Chapter 3009 News

Although before leaving, Xue An packed up all kinds of supplies as much as possible, including Wan Nian's favorite ice cream.

But this trip was too long, and when I came back, I wanted to give Nai Yingying many special products from the earth as gifts.

So think about it and Niannian haven't eaten ice cream for a while.

Because of father's repeated battles before, they could still feel the crisis of the situation even though they were in the internal space.

In this case, they are naturally not in the mood to eat so-called snacks.

But now that all the dust has settled, the gluttons in their two stomachs can't help being seduced out.

Zhang Xiaoyu's mouth drooled when he heard it.

The encounter during this period was like a torture for her who is naturally restless.

Hearing that there is something delicious, I naturally yearn for it.

"Okay, okay, then I'll go now!"

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered something, and stretched out her hand to think about it.

"What is this for?" Think about asking.

"Young master, it takes money to buy ice cream, you can't let me grab it!"

"Ah? But we have no money!" Xiang Niannian was a little dumbfounded.

"Then what should I do? I just recovered, and I'm penniless!" Zhang Xiaoyu said.

Then both of them turned their eyes on Xiaosha.

Xiaosha was a little embarrassed by the look, and couldn't help saying: "What are you looking at me for? It's like I'm rich!"

"Forget it, don't eat!" Thinking about it, I was a little discouraged.

"How can I do that? I'll go to my father to ask for some money to buy ice cream!" Nian Nian obviously didn't intend to give up.

"It's better not to, my mother said that we won't let us eat more ice cream, and now we ask for money, let alone give it!" Thinking about it, there are many worries.

"Don't worry, Dad dotes on us so much, he won't let Mom know!" Nian Nian is sure to win.

And at this moment, several figures were seen falling in front of Lao Xie's restaurant, and the leader was Hu Ye.

Behind him are Hu Ying and Zhang Tianyou.

But apart from them, there was a young girl who was particularly eye-catching.

Seeing her, Xiang Niannian was taken aback for a moment, and then ran over overjoyed.

Shouting while running.

"Sister Chan'er!"

The person who came was the little girl Chan'er who had followed Xue An.

She was also lost in time, and did not return until the chaos was set right.

The two little girls were very impressed with this gentle and lovely young lady, so they rushed over as soon as they saw her.

Chan'er was also very excited.

She didn't know much, and if Xue An hadn't brought her out of her world, she might have been an ordinary person all her life.

And because of this, in terms of sincerity, no one could surpass Tang Xuan'er, Fan Mengxue and a few others.

And she is very clear about her own position, and she has absolutely no delusions that she shouldn't have.

Even thinking about Xiang Nian Nian, she subconsciously treated him as a young master, and never dared to be disrespectful.

Now seeing the two little girls reunited after a long absence, she is naturally very happy.

"Sister Chan'er, why are you coming back now?" After the three laughed and quarreled for a while, Nian Nian couldn't help asking.

Chan'er blushed, "I don't know either!"

Hu Ye on the side smiled and said, "Let me tell. I went to pick up Zhang Tianyou, but I happened to find Chan'er who was walking alone in the void, so I brought him back!"

"If not, she might not even be able to find a home!"

"So that's how it is. Let's go, Sister Chan'er, I'll take you to see Dad!" Nian Nian nodded, and then she and her sister took Chan'er's hand and walked to the restaurant. The appearance of their group made the noisy restaurant quiet for a few seconds.

Chan'er looked at the familiar figure sitting in front of the table, tears filled her eyes in an instant, and said in a trembling voice.


This is Chan'er's name for Xue An, and it has never changed.

Xue An put down his wine glass, turned his head and glanced at Chan'er, and then a bright smile gradually appeared on his face.

"I'm home!"


"If I haven't come back, I plan to go outside to find you!"

Chan'er lowered her head, and said with some embarrassment: "I... I'm lost!"

Before she finished speaking, a warm hand rested on her head.

"Okay, it's my fault that I didn't find you in the first place!" Xue An said softly.

Chan'er hurriedly raised her head, stammering: "No... no, young master, I didn't mean that!"

Xue An smiled, "I know what you mean, but I did make a mistake in this matter! Go ahead, they are all busy in the back kitchen, so you can help me too!"

"En!" Chan'er nodded vigorously, her red eyes narrowed with laughter, and then bounced to the back kitchen.

"Brother Xiao An, I'm going too!" Seeing this, Hu Ying went straight to the back kitchen without ordering.

Xue An cupped his hands to Zhang Tianyou, "Thank you!"

Zhang Tianyou had already installed a mechanical prosthesis at this time, and when he saw this, he hurriedly turned to avoid Xue An's thanks.

"Mr. Xue, what are you doing? This is what I should do, why not thank you!"

Xue An didn't refuse, just smiled when he heard the words, and then raised his hand, "Since that's the case, please take a seat!"

Hu Ye was about to sit down excitedly when Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What? Didn't you find Rou'er?"

Although Hu Ye's wife Rou'er did not disappear during the catastrophe, she also lost all her memories.

Now that the timeline has come to an end, she has also changed her position accordingly.

In addition to picking up Zhang Tianyou, Hu Ye is actually picking up Rou'er more importantly.

"I just received the news that she is now in Qingqiu Fox Country. Because of the long journey, she won't be able to come back for a while, so let me rest assured!" Hu Ye said with a smile.

"Okay then, sit down and drink!"

At this time, the food also began to be presented like flowing water.

Everyone drank to their heart's content, a scene of joy.

Especially Zhang Tianyou and Yang Fu, because they are both technical geeks, they hit it off right away, and after drinking a few glasses of wine, they could not wait to kowtow.

Just at the moment of Hu Ye suddenly approached Xue An mysteriously, and said in a low voice.

"I also heard a piece of news!"

"what news?"

"Didn't that Jian San leave without saying goodbye after the end of the timeline? What do you think she did?"

Xue An was silent for a moment, then said lightly: "Go to the Sword Palace to find Li Jingxing!"

"Oh my god, how did you know?" Hu Ye was shocked.

"Is it hard to guess? Jiansan is a sword-addicted person. At the beginning, she was defeated by Li Jingxing with one move, and finally died helplessly. If she doesn't get rid of this knot, then her swordsmanship will have no cultivation and no realm!" Xue An explained.

"Awesome! It seems that you have really figured out this Jiansan's temper!" Hu Ye gave a thumbs up.

(end of this chapter)


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