Chapter 2986

"Yes, I just don't know where to buy it!"

"Our incense is given away for free, no need to spend money!" Miao Zhu explained with a smile, and then took out a stick of incense from his pocket.

"Light it up and put it in the incense burner. Grandpa Erlang doesn't care about these red tapes! As long as you are fair, you can get whatever you want!"

"Oh? Is it so effective?"

"Of course! Our Master Erlang has a compassionate heart!" Miao Zhu said very proudly.

It's just that he didn't notice that the man's eyes suddenly turned pure black after hearing these words.

"Then let me try!"

The man took the stick of incense casually, walked to the shrine and lit it with the candle next to it, and then inserted it into the incense burner.

After doing all this, the man raised his head to look at the tall statue, with a sneer on his lips.

"A mere little god, dare to be so arrogant?"

As soon as this remark came out, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the temple.

The pilgrims who were offering incense and temple wishes were all carried away by this gust of wind, and then the temple gate was closed to isolate it from the outside world.

Immediately afterwards, the **** statue on the shrine burst into brilliance, and the figures of Yang Jian and Nine Heavens Xuannv emerged from it.

From the beginning to the end, Zhu Mie stood there and watched quietly, until the two of Yang Jian showed up, and then he spoke slowly.

"Tell me, where is Xue An's physical body?"

Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv actually noticed something was wrong when the man first appeared outside the temple.

Although Zhu Mie hid it well, Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv were alerted by the faint evil spirit.

After hearing Zhu Mie's question now, the two of them can conclude that this person is definitely an evil thing.

And it is very likely that it is an evil thing from another universe, and its purpose is to come for Xue An's physical body.

In an instant, both of them felt the seriousness of the matter.

But getting them to talk is impossible.

Yang Jian glanced at Jiutian next to him, and Jiutian moved aside calmly, faintly forming a siege towards the creep.

Ke Mie is completely indifferent to these actions, or it can be said that he doesn't care at all.

"I don't know what you are talking about, there is no Xue An's body here!" Yang Jian decided to play dumb first.

But as soon as his words fell, Zhu Mie nodded, "I don't know? Well, then you go to die!"

After the words fell, a little black light flashed, and there was a burst from the shrine.

Yang Jian let out a muffled grunt and was blown out. If he hadn't sealed off the temple in advance and entered the secret realm, this blow alone would have leveled the Erlang Temple.

Even so, the secret realm also shook a few times, and Yang Jian's complexion became extremely ugly at the same time.

Because it was this seemingly inconspicuous blow that actually shattered half of his shoulder.

This huge gap in strength made Yang Jian secretly alert.

But Creeping was not very satisfied with the result of this blow.

"Huh? You were able to take my blow. It seems that you, a little god, have some strength!"

Zhu Mie spoke slowly, and at the same time, he didn't see any movement, and a little black light directly shocked the Nine Heavens Xuannv who was lurking over.

Jiu Tian was injured a little more than Yang Jian.

Half of his body was smashed to pieces.

Yang Jian couldn't bear it anymore, and came to Jiu Tian with a flash.

"How about it?"

Jiu Tian shook his head, "I'm fine!"

Even so, it can be seen from the pale face of Nine Heavens Profound Girl that this blow has obviously caused a serious injury to her.

Zhu Mie didn't do anything again, but sat down on the altar with a smile on his face.

"I'm in a good mood today. I'll give you another chance and tell me where Xue An's body is. I can let you go. After all, you are not as good as ants to me. Letting you go is just a thought!"

Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv didn't even hesitate, "Don't think about it!"

Afterwards, the two of them attacked at the same time.

But just as they rushed halfway, their entire bodies exploded completely, and they were blown to pieces.

Zhu Mie sat on the altar and sighed.

"Why bother, I can find out even if you don't tell me, why do you have to seek death!"

It's just that Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv can't tell him why.

Zhumi stood up, and the secret realm began to collapse, along with this small temple.

The pilgrims outside the temple who were carried away by the strong wind and the temple wishers were a little dazed.

He was fine just now, but he was sent out of the temple when it was dark before his eyes. Before he could understand what was going on, Erlang Temple collapsed.

What happened?

Just as he was wondering, Zhu Mie Shi ran out of the ruins.

The Miao Zhu who spoke to him before recognized him, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's you, what did you do, why did Erlang Temple collapse?"

But Zhu Mie didn't care about the cry of a mortal, he didn't even bother to take a look at the temple.

Then the temple wish melted.

That's right!

Literally melting.

First starting from the lower limbs and then accelerating upwards, in the blink of an eye the body became a disgusting puddle of meat.

This terrifying scene instantly broke the psychological defense of these people present.

They screamed and fled in all directions.

But before they could take a few steps, these people disintegrated into the most basic particles silently.

The surroundings became empty, except for a pool of mud on the ground and a pile of ruins behind him, it was impossible to see what happened here.

Zhu Mie sighed again, "Why are the people in this place so unfriendly? It's so boring!"

As soon as the words fell, a high-pitched dragon chant came.

"Who? Who killed brother Yang Jian and the others!"

Amidst the roar, a huge dragon descended from the sky, and saw the collapsed Erlang Temple at a glance, and couldn't help but become more angry.

Creeping eyes light up slightly.

"It's actually a small dragon with the bloodline of the ancient dragon clan. It's interesting!"

Ao Shu also noticed him at this time, and at the same time heard his words, he rushed over immediately.

"Brother Yang Jian and the others you killed?"

Ao Shu was surprisingly angry!

She stays to guard the mountains, rivers and rivers of Yang Jian and Jiu Tian are in charge of other things, and the two have always gotten along well.

Ao Shu regards him as his best friend.

But she didn't expect that today, she suddenly couldn't feel the breath of Yang Jian and Jiu Tian.

When I came here to take a look, I found that the aura of Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv had disappeared.

Needless to say, he must have been killed.

How could this not make her angry, so she slammed into Creeping Desperately.

But Zhumi only stretched out a finger and tapped lightly, and Ao Shu, who was in a rage, felt a huge force descending from the sky, and his body was instantly crushed to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Then Shi Shiran walked up to Ao Shu, "Where is Xue An's body, tell me, if I don't kill you, I can let you be my mount!"

(end of this chapter)


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