Chapter 3011 Sword Competition

Three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, Jian San sat calmly in front of the gate of the Sword Palace with closed eyes and rested his mind. No one dared to approach her, and all of them looked at this amazing and talented girl with awe.

As for Li Jingxing, he turned back to the top of the sword mountain to comprehend what he had gained this time.

When the time came to three days, Jian San suddenly raised his eyes.

At this moment, Li Jingxing on the top of the sword mountain also opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other at the same time.


There was a loud explosion, and two sword intents exploded in the void between the two of them.

There is such power just by looking at each other, and everyone's expressions changed in horror.

There are no waves on the three sides of the sword, and without seeing her move, her figure has already soared into the sky.

Li Jingxing followed closely behind, and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

"Senior Sister Jian, isn't Master and this Miss Jiansan going to compete swords? Why are they all gone?" asked a junior brother.

Jane sank in her heart, "Nonsense, if Master and the others don't leave, then we don't want this Sword Palace anymore. Even you and I may be killed by the aftermath of the sword energy!"

The little junior shrank his neck in fright, "Is it that exaggerated?"

"Is it that exaggerated?" Jane sneered in her heart, "Master and this Jiansan girl are peerless swordsmen, and they have made great progress after going through this calamity!"

"If they fight with all their strength, let alone the Sword Palace, it's hard to say whether the nearby star field can be kept!"

The little junior was finally frightened, and then spoke cautiously.

"Then... Senior Sister Jian, do you think Master can win?"

"Of course!" Jane replied immediately in her heart, and suddenly thought of something, her face sank.

"There are so many questions, hurry back and practice sword!"

"Uh... alright!"

The junior brother walked away dejectedly.

Jane raised her head in her heart, and cast her eyes on the far-reaching void, a look of worry that was not easy to be noticed flashed across her face.

Although she replied simply and neatly just now, she actually didn't have much confidence in her heart.

After all, she has witnessed the strength of Jian San with her own eyes, and it can be said that she is only a hair away from her master.

This time it came again with power and influence, the outcome is really unpredictable.

At the same time, in an empty void.

Jian San and Li Jingxing stood thousands of meters apart. Although neither of them spoke, the more and more boiling sword power on each other indicated that the battle was approaching.


Seeing the peak of the three eyebrows of Jian raised, a small bright red sword took shape instantly, and then broke through the space and came straight towards Li Jingxing.

This sword looked ordinary, and it didn't even stir up any waves.

But the more so, the more dignified Li Jingxing's expression became.

Because he knows that this is the scene that will appear after the sword intent has been condensed to the extreme.

It proved that not a single bit of sword intent was wasted.

Although his heart trembled slightly, Li Jingxing was not afraid, instead he chuckled, "Good time!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and flicked his fingers lightly.

It was just this flick of the finger, but a boundless sword intent rushed out, directly blocking the violent attack of this bright red sword.

If the sword of Jian San is like the sword energy swayed wantonly by the sword fairy in the sky.

Li Jingxing's counter move was like a magnificent river, no matter how splendid the moves were, it could not shake it at all.

In the end, Yin Hong's little sword was finally defeated by Li Jingxing's sword intent after advancing hard for a while, and it shattered loudly.

But Jiansan's eyes became brighter and more enthusiastic.

"Good sword intent, is this what you have realized between life and death?"

Li Jingxing didn't hide anything, and nodded directly, "Yes!"

"Take another trick from me!"

Jian San became interested, he swung his onion-like fingers in the air, and then a long sword appeared in his hand.

"This sword is called Unforgettable!" Jian San said lightly.

Hearing these words, Li Jingxing's face became serious, "Please!"

He knew that the real highlight was coming.

It must be a peerless sword move that can make a monster like swordsman like Jiansan so solemn.


Seeing Jiansan lightly swiping his long sword, the void moved violently.

In order to avoid hurting the innocent, Jian San and Li Jingxing deliberately chose an extremely remote void.

There is nothing around but the gravel left by the shattered planet.

But when Jian San swung out the sword, all the rocks and gravels within a thousand li radius were shattered and turned into powder.

And Li Jingxing felt as if something stabbed his eyebrows hard, the pain was unbearable.

That was an illusion caused by the sword power of Jiansan's sword being too strong.

Li Jingxing finally knew what kind of strength the girl in front of him had reached, and the pride in his heart couldn't help being aroused.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Amidst the loud shouts, Li Jingxing reached into the void with one palm, pulled it out, and also concentrated his sword with his mind, pulled out a long sword, and then slashed head-on.

At their level, all tricks are meaningless.

There is no other way than to judge the level of the sword.

There was no sound of collision, only the void was torn apart soundlessly like paper, shredded, and turned into nothingness.

Then Jian San and Li Jingxing took half a step back at the same time, and the long sword in their hands was also shattered at the same time.

This sword was actually a tie again.

Jian San became more and more excited as he fought more and more, his eyes were as bright as the stars.

"Come again!"

With a soft drink, a drop of blood dripped from the vertical line between Jian San's eyebrows, and fell into Jian San's hands.

Jian San flicked lightly.

This drop of blood flew towards Li Jingxing.

While in the air, the drop of blood rapidly increased and condensed, and finally turned into a long sword that was as crystal clear as a red crystal.

A look of astonishment finally appeared in Li Jingxing's eyes.

Even he was overwhelmed by the sharpness of this sword.

If it were someone else, maybe the power of this sword alone would be enough to make him kneel down and admit defeat.

But Li Jingxing was not someone else.

Once upon a time, he was the most powerful sword cultivator in the entire heavens.

It was not until Xue An appeared that he retreated to second place.

Therefore, although he admired this girl who was obsessed with swords, he refused to let himself have the slightest bit of water.

Because he knew that was not only an insult to himself, but also an insult to Jiansan.

He bit the tip of his tongue, and let out a soft sigh.

A drop of blood instantly turned into a sword's edge, and rushed forward.

This time, it was like a landslide, and the loud noise even caused the stars tens of millions of miles away to flicker.

But looking at Jian San and Li Jingxing, they are still equal.

Li Jingxing sighed at this moment, and his slightly pale face turned rosy.

The drop of donated blood just now is the essence of Jian Xin, after losing it, even if it is as strong as him, it is still a little weak.

"Miss Jian San is indeed well-deserved of her reputation, but now that you and I have made a big move, we are still evenly divided. If we continue to fight, it will be meaningless except that we will both lose. So what if we have a draw in this battle?"

(end of this chapter)


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