Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 3013: 2 little girls who stole wine and drank

Chapter 3013 Two Little Lolitas Who Steal Drinks

"To be honest, I was really desperate after being locked up in that ghostly place. Although I knew that Brother An would definitely come to rescue me, the loneliness was enough to make me crazy!"

Even though the matter has passed, Hu Ying still has lingering fears after mentioning the original incident.

Fan Mengxue just smiled at this, and took a sip of the red wine, "I don't feel that much, because I will wait for him to save me no matter what!"

After saying these words, the others were still doing well, but Tang Xuan'er, who was sitting by the side, became a little uneasy, and then secretly glanced at An Yan.

At this time, An Yan was lowering her head to peel the shrimp shells, as if she didn't hear Fan Mengxue's words at all.

On the other hand, Hu Ying pouted a little unconvinced after hearing this, "Of course I know that Brother An will come to save me. Didn't I say that before, I feel too lonely, so I live like a year!"

At this time, Fan Mengxue also felt that what she said just now was a bit inappropriate, so she smiled slightly, and did not refute Hu Ying's words, but took the initiative to speak with her cup.

"Okay, anyway, this disaster is over, let's have a drink to celebrate!"

Fan Mengxue's proposal won the unanimous approval of everyone, and everyone raised their glasses.

Only An Yan didn't hold the cup, and was still concentrating on peeling the shrimp shells.

Fan Mengxue took the initiative to touch the wine glass on the table, and then said softly, "Sister Yan, would you like a drink?"

"Ah? I'm sorry, I peeled the shrimp too seriously just now, I really didn't hear it!"

An Yan was taken aback, and hurriedly put down the shrimp in her hand, picked up the cup and took a sip with the girls.

After drinking, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed.

Everyone chatted, it was so lively.

And at this moment, Xue Lan suddenly said: "I don't know if everyone has discovered a problem!"

"what is the problem?"

"Back then we were locked in the gap of time, and we couldn't see each other at all, but after my brother came, he found us very easily. Why is that?"

When the girls were imprisoned in the Time Gap, they didn't just sit and wait for death. On the contrary, they all actively tried to save themselves, but they all ended in failure.

And after hearing Xue Lan's question, all the girls looked pensive.

It was only after a while that Tang Xuan'er said softly, "I think I must have guessed something!"

"When we were captured back then, the man behind the scenes must have still existed, that's why we were isolated from each other, and we couldn't see each other, even though we were not far apart! And when Xue An came, the man behind the scenes must have been executed, so the isolation will be invalidated!"

Tang Xuan'er's deduction was reasonable, and all the girls couldn't help but nodded after hearing it.

Xue Lan smiled, "That's all I asked, but luckily the matter is over!"

The girls began to talk about homework again.

And at this moment, the two little girls looked at the red liquid in the goblet, and they were all a little greedy.

"What's that?" Think about asking.

"It should be a wine bar! Haven't you watched it on TV before?" Nian Nian said.

"Looking at the bright red one, it must be delicious!" Think about habitually starting to greedy.

"Greedy cat, that's wine, you'll get drunk if you drink it!"

"Tch, it seems that you are not the same, so do you want to drink?"


"Then sneak some!"

"Who is going?"

"Of course it's you!"

"Why me?"

"Because you are my sister!"

"Should my younger sister do more? Shouldn't you, as an older sister, take care of her more?" Nian Nian was very excited.

"Next time I will give you an extra scoop of ice cream!"

Nian Nian's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, "Good sister!"

Soon, Nian Nian successfully stole a bottle of red wine, and then winked at Xiang Xiang.

After thinking about it, she understood, and followed Nian Nian out of the hotel gate.

"Here! Is one bottle enough?"

"Of course it's enough! Isn't it just a taste, who will come first?"

"You are sister, you come first!"

"Okay! I come first and I come first!"

Think about how timid you are usually, but when you encounter something you can eat, you will become more courageous.

She took the red wine bottle, lowered her head and fiddled with it for a long time, then raised her head and muttered.


"My God, I thought you could drive!"

"Do you know?"

"I do not know either!"

"Then what to do?"


A few minutes later, looking at the red wine bottle with most of its neck cut off in his hand, Chong Niannian extended his thumb.

"good idea!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and taste the taste!" Nian Nian couldn't wait any longer.

Thinking about raising a glass in hand, I suddenly remembered that my mother and Aunt Xuan'er like to shake the red wine first when they drink red wine, it feels very elegant.

It's a pity that what I'm holding now is not a goblet. I thought about a little regret, and then raised it to my mouth and took a sip.

"How is it? Is it good?" Nian Nian instantly turned into a question shooter, opening his mouth to ask a series of questions like a cannonball.

Thinking about it, I have already prepared myself for the unpleasant drink.

Because as long as there is wine in the name, there is no delicious food except chocolate!

But this red wine was unexpectedly delicious!

There is a sweet and fruity aroma in the mouth, followed by a hint of spiciness, as refreshing as iced cola.

"Yeah, it's delicious!" Xiang Xiang nodded vigorously to show his affirmation.


At the beginning, Nian Nian still couldn't believe it. After all, after thinking about it, she used sour oranges to deceive herself that they were sweet, and she didn't hesitate to take a sip first, pretending to be calm so as to lure herself into being fooled.

But when Nian Nian took a closer look, she found that her sister's expression was very serious, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of indescribable happiness.

That was her first reaction after eating something delicious, and she couldn't fake it.

Nian Nian took the bottle of wine, tasted it herself, and then her eyes widened instantly.

"How is it? It's delicious!" Xiang Xiang asked expectantly.

"Yeah!" Nian Nian was also amazed by the sweet taste.

So the two little girls stood in front of the restaurant and started drinking.

While drinking happily, Zhang Xiaoyu's voice was suddenly heard behind him.

"You two young masters, what are you doing here?"

Thinking about turning her head, she saw that Zhang Xiaoyu was following Xiaosha, still carrying big and small bags in her hands. Because she was talking to them, she poked her head out of Xiaosha's shoulder.

She looked exactly like a little daughter-in-law following her husband back to her natal home.

Seeing that it was the two of them, the two little girls who originally planned to hide the wine bottle were relieved.

"Ah, so it's the two of you! What did you buy? It's a big bag!" Nian Nian said first.

Zhang Xiaoyu said very happily: "Isn't this the lord's kindness to give us a sum of money! So we went to buy some things, all of which are for food!"

(end of this chapter)


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