Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2982: Your Excellency is missing

Chapter 2982 The adults are missing

"Chu Mie, don't think that I'm injured, you have the right to show off in front of me!"

"If I want to kill you, it's no more difficult than crushing a bedbug!" Shu Ming said viciously.

Zhumi laughed wildly when he heard the words.

Although the blow just now knocked it away, it didn't cause any damage to it.

"Shu Ming, do you believe what you said? Even if you can kill me now? You must know that the probability that I have can fill the entire space-time of the universe!"

"Unless you can annihilate all the atoms in the entire universe once, you won't be able to destroy me!"

Shu Ming's huge eyes were full of chill, but he didn't continue to move.

Because it knows that Creep is telling the truth.

This guy is far more weird than himself.

All this stems from the rules it masters.


To be precise, it should be the probability possibility of quantum fluctuations!

If it is explained in human language, it has all the possibilities from the perspective of quantum mechanics!

In layman's terms, in the ordinary world, a ball can only land on a certain point, which is fixed.

But it's very different in the quantum world.

A ball may fall on point b or point acdefo!

This cannot be explained with real-world concepts.

And this creep has a special ability, which can transform itself into a quantum form, and has infinite possibilities at the same time.

This is why its figure looks like it is made of countless black shadows superimposed together.

And this kind of rule also makes it extremely difficult to deal with, and it can even be said that it is truly immortal.

Because no one can eliminate countless possibilities at the same time.

As long as there is a possible mistake, it will be resurrected without injury.

"To be honest, I didn't come here to fight with you this time, but to discuss serious matters!" Zhu Mie appeared directly in front of Shu Ming, and smiled lightly.

"Deal with serious matters?" Shu Ming sneered, "Where were you when I was leading the lord to fight that great **** to the death? Why didn't you say that you had business matters to discuss with?"

"Heck, how can you blame me? You also know that although I have a thick skin, my attack methods are lackluster. If I rush forward and get rid of it, it will do nothing but cause trouble for you. Why don't you obediently step back and stand aside to cheer for you!"

"Hmph! It's nice to say, I think you are afraid of death!"

"Of course I am afraid of death. Is there anyone who is not afraid of death? And you must know better than anyone else that the horror of that great **** is far beyond what you and I can guess. Although my rules are amazing in defense, if the great **** really wants to kill me, he may not even need a fist. One finger is enough. In this case, how can I not think about myself?" Creeping plausibly.

Su Ming did not refute.

For evil things like them, the word of destruction is the prevailing value.

Although naked, it is also very real.

"Okay, tell me why you came here!" Shu Ming said coldly, obviously not planning to entangle this topic with it anymore.

Creeping's voice raised an octave, "Did you know, my lord is missing!"

"What? Missing?"

This sentence is like a stone breaking the sky, even if it is a sudden sound, I can't help shaking my whole body.

"What's going on? Didn't your lord go to look for the body of the fallen god? Why did he suddenly disappear?"

"Then how do I know, anyway, all I know is that the contact with the lord has been completely severed. The last time I contacted, the lord seemed to have gone somewhere deep, and then I never got in touch again!"

Shu Ming's eyes gradually became dignified.

Things are far more serious than it imagined.

In order to destroy the great god, Shu Ming and many top evil gods fought an arduous battle under the leadership of the adults, and finally succeeded in defeating the great god.

But this battle that cost the lives of many top evil gods fell short.

Because although the great **** was defeated in battle, the body was not left behind, but just disappeared.

This can be described as a thorn in the throat for adults.

Because at their level, let alone a corpse, even a single cell can be revived.

So the adults began to search the world, trying to find the body of the defeated great god.

But Shu Ming, who was seriously injured at that time, could only choose to sleep.

But I didn't expect that the first news I heard after waking up was that my lord was missing!

"Could it be related to that great god?" Shu Ming said in a deep voice.

As soon as these four words were mentioned, even the trembling Creep Mie could not help but pause for a moment, and then tremblingly said: "Then who knows, anyway, the lord is indeed missing!"


There was a long silence.

Both Shuming and Creeping can be said to be existences standing at the top of countless planes, but they are scared out of their wits by an existence whose life and death are uncertain. This also shows the power of this great god!

"Then what did you come to see me for?" Shu Ming hoarsely said.

"Because of Xue An!" Zhu Mie said bluntly.

"Oh? Xue An? What happened to him?"

"My lord once told you to find a way to eliminate this Xue An!"

"So what? At that time, I was seriously injured, so I could only create a clone, but Xue An was destroyed. You know that. After all, Xue An is favored by thousands of fortunes, and even adults are unwilling to directly attack him!"

"Then let me tell you now, not only did you fail, that idiot giant spider also failed, and he even took his own life!" Zhu Mie made no secret of his gloating.

"Giant spider? That guy actually attacked Xue An?"

"That's right! It thought that Xue An had lost its protection, and tried to take the credit, but ended up failing!"

Shuming was also happy, and it was also full of disdain for the giant spider.

"He deserves to die!"

"However, this Xue An has a few tricks. He actually assembled the Xuanyuan Mirror and is now merging!"

Zhu Mie's words directly shattered Shu Ming's happiness, "What did you say?"

"I said Xue An is about to fuse the Xuanyuan Mirror!" Zhu Mie appeared on both sides of Shu Ming at the same time, looked at it with changing eyes, and said with a smile.

"You shouldn't be afraid!"

Shuming snorted coldly but did not respond.

"Actually, it's normal to be afraid. It's the Xuanyuan Mirror, an ancient god, and it happens to be able to restrain your rules, so it's not shameful for you to be afraid!"

"But I still want to tell you one thing. Even the giant spider died at the hands of this Xue An. At this time, his luck has reached a point where it is difficult to check and balance. If he doesn't make a move, when he holds the full version of Xuanyuan Mirror, even you will have to bow your head and wait to die!"

Shuming's eyes finally changed, "So this is why you came to me? Are you so kind?"

Zhu Mie chuckled, "Although you and I are enemies, I don't want to just sit back and watch a human kid grow stronger, and if he kills you, then no one can subdue him except adults!"

"Just now that his backer has collapsed, it's a good time for us to do it!"

"Otherwise, once the opportunity is missed, it will be too late to regret!"

(end of this chapter)


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