Chapter 3005 Rescue (Part 1)

Before, Xue An had accidentally glimpsed the time dimension of the heavens, and knew that Fan Mengxue, Tang Xuan'er and others were too emotionally charged to change even the sudden sound, so Qi Qi was trapped in the gap of time.

Although Xue An knew this at the time, but because of the uncontrollable time dimension, he could only sigh.

Now with the help of these two principles, Xue An's spiritual consciousness has smoothly entered the time dimension of the heavens.

The time gap is a very strange space.

Here belongs to the dimension of time, but there is no passage of time.

There is nothing here, just like a cage of nothingness.

When Xue An came here, the first people he saw were Tang Xuan'er and Fan Mengxue.

I saw the two of them standing quietly in the void, neither of them spoke.

It wasn't until Xue An showed up that the two raised their heads and looked at him.

Xue An suppressed the excitement in his heart, smiled slightly, "I'm here!"

But the expected exciting scene did not appear.

On the contrary, Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er had very strange expressions on their faces.

Then Fan Mengxue sighed quietly, "How many times is this?"

Tang Xuan'er said, "This is the tenth time!"

"It's more realistic every time, and this time it can even talk!"

"Yeah, it looks like the real Xue An!"

The two girls sighed together after finishing speaking, with sad expressions on their faces.

"I don't know what Xue An is doing now!"

"He must be trying to save us!"

"Well, it must be like this, but I still really want to see him!"

The second daughter started talking on her own, completely ignoring Xue An.

Xue An was taken aback for a moment, but after hearing the conversation between the two girls, he couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

It turned out that the two of them regarded themselves as hallucinations!

Xue An was a little moved by what he heard later.

So he coughed lightly and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"How do you know it's not true this time?"

Fan Mengxue glanced at Xue An, "Come on, if you were real, you would have come up to touch my head a long time ago!"

Tang Xuan'er at the side agreed, "That's right, that guy likes touching people's heads the most, and often messes up people's newly-made hairstyles, I hate it to death!"

Because they felt that the Xue An in front of them was not real, the two girls had no scruples when they spoke, and began to complain unscrupulously.

Xue An was a little embarrassed.

I used to seem... I did have this problem.

But at that time, the two people didn't say that, instead they showed expressions of enjoyment.

Thinking of this, Xue An felt narrow-minded, and sighed helplessly.

"Sure enough, I still can't fool you, so I'm leaving!"

As he spoke, his figure gradually became transparent, and soon disappeared.

Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er both had expressions of sadness on their faces.

Although he knew it was a phantom, he was still very happy when he stood in front of him.

So after he disappeared, Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er fell silent again.

But at this moment, Fan Mengxue felt a familiar feeling over her head.

It was as if...a warm hand was stroking her hair.

This feeling surprised her, and she immediately looked up, but found nothing.

Tang Xuan'er sensed something was wrong and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Fan Mengxue looked puzzled, "It's nothing, I just felt like someone was touching my hair just now!"

"Touch your hair?" Tang Xuan'er looked around and found nothing but the milky white mist of time.

"Did you miss it too much, so you have an illusion?"

" it?" Fan Mengxue also hesitated.

But the warm touch just now is really very familiar!

Tang Xuan'er sighed, "Don't worry, he will rescue us sooner or later!"

"En!" Fan Mengxue lowered her head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Tang Xuan'er was also a little sad.

She knew that Fan Mengxue had a deep affection for Xue An, so why not herself?

I really hope he can mess up his hair again and call himself Xuan'er!

Just as this thought flashed across her mind, a familiar touch also appeared on top of her head.

Tang Xuan'er felt the hairs all over her body stand on end, and couldn't help but let out a cry.

"What's wrong?" Fan Mengxue was shocked.

"Someone touches my hair!"

"What? You feel it too?"

The two girls looked at each other, and they both saw the shock and doubt in each other's eyes.

And at this moment, a chuckle came from their ears.

"Do you know if it's true this time?"

Hearing this, the two daughters were shocked, and then saw Xue An appearing in front of them, looking at them with a smile.

This time the two girls had no doubts anymore, tears welled up in their eyes, and then they threw themselves into Xue An's arms, crying loudly.

Xue An sighed secretly in his heart, knowing that these days they were frightened and struggling to support, and their psychological endurance had reached the limit.

It is entirely because of the belief that I will save them that I have persisted until now.

So it's not surprising that he broke down and cried after he was sure it was really him.

Xue An lightly patted the two of them on the back, but did not try to persuade them, but just waited quietly.

After a long time, they stopped crying and stood up straight.

The faces of the two women were flushed, obviously a little embarrassed.

Xue An smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand to mess up their hair.

"Okay, I've worked hard for you these days, now that I'm back, everything is over!"


Both girls nodded.

Xue An looked around, "Where are Yinger and Jingjing?"

The two girls looked at each other, and Fan Mengxue said, "We didn't see them when we were imprisoned in this place!"

"That's right! Are they locked in too? What's going on?" Tang Xuan'er couldn't help asking.

Xue An wasn't in a hurry, anyway, no matter where Yinger and the others went, they couldn't get away from this gap in time.

So he told the story in detail.

When they heard that such great changes had taken place in the heavens, the faces of the two girls were shocked.

"What? It actually changed the timeline of the entire universe?"

"That's right!"

The two girls felt scared for a If it wasn't for Xue An, the two of them might be trapped in this gap forever.

This may be a crueler punishment than death.

Because there is no passage of time here, which means that the two of them have achieved a certain sense of eternal life.

But this kind of eternal life has to bear the torment of infinite loneliness and longing.

"Lucky to have you!" Fan Mengxue looked at Xue An with bright eyes.

"That's right! If it weren't for you, we might have to stay in this ghost place forever!" Tang Xuan'er also said.

Xue An smiled, "There's no need to say these things, it's all because of me that you have endured all this! It's only natural for me to save you!"

"Let's go and find Ying'er and the others!"

(end of this chapter)


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