't help laughing.

"I thought you could come up with some earth-shattering idea, but this is the end? Do you know that when I devoured these guys, the cloud bow they used was much more powerful than the one in your hand, but the result still couldn't help me!"

Xue An didn't talk nonsense with it at all, he just drew his bow and set an arrow, and then shot it out.

The long arrow condensed by the cloud flew through the air at an extremely fast speed, and directly hit the giant spider's abdomen.

With a bang, the long arrow shattered, but the giant spider remained motionless.

"Hahahaha Xue An, are you here to be funny? This is not even scratching my itch. Are you planning to use this method to laugh me to death?" The giant spider laughed wildly.

Xue An was not moved at all, but just said silently in his heart.


Immediately afterwards, Xue An raised his bow and arrow again.


It was another arrow, still hitting the giant spider's abdomen.


The giant spider snorted coldly, "It seems that you really don't give up! Forget it, I don't have the mood to be hypocritical with you anymore, go to hell!"

The speed of the giant spider was extremely With four long legs kicking in the air, its huge body turned into a phantom and rushed towards Xue An.

That feeling is like a mountain flying straight, full of indescribable oppression.

Xue An's face was as heavy as water, and he stood in place without avoiding it, and then he raised his bow and arrow again.


The long arrow pierced the giant spider's abdomen, but it still didn't cause any waves, as if what Xue An had done was useless.

Now Shu Jingchu was a little anxious.

"Xue An!"

She thought Xue An was frightened, so she sounded a reminder.

Xue An turned his head and smiled at her, and was directly swallowed by the giant spider in the next second.

(end of this chapter)


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