Chapter 3017 What about you?

In the middle of the night.

Most people are already drunk.

The banquet is also drawing to a close.

Because the great changes had just come back, people like Tang Xuan'er naturally had no way to go home.

Fortunately, the back of Laoxie Hotel is quite spacious, and there is no shortage of bedrooms.

So all the girls went to the back to rest.

As for Zhang Tianyou, Yang Fu and others, they were still drinking wine happily.

Lao Xie was gone. In fact, he passed away drunk as early as the second round.

Hu Ye was also drunk to death.

He was greedy all night, finally couldn't bear the temptation of Qianguo Wine, secretly drank a glass, and it turned out that this glass made him completely unconscious.

As for Yangjian Jiutian Xuannv and Nezha and others, they had already left and returned to Guanjiangkou.

Xue An didn't follow.

After all, they have been separated for tens of thousands of years, so when they meet again, they must reminisce about the past, and Xue An will not get involved in such matters.

As for Shen Suqian, he has been dragged away by Xiang Niannian to learn sword in high spirits.

Xue An just smiled at this.

Nian Nian was indeed very interested in swordsmanship and mentioned it several times, but Xue An was not in a hurry to let her enter the Tao.

Because in Xue An's eyes, his two daughters are still too young, and learning sword is so tiring, let's wait a few years to talk about it.

However, Xue An did not stop them from learning from Shen Suqian, after all, even Xue An had to praise Shen Suqian's swordsmanship.

It might be better for her to hand it in than herself.

After all, I can't be cruel!

For a moment, it seemed that he was the only idler left in the audience.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly felt something, and greeted Yang Fu and Zhang Tianyou, who had a good chat, and walked out of Lao Xie Restaurant.

At this time, the moon is in the middle of the sky, and the sky and the earth are clear.

An Yan was standing under the streetlight next to the restaurant, wearing a white dress with the corners swaying, like an elf riding on the moon.

Seeing this, Xue An couldn't help being slightly taken aback, because An Yan's attire at this time suddenly reminded him of many things in the past.

Once upon a time, this girl was wearing such a white dress and quietly waiting for her to finish class.

Just as he suddenly realized, An Yan walked over lightly with lotus steps, and said with a smile.

"Why are you in a daze?"

Xue An finally came back to his senses, and chuckled lightly, "There's no reason to be in a daze, it's just being surprised by the beauty of my wife!"

"Bah! Glib tongue!" An Yan spat, but the smile on the corners of her eyes and brows had already betrayed her true inner thoughts.

Xue An stepped forward to hold her hand, and said softly, "What did you ask me to come out all of a sudden?"

"Can't I call you out if it's okay?"

"of course not!"

"Xuan'er and the others have already passed out drunk and fell asleep, but I'm a little bored, so I want to find you to accompany me to relax! What's the matter? Don't you want to?" An Yan said angrily.

Xue An lovingly pinched her nose, "No way, I just feel like you're suddenly wearing a white dress..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just amazing!" Xue An said with a smile.

The night is quiet and the road is quiet.

Laoxie Hotel is located in the fringe area of ​​Beijiang City, which is not considered prosperous, especially in the middle of the night, when there are few pedestrians on the road.

Xue An took An Yan's hand and walked slowly along the road.

Neither of them spoke, but a kind of tacit understanding and affection that cannot be described in words is lingering in each other's hearts.

It's the same feeling as when they first went out on a date.

Unknowingly, the two came to a place, and when they looked up, they couldn't help laughing.

Because this is the park they used to visit when they lived nearby.

At this moment, the gate of the park was already locked, but of course, Xue An couldn't be bothered.

The two came to the lake in the park with just a flash.

Xue An found a big rock and sat down, while An Yan sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Xue An wanted to speak, but at this moment, An Yan stretched out her hand to cover Xue An's mouth.

"Shh! Don't talk, just stay quietly like this for a while!"

Xue An smiled when he heard the words, then closed his mouth, wrapped his arms around An Yan's waist, and gently sniffed the fragrance of her hair.

At this time, the night wind was blowing, and the soft hair was blown on Xue An's cheeks and neck, making him feel itchy.

But due to the current environment, Xue An could only sit there obediently, not daring to make any moves.

At this moment, An Yan suddenly laughed, and leaned closer to Xue An's ear.

"Husband, you look so stupid now!"

"Stupid?" Xue An was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that he was being tricked, so he couldn't help but pat An Yan lightly, angrily and amusingly.

"You actually dare to play tricks as your husband, what should you do?"

An Yan giggled, raised her face and stuck out her tongue at Xue An, "What's the matter? It's just a joke? You hit me!"

Looking at Yan'er who was smiling like a flower, the impulse in Xue An's heart finally broke out, and he directly leaned over and kissed Yan'er's mouth.

An Yan didn't expect Xue An to dare to do such a bold thing on such an occasion, so her eyes widened instantly, and then softened after a while.

After omitting more than 10,000 words that could not be said, An Yan lazily leaned on Xue An's shoulder, and gently drew circles on Xue An's chest with her fingers.

Xue An lost his anger, half leaned on the stone and looked up at the starry sky.

Suddenly, An Yan said softly: "Honey, why don't you take Mengxue and Xuan'er away!"

"Huh?" Xue An thought he heard it wrong, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at An Yan.

At this moment, An Yan also raised her head and looked at Xue An seriously.

Xue An smiled, "What stupid things are you talking about!"

"It's not silly words, but the true thoughts in my heart!"

Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows, "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"Actually, I've wanted to talk about this for a long time, but I just haven't had the chance to mention it to you!"

"But I have seen all the situations I encountered in the time gap this time. They endured the boundless loneliness for you. I am also moved by this feeling!"

"That's why you came up with this idea?" Xue An asked back.

An Yan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Yes!"

"I think this choice is the best. After all, Mengxue and Xuan'er's feelings for you are obvious to all. As long as you agree then this..."

"But what about you?" Xue An suddenly interrupted An Yan's words.

An Yan was taken aback, and looked at Xue An in astonishment.

Xue Jing looked at her quietly, and there seemed to be thousands of worlds in his eyes.

"You think they are very affectionate and work too hard. You think that I will be happier after this matter is completed, but have you ever thought about it... This result is only unfair to you!"

An Yan trembled all over, then lowered her head slightly, her long hair covered the expression on her face, and said in a low voice.

"I don't think there's anything unfair?"

Seeing An Yan's reaction, Xue An's expression became very complicated, and finally slowed down his tone, and said softly.

"Back then you chose to live a hard life with me at the expense of betraying the great family of Zhongming Dingshi for me!"

(end of this chapter)


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