Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 3000: Illusion and Seduction

Chapter 3000 Illusion and temptation

"That's right, do you have any questions?" Xue An said calmly, raising his fists again, his eyes full of murderous intent.

In fact, Xue An knew everything that happened in the outside world when he retreated and merged with Xuanyuan Mirror.

In particular, the arrival of Shuming has stimulated Xue An's potential even more.

According to the time, it will take at least one day to completely fuse Xuanyuan Mirror, but under the condition of Xue An's almost crazy infusion of spiritual energy, the time was greatly advanced, and finally the fusion was completed at a critical moment.

Xue An paid a huge price for this, but everything was worth it.

Because what Xue An was facing at this time was one of the chief culprits of that catastrophe, even the one with the most serious crimes.

So Xue An had to kill him even if he took half his life.

Su Ming naturally knew this too.

With the hatred between it and Xue An, there is no room for maneuver.

So it didn't beg for mercy, but just stared at Xue An coldly.

"So all of this was arranged by you in advance, including the so-called retreat fusion Xuanyuan mirror, which is also an illusion you deliberately made in order to lure me to come?"

So far everything has become clear, Shu Ming couldn't help asking.

Xue An smiled coldly, "That's right, otherwise how could you leave your lair so easily if you are as cunning and cautious as you?"

Xue An's strategy is very simple, only four words, that is to lure the snake out of the hole.

After all, my ultimate goal is to eliminate Shuming, and the fusion of Xuanyuan Mirror is also for this goal.

And even if he completes the fusion of Xuanyuan Mirror, if Shuming doesn't take the initiative to show up, he will have to find a way to kill its lair.

That is extremely dangerous and stupid behavior.

Because for a top evil **** like Shu Ming, countless traps would definitely be laid in his lair, and going there on his own initiative would be tantamount to death.

That's why Xue An intentionally merged with Xuanyuan Mirror immediately after the matter of Feixian Temple was over, in order to spread the news and lure Shuming out.

This is a very risky move, because if there is a slight mistake in it, I and everyone will fall into a situation of eternal doom.

Among them, the biggest variable is not that the swoosh does not come, but that it comes too fast.

If it rushed over as soon as it heard the news, it would be really dangerous.

After all, at that time, I might not be ready at all, and Xuanyuan Mirror, the big killer, hadn't completed the fusion. The result of hard steel alone is definitely not optimistic.

But Xue An still decided to take a gamble.

Bet Shuming, an evil **** that has survived for countless years, is cautious and cautious.

Even if it knows where it is and what it is doing, it will not come immediately, but will send its subordinates to test it first.

This is your chance.

The result was just as Xue An expected, Shu Ming sent evil things such as bald heads and Xiuling to test it out for the sake of caution.

But because of this delay, Xue An directly took the strategic initiative.

As a top-level evil **** who has survived for countless years, the sudden sound of the key is naturally figured out after a short thought.

But the more it screamed like this, the more annoyed it became.

He was angry at Xue An's "cunning", and also angry at himself for delaying the timing.

But things have come to this point, and it is useless to say anything else, so Shu Ming can only say coldly.

"Xue An, you are indeed ruthless and cunning, but do you think you can kill me if you trick me into this Xuanyuan mirror? You are too naive. Even without the law of time, I am still one of the most powerful evils in this universe!"

"Based on the current you, wanting to kill me is tantamount to wishful thinking!"

"And I also told you that just before I left, there was another top-level evil that had already gone to your heavens, ready to destroy your physical body. If you guessed correctly, it should have succeeded by now!"

"Hahahaha so even if you can really do something to me, you will still be a lonely ghost who has lost his body. The heavens... no, there should be no heavens left, and your heavens will also be destroyed under the hands of Zhu Mie! Hahahahaha!"

Shu Ming laughed wildly, trying to break Xue An's defenses.

But he didn't expect Xue An to be unmoved at all, instead looking down at Shu Ming with eyes like looking at a fool.

The shrill laughter gradually became low, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

"Have you finished laughing?" Xue An said calmly.

A ferocious flame burned in the twinkling eyes.

"Aren't you afraid at all?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?" Xue An sneered, "You are right. Even without the blessing of the law of time, you are still the top creature in this world. With the current me alone, I won't be able to do anything to you for a while!"

Shu Ming's eyes burst out with hope, and then he said in a tone as gentle as possible.

"Since no one can do anything to anyone, how about this, Xue An, you and I will each take a step back, you let me go, I promise to immediately restore the chaotic timeline of the heavens, and I will not fight against you again from now on, from now on we will not interfere with each other, what do you think?"

Xue An lowered his head and stared coldly at Shuming's eyes.

Su Ming tried his best to make his eyes look more sincere.

But soon Xue An sneered.

"Shu Ming, I think you made a mistake!"


"Do you think that I deal with you just to restore the chaotic timeline of the heavens?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course there are reasons for this, but the most important thing is not the case!"

"what is that?"

There was a flame burning in Xue An's eyes, "I came here to avenge the Chinese who died tragically at the hands of you and others!"

Shu Ming's heart trembled wildly, and he looked at Xue An in disbelief.

"As for what you said about not being able to kill you temporarily, don't worry, not being able to kill you temporarily doesn't mean you can't be killed forever, and just in this world, time is the least valuable thing!"

At the end Xue An's eyes were full of cold sarcasm.

"If you can't kill it in one day, then it will be two days. If you can't kill it in two days, then it will be three days... One day you will be torn apart by me to avenge your fellow citizens who died tragically!"

Shu Ming felt his blood run cold all over his body.

It wasn't because of anything else, it was completely overwhelmed by the coldness and firmness of Xue An's words.

The overflowing murderous aura was enough to make one's hair stand on end.

"You can't do this, shouldn't you go back to the heavens to save your body first?" Shu Ming suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but shouted.

Xue An smiled coldly. UU reading

"Don't think that I'm so easy to deceive. The matter of the heavens is just a trivial case of scabies. As long as I kill you, the crisis over there will naturally be resolved!"

When the words fell, Xue An slammed his palms together and slapped them down.

His fingers pierced through the indestructible bone in an instant, and then Xue An pulled down forcefully.

With a click, the already cracked bone was torn off by Xue An.

There was a shriek and a miserable howl, and he also made a fierce effort.

"Xue An, you are courting death!"

??The 3000th chapter commemorates!



(end of this chapter)


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