Chapter 3016 Fudge?

The hairs all over Shen Suqian's body stood on end, not because of fear, but because of shock.

Once upon a time, she fought Xue An once. Although Xue An was powerful at that time, the gap between the two sides was far from as big as this time.

This is already blatant crushing.

She turned around slowly, looked at the smiling Xue An, and did not speak for a long time.

Xue An didn't say anything either.

This strange silence lasted for more than ten seconds, and then Shen Suqian said softly.

"Is that sword just now your full strength?"

Xue An nodded, "Miss Shen is right, since I agreed to compete with you, I should do my best, otherwise it would be a great disrespect to you!"

Shen Su took a deep breath, "Okay, I get it. You are very strong, even many times stronger than I imagined, but I will not admit defeat!"

"If you fail this time, there will be a next time, and if you fail next time, there will be a next time. In short, I must defeat you uprightly, and prove the Supreme Sword Dao!"

When she said these words, there seemed to be flames burning in Shen Suqian's eyes.

That was Shen Suqian's obsession.

Xue An didn't show any sarcasm, but showed respect instead.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you, and I'll accompany you anytime!"

Shen Suqian nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment Xue An suddenly said: "Miss Shen!"

"Huh?" Shen Suqian stopped and turned to look at Xue An.

Xue An smiled slightly, "I remember you have nowhere to go, why don't you stay and have a drink together!"

Shen Suqian thought that Xue An stopped him because he had something important to announce, but in the end he invited him to drink.

There was a hint of bewilderment in her eyes.

"Uh... this..."

"Oh, I know you plan to go back and practice sword hard, so that you can defeat me in an upright manner, but you can't rush things!" Xue An laughed.

Shen Suqian wanted to refuse.

Because she doesn't like lively occasions very much.

She prefers to be alone by herself, and practice swords honestly.

But looking at the smile on Xue An's face, Shen Suqian suddenly felt that a soft place deep in her heart was touched.

Memories that have been dusted, or deliberately forgotten, are gradually emerging.

In the battle with Li Jingxing, the lord of the Sword Palace, he was narrowly defeated by one move, and his sword heart was broken in the end.

It was he who held himself in his arms and accompanied him through the final journey.

Although it has been many years, until now Shen Suqian still remembers Xue An's warm embrace.

I still remember that I told him my real name at that time, and even gave him the little sword transformed from my sword heart.

After this rebirth, Shen Suqian has been deliberately preventing herself from thinking about these things.

Because she is afraid!

Fear of being addicted to feelings.

She has always believed in one thing, that is, once a sword cultivator becomes emotional, the sword in his hand will no longer be pure.

This is also the reason why I lost in my previous life.

Although it is good to transform swords with emotion, it is still far behind.

But facing Xue An's invitation this time, she couldn't say no to refuse anyway, and could only follow Xue An to the restaurant in a daze.

It wasn't until she picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the wine that an inexplicable thought came to her mind.

Actually... it's nice to indulge once in a while!

Like now.

The not-too-big restaurant was packed to the brim with two large tables placed side by side.

People sat up in a circle, talked, exchanged cups, and laughed.

This lively atmosphere gradually relaxed a string that had been tense in Shen Suqian's heart.

At the same time, everyone was quietly looking at her.

After all, just now she was on the verge of daggers, and her evil spirit was shocking.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he would sit there quietly and drink wine.

Especially when she calmed down, she looked like a well-behaved girl next door, without the slightest bit of evil spirit before.

Hu Ye secretly gave Xue An a thumbs up, which means that you are still a buddy, you are awesome!

The person who was beaten to death just now was fooled by you in a blink of an eye. It seems that your charm should not be underestimated.

Xue An naturally understood what Hu Ye was thinking in his head, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

In fact, there was a reason why he called Shen Suqian to stop.

He planned to get up and go to Tianwaitian in the next few days.

After all, he promised Yue Shifang and Yue Qinghuan brothers and sisters at the beginning, and they must go back after the matter is over.

And if he was going back to the sky, Shen Suqian would naturally have to take it with him.

Because there is still Shen Suqian's family in Tianwaitian.

The Shen family also contributed a lot when they dealt with Donghuang Taiyi in Tianwaitianzhong, so it is time for the grudge between Shen Suqian and the Shen family to end.

However, these are Xue An's inner thoughts, which have not been disclosed to Shen Suqian yet.

And at this moment, Xiang Niannian approached Shen Suqian, looking at her curiously.

Didn't I think about it before and got drunk by stealing wine?

Xue An didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to use spiritual energy to remove the smell of alcohol for the two of them, and only then did the two little girls wake up.

Otherwise, based on how much they drank, they would have been drunk for at least three days!

And after regaining consciousness, the two little girls only had to be honest for a while before they started acting like monsters again.

Shen Suqian naturally also noticed Xiang Niannian.

Speaking of which, they had met before.

But that goes back a long way.

Shen Suqian was surprised to find that although so many years had passed, the two little girls hadn't changed much. Except that they were a little taller, everything else was the same as before.

"Sister Shen, have you really defeated Uncle Li?" Xiang Xiang asked.

The two little girls naturally also knew Li Jingxing.

In their opinion, although Uncle Li is not as powerful as his father, he is still very strong.

Sister Shen is so delicate and beautiful, how could she be Uncle Li's opponent?

Shen Su smiled lightly.

She had an indescribable fondness for these two little girls, so she bent down and gently pinched their faces.


"Wow, Sister Shen, you are so powerful, can you teach me swordsmanship?" Nian Nianyan said. UU reading

"You want to learn swordsmanship?" Shen Suqian was taken aback.

"Yeah, yeah, look, I can do a little bit more!"

As he said Niannian's pinching sword formula, there was actually a faint trace of sword energy lingering around his fingertips.

Shen Suqian glanced at Xue An who was drinking not far away in astonishment, and couldn't help asking.

"Then why don't you let your father teach you? Your father is the most powerful swordsman in the world!"

But she didn't expect Nian Nian to shake her head like a rattle.

"No, Dad said that girls learn how to dance swords and guns, and he doesn't want to let me suffer, even this little bit of swordsmanship is figured out by myself!"

"I figured it out by myself?" Shen Suqian was shocked.

(end of this chapter)


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