Chapter 3001 Pulling Dragon Tendons

Large chunks of dragon scales floated on the surface of the sea, mixed with pale bone fragments and pale gold blood, which was shocking.


The sea surface was knocked open, and a mutilated giant dragon rushed into the sky, panting violently.

It was the giant snake of time and space whistling.

It's just that Shu Ming at this moment is no longer as vigorous as it was at the beginning, and has become extremely embarrassed.

The huge dragon head was covered with scars, and one eye was also blinded, leaving only the dark eye sockets.

The huge body that was originally tens of miles long has shrunk to less than a mile, and there is still no piece of intact skin. Almost all the dragon scales have been pulled off abruptly, exposing the **** body underneath.

At this moment, Shuming was trembling.

The trembling was part fear and part anger.

Fear of the situation he was in, and anger at the boy opposite.

"Xue An, why are you willing to let me go?" Shu Ming roared angrily.

Although the expression is menacing, as if questioning, but from the flickering light in the only remaining eye, it can be seen that it is fierce and inward.

Xue An smiled.

The smile touched the scar on his face, and the blood dripped instantly.

Xue An was also injured, and it was extremely serious.

The left arm was torn off by a huge force, and even the muscles and tendons on the left chest were gone, and the beating heart could even be vaguely seen through the cracks in the ribs.

At the same time, a huge scar stretched across his waist, almost cutting it off in the middle.

As for other minor injuries, there are countless.

But even so, Xue An's eyes were still burning like fire.

"Why are you willing to let you go? Hehe..."

Xue An sneered, "I said long ago that this is an endless battle, between you and me, only one person can get out of this world!"

Shrinking eyes appeared in Shu Ming's eyes.

It has survived for so long, but it has never seen someone like Xue An.

Putting life and death aside, not caring about oneself.

"Don't you know that everything you own will disappear after you die? How difficult is it for you to reach the current state? Why are you so desperate?" Shu Ming roared.

"Of course I know, but so what? After all... You must be the one who dies in the end!"

"Arrogance!" Shu Ming couldn't hold back any longer, and rushed towards Xue An with a loud roar.

One man and one dragon fought together again, and the battle was extremely fierce.

But as time went by, the balance of victory was gradually tilting towards Xue An.

Without the blessing of the law of time, Shu Ming lost 90% of his strength, and was naturally beaten by Xue An.

Finally, after another fierce hedging, Xue An successfully rode on Shu Ming's neck, then raised his hand and thrust down forcefully.


Xue An's palm was deeply inserted into Shu Ming's neck, blood spattered, and Shu Ming howled in pain.

But Xue An didn't hesitate at all, the palm inserted into Shu Ming's body fiddled and grasped the tendon that runs through Shu Ming's entire body, and then pulled it out with all his strength.

Accompanied by the tooth-piercing rubbing sound and the almost hysterical howling of the shriek.

Xue An forcefully pulled out the Shuming tendons bit by bit.

When this tendon, which was crystal clear like jade and white as snow, was completely pulled out, Shu Ming's body crashed down, and then floated on the sea like a puddle of mud, completely powerless to fight.

Xue An was panting violently.

This battle consumes a lot of energy, even Xue An, who has already proved the peak of the saint, is exhausted at this time.

But everything is worth it.

Wasn't the purpose of the step-by-step arduous planning to smash down this evil creature who thinks it can play tricks on the altar, so as to avenge the blood revenge of the Chinese people back then?

Xue Anqiang held up the last bit of strength, and slowly walked in front of Shu Ming.

At this moment, Shu Ming could no longer move, but he could still speak.

So when it saw Xue An walking towards it, it made an unexpected decision.

beg for mercy!

That's right!

This top-level evil **** who was so high above that he didn't even put Xue An in his eyes at all, finally let go of his burden at this moment, and began to pray humblely.

The more it has survived countless years of life, the more unable to face the fear of death.

"Xue An, let us all calm down, as long as you let me go, I am willing to give up everything, even time and the law of fate, as long as you spare my life, how about it?"

"By the way, I have accumulated countless wealth over the years. As long as you are willing to nod, these are all yours. If you find it unacceptable to let me go, you can even destroy my body directly, and just let go of my soul! Okay?"

Shu Ming repeatedly begged for mercy, but Xue An was unmoved at all.

Because he was seriously injured and even on the verge of collapse, Xue An walked very slowly, but every step he took was so firm.

Just like those ancestors who were indomitable and fought hard back then.

Seeing this, Shu Ming gradually showed despair in his eyes.

As an existence that had personally experienced the catastrophe that year, it knew too well what Xue An's current state meant.

The fear of death finally broke its psychological defenses, and it began to curse.

"You **** Chinese are as indestructible as locusts. I really regret that I didn't suggest that you should completely destroy the heavens where you are!"

"Xue An, don't think that everything will be fine if you kill me, your lord will definitely return, and then will be your real time of death!"

Xue An stopped in front of Shu Ming, expressionless on his blood-stained face.

"Who is the grown-up you are talking about?"

"Hahahaha at this time, there is no need to hide it from you. The lord I am talking about is the common ancestor of all the evil things in the heavens and myriad worlds. I am just a humble earthworm under its hands. If it wasn't for the old man to leave this world for something, how could it be your turn to be crazy?"

Shu Ming shouted extremely excitedly, trying to scare Xue An with these words.

But it failed.

Xue An not only didn't have the slightest fear, but smiled brighter and brighter.

"Why did the adult you mentioned leave?"

Su Ming was taken aback for a moment was obviously stopped by the question.

And Xue An ignored its astonishment, and continued on his own: "Actually, I can guess it without you telling me! It's chasing after the existence that once protected me secretly, right?"

Shouting tongue-tied.

"If this is the case, at least one thing can be confirmed, that is, the existence that once protected me has not died as those evil things said before, but has gone to the unknown place!"

"The adult you mentioned was worried, so he went to chase after him, and this universe was emptied!"

"Am I guessing right?"

Looking at Xue An, who was still smiling happily even though his face was covered with blood, Shu Ming suddenly felt a kind of fear from the heart.

(end of this chapter)


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