Chapter 2990 Killing decisively

After the sword light dissipated, there was no trace of wrecking in the field.

Hu Ye opened his mouth slightly, looking at all this in disbelief.

He thought he was going to die this time, but he didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to kill him halfway.

Jian San, who was thought to have died a long time ago, was actually resurrected. Not only was he resurrected, but he also successfully killed this evil thing that came from the high-dimensional universe.

How could this not shock him.

But Jian San didn't show much joy, instead he frowned,

"Sure enough, I have some strength, but even so, I let you run away!"

It turned out that just now Jiansan unleashed a full-strength blow, intending to completely wipe out the creep.

But he didn't expect that his success would fall short in the end. This creep has been alive for countless years and is extremely treacherous. Although he couldn't resist the power of this sword, he still escaped from a clone at the most critical moment.

At this moment, Zhang Tianyou urged the wheelchair to come up, and said: "But this is enough for it to drink a pot. Your sword has at least killed 99% of its possibility. Even if the remaining 1% is still alive, it will not be a worry in a short time!"

Jian San glanced at Zhang Tianyou.

She is not familiar with this person, but she is very familiar with Hu Ye.

"What's going on with Xue An?" Jian San asked.

Hu Ye didn't hide anything, and told the whole story.

Jian San was slightly taken aback after hearing this, and then whispered to himself, "High-dimensional universe, chaotic timeline..."

While speaking, Jian San's eyes flashed with brilliance, obviously quite excited.

After waking up, Jian San felt that his own strength had reached an unprecedented peak.

She thought this was the end, but she didn't know that there was a higher-dimensional universe outside of this universe until she heard Hu Ye's story.

Xue An went there to find a way to correct the chaotic timeline.

And looking at this evil creature that descended from the high-dimensional universe to trouble Xue An's body, it can be seen that Xue An should have done well in that high-dimensional universe.

Otherwise, these evil creatures would not behave in this way.

The more I think about Jiansan, the more my heart surges, "No, I want to go to the high-dimensional universe too!"

"You want to go too? Then how do you plan to go? You must know that Xue An gave up his own body in order to enter it!"

Of course he was unwilling to let Jian San leave.

But how can his words persuade Jian San.

"Needless to say, how can I not do what he can do? Besides, in terms of abandoning the body, how many of us can compare with our sword cultivators?"

Fox night shut up.

Because what Jian San said was really the truth.

Among the major schools of practice, only sword cultivators value the physical body the least!

Even a cultivator of pure spirituality has to consider the carrying capacity of his body, but a sword cultivator can't!

They have only one goal, and that is to temper the sword intent in their hearts.

For this goal, they can even give up everything, let alone a mere physical body.

"But if you leave, what if there is another existence like that evil thing plotting against Xue An's physical body?" Hu Ye said.

"It's simple, can I just leave a sword intent to guard it? And in fact, you don't have to be so nervous just now, I can see that Xue An was ready before leaving!"

Hu Ye was like a discouraged ball, "Damn it, I knew Xue An wouldn't fail to think of this. The key point is that we dare not try it. If something goes wrong, I'm really sorry for my friend!"

Jian San was not in the mood to entangle with Hu Ye any longer.

She raised her hand and waved a sword intent, hiding it around Xue An, and then she spoke.

"Since he left his body here, then I will stay here too!"

After all, the sword-shaped vertical pattern between Jian San's eyebrows was brilliant, and then it condensed into the appearance of a small Lingding sword.

As for Jian San's physical body, he sat next to Xue An.

"You can keep watch here, I'll help Xue An!" Jian San's voice came from the little sword.

Zhang Tianyou nodded, "Okay! Go early and come back early!"


Accompanied by this response, Lingding's little sword trembled, and then turned into a stream of light, heading straight for the black hole in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the little sword disappeared into the boundless darkness.

From the appearance of Jiansan to the time when she beheaded and wriggled until finally disappearing, it took only ten minutes.

Hu Ye was a little envious of the haste of coming and going.

"To be honest, Lao Zhang, if it wasn't for you, I would have gone to the high-dimensional universe to find Lao Xue!" Hu Ye said.

"What are you going to do? To cause trouble for Xue An?"

"What are you talking about? Naturally, I'm going to help! I'm also a dignified fox, so what's the trouble?" Hu Ye said dissatisfied.

"Because you are a trouble yourself!"

"Damn it, Lao Zhang, you look down on people, don't you?"



Hu Ye and Zhang Tianyou, who had returned to normal, began to bicker.

And at the same moment, Jiansan has already passed through the black hole and entered the high-dimensional universe.

But her foothold was different from Xue An's, she appeared in nothingness.

There are not even a single star around, only the remains of the already cold and deserted planet wandering here.

This is obviously the wildest place in the high-dimensional universe.

After the little sword appeared, it gradually transformed and condensed, finally forming the image of Jiansan.

Although it is a divine thought, it is also quite realistic, and at first glance, there is no clue at all.

Jian San looked around, then closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, trying to find Xue An's aura.

But this high-dimensional universe is so vast that even the current Jiansan cannot cover everything in case.

In desperation, Jiansan had no choice but to choose a direction and fly away.

After throwing away the shackles of the physical body, Jian San's speed was improved again, but even so, it still took her a full half a day to transition from the wild land to the starry place.

Having stars means that there will be people, Jiansan walked and stopped, trying to find a planet with practitioners to inquire about news.

The hard work paid off, and soon Jiansan found a huge planet with many Taoisms on it, obviously strong.

Jian San didn't bother to talk nonsense, and went straight to the biggest sect on the planet.

When she came outside the mountain gate, she stopped and looked up. There were three big characters written on the plaque of the mountain gate.


"This May I ask what are you doing here? Do you need any help?"

A man's voice came from his ear, Jian San turned his head to look, and saw a man in white looking at him with a smile on his face.

Bai Jidong looked at this extremely beautiful girl with a red "mole" between her eyebrows, and her heart was full of enthusiasm.

Today's class is worth it!

If you don't come to be on duty outside the mountain gate, how can you see such stunning scenery.

So when he noticed that Jiansan was looking at him, Bai Jidong pushed his chest hard, trying his best to show his masculinity.

But all his efforts are just like his name, and he is excited in vain.

Jian San didn't look at him at all, but said indifferently: "Tell your head to come out, I have something to ask him!"

(end of this chapter)


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