Chapter 3010 Challenge Again

Xue An smiled, "It's not that I've figured out her temper, but that every sword cultivator would be like this! Even if it were me, I would make the same choice!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"How to do it?" Xue An raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and said calmly.

"Of course it's time to drink!"

Hu Ye looked at what Xue An wanted to say, but finally hesitated to speak.

At the same time, in the void that is extremely far away from the earth, there is a sword mountain towering impressively.

This is where the famous Sword Palace is located.

When Shu Ming was messing up the timeline, the Sword Palace was as important as the Qingqiu Fox Country.

Although Li Jingxing was strong, he was still far behind the Shuming at that time, so he was also deprived of time.

After the timeline was restored this time, Li Jingxing regained his freedom.

But he knew that all these great changes must have come from Xue An.

But he didn't rush to the earth immediately, because this long seal actually made his kendo realm soar.

There are many sentiments to comprehend.

But when he was meditating to hone the sword intent in his heart, a woman suddenly appeared in front of the sword palace.

The vertical lines between the eyebrows are like blood, and the evil spirit is pressing.

She looked up at the majestic and magnificent Sword Palace, and there was a ripple in her eyes like autumn water.

"This girl is an important place in the Sword Palace. Please leave quickly!" The guard guarding the gate of the Sword Palace shouted.

Jian San lowered his head and glanced at the guards, but didn't answer, but walked straight inside.

"Girl, don't blame us for being rude!"

The guard was first overwhelmed by Jiansan's peerless beauty, and seeing her so fragile, so he didn't take action immediately, but kindly reminded her.

But in the next second, this kindness seemed so superfluous.

I saw a snow-like sword flashing past, directly touching the guard's forehead.

Looking at the sword intent in front of him, he couldn't help swallowing.

Jian San ignored him at all, but continued to walk deep into the Sword Palace.

After her back disappeared behind the mountain gate, the sword intent on the guard's brow disappeared instantly.

The guard let out a sigh of relief, his face was as white as paper, and his eyes were full of panic.

Who is this woman? Why is it so powerful?

However, these questions were quickly resolved.

Because at this moment, several major walkers from the Sword Palace appeared one after another, blocking Jian San's way.

Among them is the former Three Swords Walking Jane in Heart.

She recognized Jian San at a glance, and she couldn't help being surprised.

With her strength, she naturally retained her memory.

But I didn't expect that just after recovering, this girl who had come to challenge her and was defeated, unexpectedly revived for some reason, and came to the door again.

How could this not shock Jane in her heart.

But although she was suspicious in her heart, she didn't show it at all on the surface.

"Miss Jian San, what's the reason for your sudden visit?" She stepped forward and asked.

Sword three?

The rest of the walkers also showed expressions of astonishment.

Naturally, they also knew about the battle with Master back then.

It's just that she didn't expect that the peerless genius who once traversed the universe and seldom met opponents turned out to be such a weak girl.

Jian San finally spoke, his tone was as cold as frost, and there were only two words.

"Step aside!"

Such words instantly angered these self-esteemed kendo geniuses.

Especially after experiencing this time deprivation, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, which is when they are full of confidence.

Therefore, someone immediately sneered and said: "Where did you come from, you wild girl dares to act wildly in front of our sword palace gate, if you leave quickly, you can spare your life, if not... you will be at your own risk!"

The one who spoke was a Seven Swords Walker.

But these words are not even qualified for Jian San to look at him.

"Get out of the way!" she said again, her tone colder than before.

For some reason, Jane felt that the hairs all over her body stood on end, and Jian Xin trembled even more.

So she immediately yelled, "Don't do it!"

Unfortunately it was too late.

The Seven Swords Walker snorted coldly, and had already cut out with one sword.

Huaguang burst out, and the momentum was quite impressive.

This Seven Swords Walker was overjoyed, it seemed that his strength had really improved a lot!

But this kind of joy only lasted for a moment, when Jian San suddenly raised his eyes, and a trace of sword intent exuding an aura of extinction burst out from his whole body.

The seemingly radiant sword light turned into nothingness without even a trace of resistance.

Seven Swords Walking was shocked and wanted to run away.

But no matter how fast he was, it was impossible for him to be faster than Jian Guang.

I saw this sword intent flashing past, and then heard a crisp sound of clicking.

The heart of the sword walking with seven swords was instantly shattered.

But it wasn't over yet, another ray of needle-like sword light pierced the man's brow.

He was terrified, and it was impossible to hide, so he could only look at the sword stabbing with despair.

But at this moment, a gray sword light flew diagonally, just blocking the sword intent.

Then I heard a sigh from behind the Sword Palace.

"I really didn't expect that after so many years, the war between us is still not over!"

Jian San raised his head to look at the source of the voice.

A figure appeared at the top of the sword mountain.

A look of fanaticism appeared in Jian's three eyes.

"Li Jingxing!"

"Miss Jian San, long time no see!"

Following the voice, this figure appeared in front of Jiansan.

These Sword Palace walkers bowed their heads one after another, "Master!"

Li Jingxing glanced at the Seven Swords Walker, sighed and said, "The pride is still there, so you should have this calamity. Go to Sword Mountain and face the wall!"

The Seven Swords Walker looked pale and bowed his head heavily, "Yes!"

Then he turned and left.

Li Jingxing looked at Jian San.

"But I don't know why Miss Jian San came here this time?"

The sword-shaped vertical lines between Jian San's eyebrows became more and more red, "I'm here to kill you!"

Li Jingxing was silent for a moment, "Does it have to be like this?"

"Of course!" Jian San raised his head proudly.

"In that battle back then, I lost a single move and fell from then on. Now that I have a chance to do it all over again, of course I will surpass that sword!"

Li Jingxing looked at Jian who was full of fanaticism, and couldn't help showing a touch of respect in his eyes.

In any case, this girl's dedication and enthusiasm for kendo are worthy of respect.

"Okay! Then I will compete with you again!"

Jian San glanced at Li Jingxing, then shook his head, "Not now!"

"You have just recovered, and your sword heart comprehension has not yet reached its peak. I will wait for you for three days. After three days, the sword will come out without regret!"

After finishing speaking, Jian San sat down on his own.

Seeing Jiansan who closed his eyes and said nothing, Li Jingxing was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Okay! What a peerless genius girl, this time I will see if you, Jian San, can change your name!"

"Pass my order, regardless of whether this battle wins or loses, Miss Jiansan will be the most honored guest of my Sword Palace!"

(end of this chapter)


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