Chapter 2989 Sword Three

In the amber was a sleeping girl.

Her eyes were closed tightly, her lower eyelids were covered by her long eyelashes, her facial features were exquisite and beautiful.

But the most striking thing was the vertical line between her eyebrows, which was as red as blood, like a small sword.

After she appeared, the magma around her became more and more violent, but she couldn't do anything about it. Instead, it made the layer of amber that sealed her more crystal clear.


The girl's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she heard a crisp sound from the layer of amber that sealed her.

At the same time, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

What a pair of eyes!

It is as bright as autumn water, yet as cold as the moon.

Combined with the vertical lines between the upper eyebrows, it adds a mysterious and mysterious charm.

Ka Ka Ka!

The amber was completely shattered, and the girl walked out slowly, then looked around.

After seeing the broken core of the earth and the raging magma, the girl's eyes first showed a look of bewilderment, and then she frowned slightly.

"This is the earth? How did it become such a ghost? Where's Xue An?"

That's right!

This girl is the long-sleeping Jiansan, Shen Suqian!

If you have read the previous documents, you should remember that this Jiansan is a strange woman, her talent in swordsmanship is second only to Xue An, and she ranks third among all heavens swordsmanship at a young age.

It was just that when he challenged Li Jingxing, the lord of the Sword Palace, he lost a move, and finally died in Xue An's arms.

At that time Xue An buried him in the Sword Mountain of the Sword Palace.

It wasn't until later that Xue An went to Tianwaitian that he learned that Jiansan Shen Suqian was the orphan of Shen's family in Tianwaitian.

And an important talent of the Shen family's bloodline is that it can be dismantled and reborn.

So at that time Xue An understood that Shen Suqian might not have died, but just fell into a deep sleep.

But before he returned to the heavens to verify this idea, great changes happened.

The giant snake of time and space forcibly changed the timeline of the heavens, the Sword Palace disappeared, and Li Jingxing never appeared at all.

But the sleeping Shen Suqian was completely unaffected by the chaotic timeline. Instead, she was sent into the core of the earth by a mysterious force, until she woke up today.

At this time, Shen Suqian had already flown into the void, looking down at the extinct planet below her feet, her eyes and brows were gradually filled with evil spirits.

Because she could see that it was obviously some kind of existence that caused this result.

At the same time, she also discovered that the current universe seems to be different, the key is that Xue An is also missing.

When she was in doubt, she suddenly turned her head and looked into the depths of the distant void.

"Is it Xue An's breath? No, why is it so weak? Could something catastrophe happen?"

After saying that, she turned into a sword with her body and disappeared into the void in an instant.

After such a deep sleep, Shen Suqian's strength has not only not regressed, but has greatly improved.

Therefore, it only took a moment to rush to the front of the black hole.

When Hu Ye saw her, he couldn't help being shocked, and exclaimed: "Jian San? Why are you?"

Shen Suqian stopped in her tracks, she naturally recognized Hu Ye, but this was not the time to answer these questions.

Her gaze first lingered on Xue An who was sitting cross-legged for a moment, and then she looked at the dignified Zhu Mie.

"What did you do?"

Creeping heart trembled wildly.

Because just now it saw a small Lingding sword appearing in the extremely far void, who would have thought that this person would have appeared in front of him in the next moment, and he was still a beautiful human girl.

But the more this is the case, the more he dare not underestimate it.

Because the appearance of that little Lingding sword cannot be faked.

This is definitely a top kendo master!

So Zhu Mie secretly raised his vigilance, and said coldly, "What did you say?"

Jian San frowned.

As strong as her, it is natural to see this wrecking body.

Although she hadn't had much contact with it, her mother told her about the origin of the evil thing back then, so a cold sword intent flashed in her eyes.

"Is the earth under your control?"

"That's right, you..."

"Yes, that's fine!"

Before it could finish speaking, Jian San directly slashed with his sword.

The speed of this sword was so fast that it gave people an illusion that the space seemed to be disconnected before their eyes.

Although Zhu Mie had been prepared for a long time, he was still taken aback by this sword.

In desperation, it had no choice but to abandon the present clone.

With a pop, the sword fell to pieces.

But Jian San didn't hesitate at all, the sword in his hand kept cutting, and once again slashed towards Zhan Mie who had already hidden aside.

The creeping monster called Lian Lian, retreating one after another.

Jian San pressed forward step by step, his face was as cold as ice, he slashed as he walked, without mercy.

This battle didn't look fancy, but it was actually extremely dangerous.

At least Hu Ye looked a little silly.

"Fuck, when did this Jiansan become so powerful?"

Because Zhu Mie was entangled by Jian San, the restraint imposed on Hu Ye had disappeared.

Hu Ye stood up and said with a look of astonishment on his face.

However, Zhang Tianyou's eyes were full of brilliance, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Being able to avoid the confusion of the timeline obviously proves that she has special abilities!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Mie let out a roar.

"Bitch, you really think I can't do anything to you, right? Go to hell!"

Creep Mie was indeed panicked, because in such a short period of time, dozens of clones had already been chopped off.

If it's normal, let alone dozens of clones, it doesn't care even if there are thousands of clones.

After all, the power of rules it possesses has infinite possibilities.

But the point is that the current situation is not normal, because of the horrified discovery of Zhu Mie, all clones cut off by Jiansan will never appear again.

In other words, her swordsmanship can directly restrain the rules of creeping.

Don't you have nearly limitless possibilities?

Then I can cut off a little possibility of you with every sword, let's see how long you can last!

This kind of terrazzo piercing skill made Creeping feel deep fear.

After all, what it is famous for and what it relies on is the rules it has mastered.

If the rules dissipate, it's really doomed.

That's why it became angry from embarrassment, and fought back desperately.


Creeping out countless avatars, all around Jiansan's body, and then slapped them all together.

You must know that although the attack ability of the creep is very, compared to the top evil gods such as Shuming, it is still an invincible existence in this low-dimensional universe.

So it can easily destroy the earth.

But facing this blow, Jian San just smiled coldly, and then the sword-shaped vertical lines between his eyebrows manifested a small Lingding sword, and then calmly slashed out.

No words can describe the peerless elegance of this sword!

That is an extreme beauty.

It's like a rainbow after the rain, and it's like a young man's melancholy sigh!


Seeing this, Zhu Mi let out a miserable howl and wanted to run away.

But it's too late.

The sword light slashed, and everything dissipated.

(end of this chapter)


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