Chapter 3014 Come! !

"Eat?" Thinking about it, his eyes lit up, and he wanted to step forward.

Nian Nian knew that her sister would react in this way, so she blocked her behind one step ahead of time.

"Isn't this mom and the others cooking a lot of dishes? Why do you still have to go shopping?"

Zhang Xiaoyu chuckled, "Those dishes are all exquisite and delicious, but the only drawback is that they are not enough to eat!"

"Especially Mrs. Xiaosha, if you eat enough, even if you come to such a restaurant, you will be eaten up. So the two of us went outside to find something to fill our stomachs. Hey, guess what?"

"Not far from this street is a delicatessen. Master Xiaosha wrapped up the delicatessen by himself. More than 30 roast chickens went into Master Xiaosha's stomach without blinking an eye!"

"What's this called? This is called a big appetite..."

"Enough!" Xiaosha blushed slightly, trying to stop this guy's inhuman flattery.

But when the words reached his mouth, they turned into a long full belch.

Then the four of them stared at each other, and then all laughed.

Amidst the laughter, Thinking took out the bottle of red wine, "Come and taste it, it's delicious!"

Xiaosha recognized the label on it, and couldn't help but feel a little weird.

"You two are hiding here secretly drinking?"

"Yes! It tastes really good!"

"I don't believe that wine can still taste good?"

When Xiaosha had just transformed into a human form, Xiaosha drank too much once, and finally showed his original shape.

This became an unforgettable lesson for Xiao Sha, and he has completely quit drinking since then.

But looking at the glowing red liquid now, I couldn't help feeling a burst of desire in my greasy stomach from eating too much roast chicken.

Would you like to have a drink or two?

She was still hesitating, but Zhang Xiaoyu stretched out her tentacles to take the wine bottle.

After taking a sip of wine, her eyes couldn't help but widen.

"I rub it, it tastes really good!"

After finishing speaking, she handed the wine bottle to Xiaosha as if flattering her.

"My lord, try it too!"

Zhang Xiaoyu's words gave Xiaosha a little confidence.

Maybe this red wine is not wine at all, it tastes as good as a drink!

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and took a sip.


The entrance is sweet and mellow, with a strong fruity aroma.

Once in the belly, the belly that had become a little greasy because of the thirty-odd roast chickens instantly became refreshed.

"It's not bad! Have another bite!"

So Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu, the pair of treasures, also joined the battle group, and began to exchange glasses and drink.

It's just that they didn't know that the red wine that tasted as enjoyable as a drink was actually brought here specially by An Yan.

That was the loot that Xue An seized from a certain expert back then, and it was the thousand fruit wine brewed by monkeys in the mountains.

This great ability happens to deal with this item, so it is packaged as red wine and sold, but the price is much more expensive than red wine.

And what is directly proportional to the price is its stamina.


After drinking a bottle of red wine completely, the faces of all four of them turned red.

But the most popular one is not Wannianan these two little girls, but Xiaosha.

I saw that her delicate cheeks were full of blush, and she was a little slurred when she spoke.

"Good... good wine! Good wine!"

When she said this, she staggered as if she was about to faint.

Fortunately, although Zhang Xiaoyu also blushed from drinking, she was still conscious, so she quickly supported her.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?"

How did Zhang Xiaoyu know that Xiaosha's drinking capacity was so poor, so she couldn't help being a little surprised.

But at this time, Xiao Sha was already drunk to death, so how could she hear her words.

Not only that, but the blush on Xiaosha's face was spreading rapidly.

If you take off your clothes at this time, you will find that Xiaosha's whole body is flushed.

This scene frightened Zhang Xiaoyu.

"Master Xiaosha, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! Master Xiaosha!"

The two little girls were also a little confused.

Just when there was a mess, An Yan ran out in a hurry, seeing the four of them standing at the door, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just when she was about to pour the wine, she realized that the bottle of Qianguo wine she treasured was gone, and the two little girls and Xiaosha Zhang Xiaoyu were also gone.

Now she couldn't help but panic, so she found an excuse to go out and look for it.

Fortunately, Xiang Niannian, Xiaosha and others are all fine, otherwise it would be really bad.

But when she saw the drunken Xiaosha and the two little girls with red cheeks wobbling, she couldn't help being so angry that she couldn't help crying and laughing.

Is this wine that good?

The four of them actually finished a bottle of wine! What audacity!

At the same time, when Zhang Xiaoyu saw An Yan, he seemed to be grasping at straws, and hurriedly shouted.

"Mistress, come and help me, Master Xiaosha is too heavy!"

An Yan walked over.

At this time Xiaosha had already started talking nonsense.

"I... I'm not drunk, I'm just sad... Well... I'm a happy little snake in the mountains la la la la la!"

An Yan was amused, she stretched out her hand to support Xiao Sha, and was about to take her back to rest.

Suddenly, she seemed to have sensed something, and she couldn't help but suddenly raised her eyes to look into the distance, and at the same time, her expression became extremely solemn.

In fact, it wasn't just her. At the same moment, the lively atmosphere in Lao Xie Restaurant suddenly stagnated.

All eyes turned to the door at the same time.

Hu Ye looked even more serious, "Here we come!"

After speaking, he planned to get up, but was held down by Xue An.

At this time, Xue An still had a calm expression on his face, holding Hu Ye with one hand, and still picked up a peanut with the other hand and put it into his mouth.

"Don't panic, there's nothing to panic about!"

"But..." Hu Ye wanted to say something.

Xue An smiled, picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down in one gulp, then stood up abruptly.

"Let's go, let's meet this girl Jian Er!"

With that said, he strode out of the shop.

Everyone stood up tacitly and followed Xue An out of the hotel.

At this time, the sun was The sun was slanting like bronzing, just shining on the signboard of Laoxie Restaurant.

Xue An stood on the steps, but instead of looking at the sky, he glanced at the two daughters who had fallen asleep in the arms of Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er respectively.

In the distance, Xiaosha is still raving.

Scattered on the ground were pieces of broken glass bottle mouths.

Everything is so trivial and real.

Xue An sighed, then raised his eyes slightly.

Everything seemed to have been rehearsed in advance, the moment Xue An raised his eyes, a flash of sword light flashed, and then Jian Er Shen Suqian appeared in the sky.

I saw her standing in the afterglow of the setting sun, her whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of gold. At this moment, her petite and lonely figure was like a sharp sword soaring into the sky, carrying boundless evil spirit, making people dare not look directly at her.

(end of this chapter)


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