Chapter 3006 Rescue (Part 2)

This time dimension is very mysterious.

It commands all things in the heavens, and at the same time transcends the world.

And this time gap is just at the junction of time and reality.

There is a mixture of light and dark here, and it is chaotic.

Every creature that enters here will be scattered everywhere, and it is considered a small probability that Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er can appear together.

Xue An led Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er to find Hu Ying's whereabouts.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a whole year.

A vision suddenly appeared in front of him.

After feeling the familiar breath in the illusion, the three of them stopped in their tracks.

"Is it her?" Tang Xuan'er asked.

"It shouldn't be wrong!" Fan Mengxue replied.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Whether it's true or not, don't you know if you go in and have a look?"

Saying that, Xue An stepped into the illusion.

Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er followed behind.

The moment he crossed the illusionary outer layer, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

This is a hill as high as the sky, with countless exotic flowers and plants, and the scenery is so beautiful.

Xue An's eyes flickered slightly.

Because this place is too familiar to him.

It was exactly what Qingqiu Fox Country looked like in the past.

He didn't disturb this illusion, but walked forward slowly, and soon came to the top of the mountain.

There is a huge tree on the top of the mountain, and there is a person sitting under the tree, it is Huying.

It's just that at this moment, Hu Ying is no longer as lively as before, but is sitting quietly under the tree, lowering her head and talking ramblingly to a phantom in front of her.

"Brother An, do you miss me?"

Naturally, it is impossible for Phantom to answer her question, so Huying continued on her own, "If you don't say anything, I'll take it as if you miss me, hee hee, I miss you too!"

After a few smiles, Hu Ying suddenly sighed, "I really miss the days when you and your brother were in Qingqiu!"

"At that time, you were not the invincible Red Lotus Immortal. I would pester you all day long and let you play with me. Sometimes it would annoy you so much that you would just pinch my nose helplessly and pamperingly. You would never get angry with me!"

"That was the happiest time in my life! So brother An..."

Huying paused for a moment, and her voice was a bit more choked, "Do you know how much I like you and want to see you?"

"I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a minute. I want to see you. If you can feel my thoughts, please show up as soon as possible!"

Hearing Hu Ying's words, Xue An fell silent.

He really didn't know that this girl who he once regarded as a child actually had such a delicate heart.

Back then when he was traveling through the heavens, he met Hu Ye. After the two became close friends, Xue An followed him to Qingqiu Hu Country Primary School for a period of time.

It turned out that it was such an unintentional move that Hu Ying would remember deeply for so long.

Tang Xuan'er and Fan Mengxue didn't have much feeling.

They already knew that Hu Ying's affection for Xue An was no worse than the two of them.

At this time, Xue An no longer concealed his figure, coughed softly and said, "Ying'er!"

Hu Ying suddenly raised her head and saw Xue An and Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er standing behind him at a glance, she couldn't help being stunned.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Ying'er, I'm here to save you!"

Hu Ying blinked, and big tears welled up in her eyes.

This silent cry is the deadliest.

Even Xue An couldn't help feeling distressed, and walked forward quickly, "Ying'er..."

Before he finished speaking, Hu Ying hugged him.

"Brother An, it's really you! I thought I'd never see you again!" Hu Ying sobbed in Xue An's arms.

"How could it be! Didn't I come here!" Xue An said softly.

Hu Ying didn't speak, just kept crying, as if she wanted to vent all the thoughts of these days with tears.

It took a long time before he stopped crying, stood up and looked at Xue An with red eyes.

"Brother An, will you still leave this time when you come back?"

"Of course I won't leave, and I will take you home!"

"En!" Hu Ying nodded happily, "Go home!"

"But before I go home, I still have to find the rest of the people!" Xue An said.

"You mean Jingjing and the others?" Hu Ying asked.

"Do you know where they are?"

"I don't know the location, but I have searched for a way out in this space and found some clues. It should be Jingjing and the others!"

"What about them?"

"I don't know, I didn't see them at the time."

"Can you still find where you found it?"


"Okay, then let's go and have a look!"

Now that Xue An has already arrived, there is naturally no need for this illusion to exist.

After Hu Ying subdued the illusion, she led Xue An and others to the location she had discovered before.

There is a small flag here.

The flag was transformed from a top, which could be vaguely identified as a woman's clothes.

And after unfolding the flag, you can still see the handwriting written in blood on it.

The two big characters Xie Jingjing and Xue Lan came into view impressively.

At the same time, a big arrow pointed forward.


Xue An put away the flag, and immediately led the three girls in pursuit in the direction indicated by the arrow.

as expected.

Not long after walking in the direction of the arrow, I saw another small flag.

After stopping and stopping like this, after getting several small flags one after another, traces of Xie Jingjing and Xue Lan finally appeared in front of them.

Needless to say, I was touched after meeting each other.

In this way, Xue An finally found everyone who was trapped in the gap of time.

Looking at the girls with joyful faces, Xue An smiled slightly, "Let's go, I'll take you home now!"

With the law of time, the originally unbreakable time barrier becomes as fragile as paper.

Xue An easily led the girls back to reality.

Suddenly, the originally empty void became lively.

Hu Ye, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, caught a glimpse of his younger sister, Hu Ying, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

"younger sister!"

Then he rushed over impatiently.

Although on weekdays, Huying looked down upon her inconsequential and often ridiculed her.

But seeing each other again after this catastrophe, Hu Ying was also very excited.

When brothers and sisters meet each other, they are naturally filled with joy.

Tang Xuan'er and Fan Mengxue stared blankly at the earth that had been cut in half.

Although they had already learned about the shocking changes outside from Xue An, they were still filled with sadness when they actually saw it.

After all, it was his home!

Xue An could naturally see their thoughts and couldn't help smiling.

"Don't worry, everything will come back after I reset the timeline!"

After all, Xue An began to formally sort out the chaotic timeline!

(end of this chapter)


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