Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2999: The beginning of the war (Part 2)

Chapter 2999 The Great War Begins (Part 2)

Shuming is in charge of time and the law of fate, so there is no need to waste time during the journey, especially at this critical moment.

Almost instantly, Shu Ming opened his **** mouth and swallowed that ray of brilliance.

This time Shu Ming didn't hold anything back, and directly used all his strength.


It was the sound of the space being bitten into pieces by Shuming.

There was almost no time for everyone to react, only the brilliance in the three eyes of Jian who was closest to him exploded, and the surging sword intent broke through the restraint in an instant, and then slashed at Shuming.

It's a pity that it was too late at this time, no matter how fast Jian San's sword is, it can't compare with Shu Ming who controls time.

Seeing that Guanghua was about to sink into Shuming's mouth.

Just at this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared, with one hand supporting Shu Ming's teeth.

"Xue An!" Jian San's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help shouting.

Xue An turned his head to look at her, smiled slightly, and then moved his lips slightly, as if he had said something.

Immediately after, Xue An turned his head to look at this space-time dragon, his eyes were boiling with cold flames, and the brilliance of his other hand burst out, as if a sun had exploded in his hand.

At the same time, the hurricane blew violently, and everyone was blown far away. When they opened their eyes again, they saw a desolation in front of them, and there were no traces of Shu Ming and Xue An.

For a time, everyone was commotion over it.

Shu Jingchu even hurried to Jian San, "Girl, what did Xue An say in the end?"

She was farther away than Jian San at that time, so it was even more impossible to hear what Xue An said.

But her eyes are very good, so it can be concluded that Xue An must have said something before leaving.

Jiansan had also seen the scene where Shu Jingchu made a bold move in times of crisis, and she also admired this girl quite a bit.

After all, not everyone has the courage to stand up at critical moments.

So she said softly: "I didn't hear what he said, but judging from his lips, it should be saying let us wait here, he will come back as soon as he goes!"

"That's right!" Shu Jingchu nodded, but she couldn't hide the worry in her eyes.

After all, that is the existence that controls the time law of the heavens and worlds!

Even if Xue An completes the fusion of the Xuanyuan Mirror in his hand, the final result is still unknown.

Jian San was not as worried as she was.

In her eyes, Xue An was the only invincible existence besides herself.

This concept has run through the two lifetimes and has become her firmest belief.

So even if the opponent is extremely powerful, she still firmly believes that Xue An will return safely.

Nai Yingying's eyes flickered, and he let out a long breath.

"My Lady Queen, do you think this Xue An can win?" Li Lang asked in a low voice.

Nai Yingying shook her head, "I don't know!"

"But we've done what we can, and now... it's up to him!"

Li Lang wanted to say something more, but seeing Nai Yingying's expression, he finally closed his mouth.

Yang Fu rubbed his big belly, and murmured: "Boy, we won't be able to help you anymore, I hope you can come back safely!"


This is a piece of blue sea, and the wet and salty sea breeze is blowing, which makes people feel refreshed.

But at this moment, this beautiful atmosphere was broken by a giant that suddenly jumped out of the sea.

I saw a huge dragon with a body length of tens of miles rushing out of the sea, and soaring upwards at an extremely fast speed, as if it was about to break through the sky.

The sea water brought up fell like a torrential rain, making the originally calm sea surface turbulent.

This kind of momentum is enough to make people speechless, but if you observe carefully, you will find that there is actually a person standing on the head of the giant dragon.

The white clothes fluttered like gods.

It was Xue An.

I saw him standing on Shu Ming's nose, despite the strong wind, he still stood still, and instead raised his fist and bombarded down.

Pale golden dragon blood splattered with every punch, which also made Shu Ming let out a painful growl, and shook his head vigorously.

But no matter how it moves, it can't get rid of Xue An's entanglement.

In desperation, Shu Ming had no choice but to turn around and dive down at an extremely fast speed, hoping that the impact of the sea water would take Xue An away.


A loud noise erupted from the sea that had just calmed down a little bit, and the shriek smashed into the sea like a cannonball.

With this acceleration, there is no difference between the sea surface and the concrete ground.

This is a huge force that is enough to directly crush ordinary strong people.

But Xue An remained motionless as a mountain, but instead had a sneer on his face,

Shuming was desperate, and rushed towards the bottom of the sea desperately.

But this space is so weird, the sea is just like the sky, it can never be traced to the bottom.

On the contrary, the pressure of sea water becomes stronger the further you go down.

In just a quarter of an hour's time, even the slamming has reached the point where it is difficult to move an inch,

You must know that Shu Ming is strong in the laws he controls, but his physical strength is very average.

And even under the water, Xue An's fists never stopped, hitting him one after another.

At this moment, the skin on the tip of Shu Ming's nose was gone, exposing the white bones.

And even the white bones have cracks.

Shuming finally couldn't hold it anymore, and rushed out of the sea water again, and when it was in the air, it growled and said, "Stop!"

How could Xue An pay attention to what it said, and continued to bombard it.

Shuming was completely angry, but at this moment its anger seemed so incompetent and cowardly.

Because it was shocked to find that it had nothing to do with Xue An at this time.

In desperation, it could only suppress its anger, "Can you stop fighting, let's make it clear first, it's not too late for you to do it!"

These words had an effect, Xue An finally stopped his hands and looked up at Shu Ming.

"Okay! If you have anything to say, just say it!" Xue An said in a calm tone.

"What the **** is this place? Why doesn't my rule work at all?" Shuming asked straight to the point.

"Oh, you ask here! This is the inside of Xuanyuan Mirror. As for why your rules don't work..."

Xue An smiled slightly, "Maybe it's because there is no time in it!"

"Inside the Xuanyuan Mirror?" Shu Ming was Finally, a look of fear appeared in the huge dragon's eyes.

Zhu Mie had told it before that Xue An painstakingly collected fragments in order to get together the ancient artifact Xuanyuan Mirror.

This is also the reason for its outrageous shot.

But even though Xue An and the Xuanyuan Mirror in his hand have been raised infinitely higher as much as possible.

But Shu Ming still underestimated Xue An's determination and the power of this ancient artifact.

After just a face-to-face meeting, Shuming was taken into Xuanyuan Mirror.

Although Shu Ming was not injured by this, it was like a cage inside, tightly suppressing Shu Ming's regular power.

Without the protection of the law of time, Shu Ming is nothing more than a relatively powerful loach, at least in Xue An's eyes.

(end of this chapter)


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