Chapter 2991

"My family's head is in seclusion, so don't bother me easily. If you have anything to do, you can tell me directly. In this territory, Bai Jidong is the most important thing to say!" Bai Jidong completely ignored the unkindness in Jiansan's tone, and said with a smile.

"Oh? If that's the case, let me ask you, do you know this person, and where is he?"

Jian San waved his hand and Xue An's image appeared.

Bai Jidong's complexion gradually became stiff, because he didn't recognize the young man in the image at all, but he still supported himself to speak.

"This man is..."

"His name is Xue An, do you know?" Jian San said calmly.

Bai Jidong showed embarrassment and shook his head, "I don't know, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Jian San showed an impatient expression, "Since you don't know, what are you talking about?"

Bai Jidong's face was reddened by the scorn, and a sense of anger arose in his heart, he raised his eyes viciously to look at Jian San, and wanted to reprimand him.

But at this moment, a scene that he will never forget appeared.

Jian San slightly raised his eyebrows, a small Lingding sword was instantly formed between his eyebrows, and he slashed towards Yunlongyuan in the distance.

During the attack, the small Lingding sword quickly became bigger, and it had already become like a mountain before it came to Yunlongyuan.

Yunlongyuan's mountain guard formation suddenly emerged, but it only lasted for a few snaps before it was shattered and invisible, and then this sword intent smashed the entire ground building of Yunlongyuan with supreme power.

Bai Jidong stared dumbfounded at all this, and suddenly felt cold all over his body.

It's ridiculous that I thought this girl was just an ordinary person, and tried to show off in front of her, so as to win her heart.

In hindsight, the idea seemed ridiculously silly.

With the power of this sword alone, let alone himself, even his own family's head would probably have to bow down.

Bai Jidong was secretly glad.

Several beams of light flew up from the ruins of Yunlongyuan, among which the largest and fastest one roared angrily.

"Who? Who cut out the sword intent?"

Jian San stepped forward in one step, and appeared directly in front of the roaring brilliance, with the light of the sword in his hand looming, and he handed it forward.

Guanghua stopped for an instant, and the figure inside appeared.

It was Cheng Hongyan, the head of Yunlongyuan.

It's just that the head of Cheng Da didn't even dare to move at this moment, because a small sword was right on his throat.

Cheng Hongyan has no doubts about the power of this little sword, as long as he dares to make any changes, this little sword will definitely send him on his way.

So he stood stiffly in the air, sweating profusely and looked at the girl opposite.

At this time, the other masters of Yunlongyuan had also rushed to him, and when they saw that their master was being held hostage, they wanted to rush over to rescue him.

But in the next moment, the little sword was pushed forward again, and the tip of the sword pierced Cheng Hongyan's skin in an instant.

Blood flowed out, and Cheng Hongyan yelled in fright, "No one is allowed to come over!"

Only then did the crowd stop, then Cheng Hongyan took a deep breath, looked at the girl who was as cold as the moon in front of him, and forced himself to make his voice less trembling.

"Dare to ask this swordsman, what is the reason for the sudden visit?"

"You are the head of this sect?"

"Yes! Next Cheng Hong..."

Jian San didn't care about his name at all, and asked directly: "Then do you know Xue An?"

"Xue An?" Cheng Hongyan's face changed drastically after hearing this name.

As soon as Jian San saw his reaction, he knew that he must know, so he immediately asked: "You know?"

"Of course I know, and it is estimated that there are not many in the entire universe who don't know this Xue An!" Cheng Hongyan said harshly.

"Then where is he!"

Cheng Hongyan gave Jian San a strange look, and couldn't help but speculate in his heart about the relationship between this pervertedly powerful swordsman girl and Xue An, who had caused the entire high-dimensional universe to stir up trouble recently.

But because of this silence, Jian San frowned.

"What? Don't want to say?"

"No, no, of course not! I just... just don't know how to tell you!" Cheng Hongyan rubbed his hands nervously.

"What's the meaning?"

"I do know where Xue An is, but I can't guarantee whether he is alive or dead right now!"

Of course, Cheng Hongyan wasn't worried about the danger he would encounter with Jiansan when he said it. In fact, he wished that the girl who destroyed his entire sect's building with a sword without asking any questions would die!

But he understood that if he didn't make it clear in advance, if the girl went there and found that she was dead, she would probably take her anger out on him.

And offending a top swordsman means that you have already set foot on the road to hell.

So after finishing speaking, Cheng Hongyan peeked at Jian San very carefully, but didn't see any emotional fluctuations on her face.

"Just say it straight, don't worry, I won't take my anger out on you!"


After receiving this guarantee, Cheng Hongyan was determined, and hurriedly said: "Then Xue An is trapped in Dari Island at this time. Countless evil properties have besieged there, and the news has been completely cut off, so I don't know whether he is alive or dead now!"

"How far is Dari Island from here? How long has it been besieged by evil things?"

"Dari Island is far away from here, so it has been three days since I heard the news, and I don't know what's going on now!"

Jian San was silent.

Cheng Hongyan was terrified.

It's not good to be pressed against the neck with a sword.

"Where is the exact location of Dari Island!" Jian San asked suddenly.

Cheng Hongyan, as if he had received an amnesty, hurriedly introduced the location of Dari Island in detail.

After listening, Jiansan turned around and left without any hesitation.

In an instant, her figure turned into a sword light and disappeared into the sky, leaving only a group of people from Yunlongyuan standing there dumbfounded.

After a long time, someone stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Master... Master, do you just let this person go?"

Cheng Hongyan turned his head and glanced at the person who spoke, "Otherwise? Why don't you go after this person now and take revenge?"

The person who spoke was trembling all over, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

The blood on Cheng Hongyan's neck had already stopped, and he gently rubbed the wound that was healing quickly, muttering to himself.

"People think that this Xue An is bound to But the appearance of this girl has added countless variables. It seems that many people will be disappointed!"

That's right!

At this time, the news that Xue An was besieged by countless evil things in the Feixian Temple on Dari Island had already spread throughout the universe.

For a time, countless sects were shaken by it.

After all, more things happened during this period than in the previous thousands of years.

First, Senluo Valley was destroyed, and then Feixian Temple was also occupied by evil things, but soon this evil thing was destroyed by Xue An.

This kind of change is simply dazzling.

But now it seems that everything has come to an end.

Because the ones besieging Feixian Temple are evil creatures that can run rampant in the high-dimensional universe!

(end of this chapter)


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