Chapter 3018 Bitter night

"I remember that at that time we didn't even have money for the night, so we could improve our food by eating Malatang!"

"Even so, you still didn't have any complaints, and even tried to find a job outside to relieve my pressure after you were pregnant. I remember all of this!"

"And will always remember!"

Xue An's words made An Yan's whole body tremble. She raised her head to look at Xue An's serious face, and her eyes turned red unknowingly.

"I'm not as good as you think..."

"No, when you were willing to leave Kyoto and come to Beijiang for me, who was a poor boy at that time, you were the best in the universe in my eyes!" Xue An said seriously, word by word.

An Yan's tears dripped down unconsciously, just at this moment a gust of wind blew past, she hurriedly covered her eyes.

"Oh, the wind blinds my eyes!"

But in the next second, a warm and firm embrace blocked all the words behind her.

After a long time, until An Yan's mood gradually calmed down, Xue An only smiled lightly.

"Why do you suddenly think of saying this?"

"Because... Actually, I don't know why, maybe it's because the eyes of Mengxue and Xuan'er when they secretly looked at you during the dinner touched me!" An Yan muttered.

"Then you have the heart to share me out?"

"Of course not, I... I felt very uncomfortable when I made this decision." An Yan lowered her head.

"So you purposely put on the white dress we wore when we first met?" Xue An said.

An Yan suddenly raised her head, "You know everything?"

Xue An smiled, then pinched her cheek, "Joke, every scene we experienced back then is firmly in my heart, how could I forget it?"

An Yan felt as sweet as drinking honey in her heart.

"I...I just want you to remember me...I'm sorry husband, I was wrong!"

"Hmph, how are you going to make up for me when you know you made a mistake?" Xue An pretended to be angry.

An Yan blurted out, "Anything is fine!"

"Really?" A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

An Yan nodded solemnly, "Of course it's true!"

Then Xue An leaned down and whispered a few words in An Yan's ear.

An Yan's face turned red to the base of her ears, and her eyes were filled with horror.

"Ah? is that possible?"

"Why is it impossible? Didn't you just say that you can ask for anything?"

"But..." An Yan was at a loss, her face was as red as a boiled shrimp.

"But what?"

"Okay...Okay, I will try my best when the time comes!" An Yan had no choice but to agree.

"Is this my good face!" Xue An said with a smile.

An Yan took a deep breath, calmed herself down first, and then changed the topic: "But husband... don't you think it's pitiful for Xuan'er and Meng Xue to be like this?"

The smile on Xue An's face froze.

An Yan then continued on her own: "If we talk about sharing weal and woe, the two of them also met when you were at your worst, but they never had the slightest intention of abandoning you!"

"Mengxue needless to say, she first met you when she was a classmate in high school. If it wasn't for you at that time, she might have committed suicide long ago because she couldn't bear the cold eyes of the world!"

"You must be very clear about her affection for you. She even said that as long as you say a word, even if she knows she will die, she will do it without hesitation!"

"What did she do wrong? So that she suffered so much?"

"Let's talk about Xuan'er, she is also your high school classmate and our college classmate at the same time, let's not talk about other things, just say that if Xuan'er hadn't taken care of me after you disappeared, I might have died a long time ago!"

"Later, I was taken away by my family. She was an unmarried girl who withstood the taunts of the world and raised her up alone. Think about it. How can you repay this kindness?"

An Yan's words caused Xue An to fall into silence.

He really didn't know that An Yan would be so kind.

Even the benefits of being a "rival in love" with herself have never been forgotten.

"Your words today let me know that you have not changed your mind for me. I am very happy, but Mengxue and Xuan'er and I are also very good friends. Seeing their lonely and painful appearance, I can't bear it!"

Speaking of this, An Yan raised her head and looked at Xue An, "My husband, you are omnipotent in my eyes, so can you think of a way to get the best of both worlds to solve this dilemma?"

Facing An Yan's scorching gaze, Xue An could no longer remain silent, and could only nod slightly.

"Okay! Don't worry, you don't need to remind me of these things, I will keep them firmly in my heart!"

"In the future, I will definitely give Mengxue and Xuan'er a satisfactory explanation!"


Hearing what Xue An said, An Yan finally showed a happy smile.

"Okay my husband, we should go back after being out for so long!"

Looking at An Yan who seemed to have lifted a heavy burden and cheered happily, Xue An couldn't help showing a smile.

"Okay! Go back!"

Naturally, he didn't have to walk when he went back, Xue An hugged An Yan and came to Lao Xie's restaurant.

At this time, Yang Fu and Zhang Tianyou were still talking about it.

Judging from this posture, it seems that they are going to have a long talk all night.

Xue An didn't bother them, and brought An Yan directly to the back house.

An Yan and Xuan'er both lived in a big bedroom, Xue An couldn't go in, so he stopped in front of the door.

"Go, it's time to sleep!"

An Yan refused to let go of Xue An's arm, and said coquettishly, "Kiss me one more time, and I'll go in!"

"I really can't do anything about you!" Xue An leaned down and kissed An Yan's forehead.

"Hee hee, husband, you are so kind!" An Yan said, and suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed back.

"Okay, go to sleep!"


An Yan gently opened the door, and tiptoed in.

Seeing her close the door, Xue An smiled, then turned and left.

At the same time, An Yan carefully returned to her bed and lay down with her clothes on.

Hu Ying has already fallen and is snoring evenly.

Mengxue and Xuan'er didn't move at all, and it seemed that they were also fast asleep.

An Yan breathed a sigh of relief, her current state could easily be associated with something.

Fortunately no one saw it.

While secretly rejoicing, An Yan secretly opened her mouth and gestured, and then a frown appeared on her small face.

So big... how is it possible!

But she didn't know that at this moment, Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er, who were lying in the darkness, were not asleep at all, but were blinking their eyes blankly looking forward to the dawn.

This silent night is really bitter!

Just like the heart at the moment.

(end of this chapter)


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