Chapter 3012 Final Sword II

What Li Jingxing said was the truth.

Although only three strokes have been passed, the two already know each other's strength.

It can be said that they are almost on the same level. If this is the case, if the fight continues, it will only increase casualties.

The point is not that there is any life-and-death enmity that cannot be resolved, that's why Li Jingxing just said that.

Jian San's complexion was also a little pale, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"As I said, there is no regret in this battle, so apart from winning or losing, there is no third outcome!"

Saying that, Jian San raised his hand and gently rolled up the long hair at the back of his head, and then used a small sword concentrating on his mind as a hairpin to pin it.

The beautiful lower jaw and swan-like neck are revealed.

Jianshan held the temple hair scattered around his ears with his mouth, and then raised his eyes.

"Take another sword from me!"

The vertical lines between the eyebrows were full of blood, turning into a small sword that was crystal clear and dignified as a mountain.

Jiansan holds the sword in his hand, pointing forward obliquely.

"This sword is named Wujian!"

After saying that, Li Jingxing suddenly felt that the world in front of him turned a strange red.

The distant stars that could be vaguely seen before had disappeared.

He understood that he had entered the illusion formed by the three swords.

At this critical moment, he remained calm in the face of danger, closed his eyes directly to avoid the interference of the phantom in front of him, and then turned into a dragon with sword intent all over his body, rushing towards the direction perceived by Jianxin.

This time he didn't hold back, and he didn't dare to hold back.

He knew that this was the ultimate battle between the two of them.

Win or lose, it all depends on this move!

As Jiansan said, there is no regret when the sword comes out!

Jane Zaixin and the rest of the Sword Palace waited anxiously in front of the mountain gate of the Sword Palace.

Although the time has only passed an hour or less.

But Jian Zaixin and the others, as sword cultivators, naturally knew that the stronger the sword cultivator, the easier it would be to actually confront the sword.

It is even possible to tell the winner with just one sword.

Therefore, the scene of less than an hour is long enough.

"Why hasn't Master come back? Could it be..." Someone said softly.

"No, master, he studies heaven and man, and his sword beats all beings! Although Jian San is powerful, he is still young, so master will never be defeated!" Someone vowed.

"Then why hasn't Master come back until now?"

"Maybe something is delaying it!"

Jane naturally heard the whispers of the brothers behind her, but at the moment she was not in the mood to care about it.

She was looking forward to it, only wanting to see Master's familiar figure appearing in the sky.

And at this moment, a sword light streaked across the sky.

But Jian Zaixin and the others did not cheer, but were cold all over.

Because they could feel that the sword light was not from the master, but from Jiansan.


Seeing Jian Guang flashing, Jian San appeared in front of Jian Zaixin and others with a person on his shoulders.


"Master, what's wrong with you!"

Accompanied by screams, including Jane Zaixin, these people from the Sword Palace rushed forward one after another.

Jian San casually put down the person on his shoulders, it was Li Jingxing.

It's just that Li Jingxing's appearance at this moment is very miserable.

Not to mention his pale face, there was a long scar on his shoulder, which extended to the other shoulder.

It can be said that if it gets deeper, Li Jingxing's head will have to move.

Although the wound had stopped bleeding, there were still blood stains on his body.

Seeing this scene, how could Jane Zaixin and the others not feel anxious.

But before they could say anything, Li Jingxing waved his hand lightly, signaling them to keep silent.

Then Li Jingxing looked at the girl standing in front of him.

Jian San's complexion is also very white, as white as paper.

At the same time, he didn't know whether his body was stained with his own blood or he was also injured, it was all blood.

But despite this, Jiansan still stands upright like a sword.

A look of appreciation appeared in Li Jingxing's eyes.

"Thank you!"

This thank you has multiple meanings.

In addition to thanking Jian San for carrying him back, more is to express his gratitude to her for showing mercy under the sword.

"No, you and I are just fighting swords, not life and death, so I won't kill you of course!" Jian San said lightly.

Li Jingxing nodded, "Okay, you have won, from now on you will replace me and become the second sword cultivator in this world!"

Although the result had been expected long ago, but after Li Jingxing said it, Jane Zaixin and the others still felt unbelievable.

That is the invincible Lord of the Sword Palace, actually lost to a girl?

Jian San frowned, "Jian Er? This name doesn't sound very good!"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter so much, anyway, he has already defeated you, so it's his turn next!"

Said Jian Er, Shen Suqian turned around and left.

"Wait a moment!"

Shen Suqian stopped in her tracks, "What else can I do?"

Li Jingxing took a deep breath, "May I ask, are you going to challenge Xue An next?"

"Of course!" Shen Suqian replied naturally.

A complex look flashed in Li Jingxing's eyes, "I know it's impossible to persuade you to give up, but I still have to advise you!"

"Although I am the second sword cultivator in this world, it does not mean that the gap between me and Xue An is very small, on the contrary!"

"I have compared swords with him many times, but I have never forced him to use his full strength!"

"If you want to challenge him, you'd better be mentally prepared!"

"Don't worry, I know he is very powerful, I didn't plan to succeed in the challenge once, just like you, if you fail once, there will be a next time, one day I will surpass everyone and become the real Jianyi!"

After saying these words, Shen Suqian left without looking back.

Li Jingxing stared blankly at her back, his eyes were a little dazed.

He only felt that the petite girl seemed to be shining when she said these words just now, which even made him feel ashamed.

"Is this the gap between peerless geniuses and ordinary people?" Li Jingxing murmured.


Lao Xie Hotel.

Xue An was still drinking.

In fact, it wasn't just him, Yang Fu, Lao Xie and others drank more happily.

Especially Lao Xie, whose cheeks were flushed, he had drunk too much.

Even though Aunt Fat had glared at him several times, UU Read Book he didn't put down the wine glass in his hand.

Although Yang Fu didn't drink too much, his eyes were a little blurred.

The two chatted more and more speculatively, as if they were good brothers who hit it off.

Xue An just watched this scene with a smile, and took a sip from the cup from time to time to brighten the atmosphere.

As for Fox Night.

Although he really wanted to join the battle group, Hu Ying, who knew how much his brother could drink, strictly ordered him not to touch alcohol.

In desperation, he had no choice but to drink the drink he wanted to miss.

At this time, the Laoxie Restaurant can be described as very lively.

In addition to this table of wine, Anyan Tang Xuaner, Fan Mengxue and others also gathered at the table, drinking red wine and talking.

(end of this chapter)


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