Chapter 2983 Dimensional Barrier

Shu Ming quietly looked at the opposite Zhu Mie, his eyes were full of coldness.

"So you just want me to do it after talking so much?"

"Of course it's not for you to deal with Xue An alone, I will also assist you!"

"How to help? Stand behind and wave the flag?" Shuming sneered.

When it and many evil gods attacked the great **** under the leadership of the adults, the only thing this wrecking mie did was to stand behind and wave the flag, so now Shuming will speak ironically.

But how could Zhu Mie care about these things? Hearing this, he giggled, "Of course not. In fact, my task this time is even more difficult than yours."

"Hehe!" Shuming sneered and said nothing, not believing it at all.

Zhu Mie was not in a hurry, and said lightly: "Do you know that the current Xue An is not a perfect body at all, but only a spiritual body?"

Of course Shu Ming couldn't even see this, so he asked, "So what?"

"How? Hehe, if my predictions are correct, this Xue An's body must be stored in the heavens, and as long as his body is destroyed, the current Xue An will inevitably be weakened! After all, for human monks, the body is the foundation of everything, and even more so, the spirit!"

"Although this Xue An's spirit is strong enough to exist independently of his body, it is impossible to violate this law!"

"So what? Can you descend to the heavens to destroy Xue An's body?" Shu Ming said coldly.

"Why not?" Creeping said meaningfully.

Shocked, he blurted out: "How is that possible? Existences like you and me cannot break through the barriers of dimensions at all. Even if we descend by force, we can only send a clone over."

"I don't think this Xue An is a fool, his body will be properly kept, so a mere clone will not help at all!"

"Hehe, who said I'm going to descend as a clone?" Zhu Mie chuckled lightly.

"and you…."

"You have to know that although the dimensional barrier is indestructible, it is not completely insurmountable, right!" Zhu Mie said with a smile.

Shu Ming's heart was full of shock, "How is this possible..."

The reason why the dimensional barrier is called a barrier is because it is invulnerable.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many powerful people have tried to break through this barrier, marching from high-dimensional to low-dimensional, but all of them failed.

This is like a magic spell set when a world was born, no matter how high your ability is, you can never enter the low-dimensional world unscathed.

And it is this rule that protects all living beings in the low-dimensional universe.

Otherwise, such as Shuming existed in the past, and countless galaxies might be wiped out in one breath.

But now listening to the meaning of creeping, it seems that there is a way to bypass the dimensional barrier.

How could this not shock Shuming.

"Of course it's impossible under normal circumstances, but now I have a rare opportunity to help me bypass the barrier and enter the heavens with only a loss of part of my strength!"

"What opportunity?" Shu Ming asked immediately.

"Hey, look what this is!"

A large group of black shadows appeared in front of him, and then the silhouette inside gradually appeared.

Shu Ming opened his eyes wide, "This...isn't this the corpses of those evil gods who died in battle?"

"That's right, and this is exactly the opportunity I said!"

Then through the explanation of Zhumi, Shuming finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that because of the special rules it has mastered, it has done a lot of research on dimensional barriers.

He accidentally discovered that this meta-barrier is not really invulnerable, but its threshold is very high, unimaginably high.

The threshold mentioned here does not refer to the general energy or the vitality of heaven and earth, but the real soul of life.

So in fact, you can also regard this threshold as some kind of sacrifice.

As long as you can sacrifice 90% of your soul, you can cross the dimensional barrier at a very low cost.

In fact, it is not that no one has discovered this, but no one has ever done it.

The reason is very simple. If you sacrifice 90% of your soul, you will be disabled even if you don't die. What is there to travel through?

But when Zhu Mie realized this, his eyes lit up and he kept it in his heart.

Until this war, this loophole finally came in handy.

Shu Ming looked at the triumphant creep, but an uncontrollable chill rose in his heart.

Although they are both evil things, the behavior of creeping and destroying is a bit out of bounds, and even makes Shuming feel a little disgusted.

The method of creeping out is very simple, isn't it a sacrifice of the soul?

So as long as the sacrifice is not your own soul, isn't it all right?

As for how to cheat the dimensional barrier...

The rules mastered by the perishing lead to its profound attainments on the journey of the soul.

After these evil gods died in battle, they immediately sealed up their corpses.

Even the remaining souls inside are sealed up.

Until today, when it is used, Wing Mie first unseals the seal, then forcibly extracts the remaining souls through its own rules and then incorporates them into its own body.

In an instant, the wrecking soul had a terrifying increase.

But this is destined to be only a flash in the pan, because these souls have long since died, and even if they are forcibly fused, they will dissipate in a very short time.

But that's enough.

Zhu Mie Chong slammed and laughed, "I descended to the heavens to deal with Xue An's physical body, and you go to Feixian Temple to clean up Xue An's spiritual body that is merging with Xuanyuan Mirror. Let's go separately, what do you think?"

At this point, even though he was wary of this creep, Shu Ming had no other better choice, so he nodded.


"Then I'll go first!"


The huge soul disappeared in an instant, and the corpses of these evil gods on the ground were also turned into fly ash.

Then the wrecking figure disappeared in place.

Shu Ming, who is in charge of the law of time, can feel that just now a black shadow passed through the barrier of dimensions, and then disappeared.

Shu Ming took a deep breath, and his originally huge body quickly compressed.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a small dragon that was not more than a li long and was completely white.

"Xue An, I don't believe that you can survive in such a killing situation, and as long as you die, the luck of the Chinese people will completely dissipate, and at that time, even if the great **** who protects you is still alive, there is nothing you can do!"

Shu Ming swayed his body, directly merged into this wilderness of time, and disappeared.

At the same time, in the entire high-dimensional universe, all the evil creatures hiding in the dark, sleeping or awake, received the same command.


In an instant, the entire high-dimensional universe shook in darkness, and countless ancient evils began to recover, and their targets were directed at Feixian Temple.

The war is coming.

Many tyrannical people couldn't help but feel something in their hearts, and looked at the boundless darkness in horror or incomprehension.

(end of this chapter)


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