Chapter 2984

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

Unlike the high-dimensional universe where the storm is coming, everything in the heavens is as usual.

Although the chaotic timeline has not been restored, the people in it will never know.

They will only move forward on the established trajectory of life in a daze, completely unaware that the long river of time they are in has changed direction.

But there will always be some people who wake up.

Such as Fox Ye, such as Zhang Tianyou!

The two of them may be the few remaining people in the heavens who know what happened.

But this is not luck, but a kind of torture.

Especially with the passage of time, this kind of torture is increasing day by day.

Hu Ye felt as if he was about to experience auditory and visual hallucinations.

After staring at the black hole in the distance for a long time, he always felt that Xue An would come out of it in the next second.

This is not surprising at all, after all, if you look forward to one thing too much, you will often have hallucinations.

But the problem is that the current Hu Ye can not only see Xue An, but also have back and forth conversations with him.

The situation suddenly became serious.

Therefore, Zhang Tianyou has been waiting here for the past two days, just because he is afraid that something will happen if Hu Ye becomes insane again.

But Hu Ye insisted on not leaving.

In his words, there is no place for him to go now.

And when Xue An was about to leave, he made it clear that Hu Ye must take good care of his body.

Hu Ye also knew that this matter was of great importance, so he changed his laziness in the past and almost never left here.

This is also one of the reasons for his great mental stress.


Hu Ye, who was sleeping, suddenly sat up, panting heavily.

"Are you having nightmares again?" Zhang Tianyou didn't even raise his head, he was staring at the screen in front of him wholeheartedly.

After this period of transformation, Zhang Tianyou has turned the place where Xue An temporarily put his body into a fortress.

All kinds of defenses in the open and in the dark completely surrounded the void thousands of miles around.

At the same time, Zhang Tianyou also set up detection equipment with no dead ends, monitoring everything around him every second.

In Zhang Tianyou's words, if the problems that can be solved with technology, try not to use manpower.

Hu Ye picked up a bottle of spiritual water beside the bed that can quickly replenish physical exertion, poured it into his stomach, wiped his mouth, and let out a loud belch.

"Old Zhang, the spirit water you prepared is good, but the taste is almost tasteless. It tastes bland and boring. It's very boring!" Hu Ye didn't respond to Zhang Tianyou's words, but complained about the taste of the spirit water.

"What do you know, this is the highest level of blending, do you think this taste is so easy to make? This is the most suitable taste for drinking without causing boredom after spending a whole day blending!"

Zhang Tianyou was obviously dissatisfied with Hu Ye's "ignorance", he moved his eyes away from the screen, stared at Hu Ye and said, "Do you think it's as exciting as your favorite cola?"

"Tsk tsk, don't tell me, that Coke tastes better than yours, especially if it's chilled, it's so refreshing to twitch!"

"What an ignorant old hat!" Zhang Tianyou curled his lips.

"Yes, I'm an old hat, but you have made it so complicated, what is the taste and what is not annoying, if you know it is so troublesome, you can't just drink water?"

"Too lazy to explain to you!"

"I see you can't quibble!"

The two began to bicker.

After a few rounds of fighting with each other, Hu Ye finally wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his complexion gradually returned to normal.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianyou smiled slightly, and then casually threw a cigar over.

"Come on?"

But Hu Ye put the cigar aside, then lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

It looked like an old smoker for many years.

"I still prefer this to cigars!"

Zhang Tianyou chuckled, "What did you dream about?"

The facial features on Hu Ye's face wrinkled together.

"Damn it, this time I dreamed that there was a black thing chasing me. I was carrying Lao Xue's body and I couldn't run fast. I was about to be swallowed by it, and then I was frightened awake!"

"Something dark? Can you see what it is?"

"No, it's always pitch black!"

"Okay, I think you're under too much pressure, why don't you go back to Earth to recuperate for a few days, I'm enough here!"

"No need, the earth is guarded by Yang Jian and Jiutian. I'll be fine if I go, why not stay here and wait for Xue An to come back."

"All right, as long as you can hold on!" Zhang Tianyou sighed, then turned his head and continued to work on his own affairs.

The dense codes slid across the screen like flowing water, so fast that they left behind phantoms.

"What are you busy with?"

"Oh, I'm idle anyway, I'll optimize the defensive deployment around me!" Zhang Tianyou said.

Hu Ye hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but say after several struggles: "Old Zhang!"


"Do you think Lao Xue will be able to return safely?"

The code on the screen stopped instantly, and Zhang Tianyou turned around to look at the frowning Hu Ye.

"Why do you ask?"

"Hey, during this period of time, I've always been terrified. Whenever I close my eyes, I have nightmares. Does this mean some ominous sign?"

Zhang Tianyou didn't mean to laugh at Hu Ye, but said very seriously.

"How about... let's make a divination?"

"Come, come! Give it a try!" Hu Ye came alive.

Although Zhang Tianyou was the president of the Technology Changing Everything Development Club, it doesn't mean that he will resist all metaphysics.

On the contrary, he still has a strong interest in things like gossip and four images, and even thinks that this is a kind of symbol used by the ancestors in ancient times to program everything in the world.

For this reason, after some in-depth research, he spent a lot of time moving it to a supercomputer for iterative Now it has reached the eighth generation, and both the calculation speed and accuracy have reached an astonishing level.

That's why Hu Ye looked forward to it so much.

Zhang Tianyou opened the app, and then tapped the keyboard to perform the first step of hexagram formation.

A huge tortoise shell first appeared on the screen, and then after a flame-baked animation, the tortoise shell gradually cracked.

"Did you know that the cracks on the tortoise shell are all derived from the truly random numbers in quantum computing, which cannot be interfered by human beings, and this also ensures the cleanliness of the initial data!"

"Because only in this way can we get an accurate result!" Zhang Tianyou still did not forget to explain to Hu Ye until now.

Of course Hu Ye couldn't understand these things, he just curled his lips, "This tortoise shell painting is really ugly, you must have painted it yourself!"

(end of this chapter)


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