Chapter 2985 Arrival

Zhang Tianyou's face turned red rarely.

As a top scientist, he is almost omnipotent, except that he is mediocre in humanities and arts.

Especially painting, even if he tried all kinds of methods, the things he drew were still very eye-catching.

"Okay, let's make do with it, as long as you know it's a tortoise shell, it doesn't matter whether it looks like it or not!" Zhang Tianyou laughed at himself.

Hu Ye curled his lips and was about to speak, but at this moment, the tortoise shell finally broke, and then automatically entered the calculation program.

I saw countless obscure symbols slide across the screen.

Hu Ye couldn't help but hold his breath and watch quietly.


The waterfall-like flow of information came to an abrupt end, followed by three bright red exclamation marks.

"What kind of hexagram is this?" Hu Ye asked immediately.

Zhang Tianyou's complexion instantly became extremely ugly, "It's a sign of great evil!"

"Huh? What kind of ominous sign?" Hu Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked.

At this time, the three exclamation marks on the screen gradually dissipated, replaced by a line of comments.

It's just that Hu Ye couldn't understand those difficult symbols at all, so he couldn't help but asked anxiously again: "What the **** is it?"

Zhang Tianyou took a deep breath, "Kan is the water hexagram, the twenty-ninth hexagram of the sixty-four hexagrams, and it is also the hexagram of great evil!"

"Han itself is water, and this hexagram is water inside and outside, it can be said that adding water to water is dangerous!"

Hu Ye's complexion gradually became serious, but his always optimistic temperament made him laugh, "I don't think your stuff is allowed at all, and this thing is purely feudal superstition, just listen to it for fun!"

Zhang Tianyou glanced at Hu Ye, and Hu Ye shrank his neck a little guilty.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

Zhang Tianyou couldn't laugh or cry, "You bastard, if the hexagram is good, it is auspicious, and if the hexagram is not good, it is a feudal superstition. Why are you so realistic?"

"Hey! How can this be called reality? This is called..."

Before Hu Ye could finish speaking, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the cabin.

Hu Ye jumped so high in fright, "What's going on?"

Zhang Tianyou rushed to the podium as soon as he heard the alarm, and his expression became extremely solemn after some operations.

"The monitoring device I installed earlier detected abnormal energy fluctuations, and it seems that something has descended!"

"Is it an evil thing?" Hu Ye said in a deep voice.

"I'm not sure yet, but this energy fluctuation is very weird, and it shouldn't exist in general!"

"Damn it! You really dare to come here. Old Zhang, tell me the location of this abnormal fluctuation, and I will meet it!" Hu Ye said aggressively.

"It's useless!" Zhang Tianyou shook his head, "This energy fluctuation only lasted for less than a second and then disappeared!"

"Disappeared? Where did you go?"

"I don't know. This existence that broke in suddenly is obviously very cunning. It only showed fluctuations at the very beginning. Later, it obviously noticed the monitoring, and then restrained the fluctuations. This way, it will be difficult to find its specific location."

"Then what should we do? Are we just staying here?" Hu Ye was a little discouraged.

"Don't worry, if this descending existence is really an evil thing, then it obviously came with a purpose. Although it is hidden now, as long as it moves, it will show its feet!"

"That is to wait for it to take the initiative?"

"En!" Zhang Tianyou nodded, "And I have a hunch that this guy's goal should be related to us!"

"You mean... Lao Xue's body?" Hu Ye was startled.

"This is just a guess on my part. I don't know if it's true, but I have to cheer up to prevent accidents!"

"Understood! Damn, Lao Xue is my dead brother. He entrusted his body to me before he left. I, Hu Ye, have to protect him even if he dies!"

"It's fine if this evil thing doesn't come, but if it comes, I'll let it eat and walk around!"

Hu Ye gritted his teeth fiercely on this side, while on the other side, he writhed into a mass of black shadows, looking at the monitoring device arranged on the abandoned planet, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, there are such people in this little heaven who can develop such an ingenious monitor. If I hadn't noticed it quickly, the position might have been exposed by now!"

According to the routine developed by Drilling, Zhu Mie finally successfully passed through the dimensional barrier and came to the heavens.

Although the strength is inevitably compromised, at least the rules still exist.

This is the biggest reliance of Creep Extinction.

It can be said that in a universe at the level of the heavens, the rules of creeping out are unsolvable.

As long as it wants, it can even rule the entire heavens for a short period of time.

It's just that Zhu Mie didn't want to do that, because the main purpose of its trip was to destroy Xue An's body.

As for the rest, it really didn't care.

After all, the heavens are just a shallow puddle in his eyes, so what if he can dominate here?

"Strange, I didn't smell the breath of Xue An's physical body! Could it be that someone used some means to seal his physical body?"

Zhu Mie felt it carefully, and couldn't help frowning, but soon he sneered again.

"So what if it's closed? The heavens are so big, even if I try to find them a little bit, it won't take much effort!"

"Hey, this planet is interesting. It seems that there is a bit of Xue An's breath left, so the first stop is you!"

As soon as the words fell, the creep disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of a blue planet.

Then the tone of Creep Mie became more and more excited.

"Tsk tsk, it's actually the ancestral land of the Chinese people? And it's really interesting that there are still local gods stationed there after the time is lost!"

The wrecking figure stopped trembling, then gradually twisted, and soon transformed into a human form, and then flew into the earth.

Guanjiangkou, Erlang Temple.

Ever since Erlang Zhenjun appeared to the world that year, this place has become a holy place in the hearts of Chinese people.

Countless people come here to worship every day, and the incense is at its peak.

And on this day, a man in black came to Erlang Temple. UU reading

This man looks ordinary, and belongs to the kind of existence that will disappear in an instant when thrown into the crowd.

Miao Zhu, who was busy entertaining many pilgrims, naturally did not notice him.

The man walked into the temple, looked up, and above the shrine was the statue of Erlang Zhenjun.

On the side of the shrine, there is a newly built statue of a woman, with the four characters of Jiutian Xuannv written on the plaque.

A meaningful brilliance flashed in the man's eyes.

At this moment, a temple wisher finally noticed him and couldn't help but greet him.

"Benefactor, do you want to offer incense?"

The man turned his eyes to look at the Miaozhu, and after realizing that he was just an ordinary person, a faint smile appeared on his face.

(end of this chapter)


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