Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 3019: Chance to revive 2 princesses

Chapter 3019 The chance to revive the second princess

This night is very long for others, but it is so short for Fox Ye.

He only remembered that the last scene was secretly drinking a glass of Qianguo wine, but before he put down the glass, he was already in the dark.

When he woke up again, he saw that he was lying on the table with a mess of cups and plates. Zhang Tianyou, Yang Fu and others who talked about it last night did not know where they were.

There was only one person left in the empty hall.

Hu Ye rubbed his sore arm, and complained a little dissatisfied: "Why is no one caring about me? The girl Ying'er is the same, if you have a sweetheart, you will forget about your brother!"

While speaking, he stretched long and yawned big, only to feel that the pain caused by the hangover disappeared in an instant, and his whole body became full of energy.

He even felt a surge of pride in his heart, he just felt that the world is so big that he can go anywhere.

But in the next moment, his lofty ambitions were interrupted by a sentence.

"Finally sober?"

Hu Ye was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and saw Xue An sitting not far away, looking at him with a half-smile.

"What the **** are you doing, old Xue? You ran there early in the morning to sit and observe me? You don't have any other thoughts about me, do you?"

Hu Ye's mouth is really the source of trouble.

For example, now, the expression on Xue An's face is getting colder, "You can say one more thing!"

Hu Ye was shocked, and hurriedly laughed and said, "Hey, it's just a joke, why do you take it seriously!"

"But what's the matter, you came to find me so early in the morning?"

"Follow me somewhere!"

After saying this, Xue An stood up and walked out.

Hu Ye didn't know why, so he had to follow.

After arriving outside the hotel, Xue An shot up into the sky like a cannonball as soon as he waved his hands.

Hu Ye was taken aback, "Hey, wait for me!"

After saying that, he quickly flew up, followed Xue An and flew down in one direction.

Fortunately, Xue An didn't speed up, so Hu Ye quickly followed up, and then asked doubtfully, "Old Xue, where are you going?"

"You'll know when you go!" Xue An said lightly.

Hu Ye really wanted to say something, but didn't dare, so he could only shrug his shoulders, "Okay!"

In fact, the two didn't fly for a long time, and a mountain peak appeared just ten minutes later.

At the beginning, Hu Ye didn't quite recognize it, but when he took a closer look, he was slightly shocked.

"Qingmang Mountain?"


"What are you doing here at Qingmang Mountain? Oh...I remembered, are you looking for that old Taoist Zhai?"

Xue An nodded.

When Xue An had just returned from Tianwaitian, few people remembered him because the timeline was completely messed up.

This Zhai Laodao is one of them.

And not only did he miraculously preserve his memory, but he also clearly remembered how he came to this world.

And it was these memories that helped Xue An a lot.

Now that the heavens have brought order out of chaos, Xue An naturally wants to visit this old man who is both a teacher and a friend.

After Hu Ye knew this, he didn't speak any more, he just wondered why Xue An brought him here.

It stands to reason that Xiao Sha and Xue Lan should be brought back to Qingmang Mountain!

After all, their home is Qingmang.

Soon the two came to Qingmang Mountain Pear Blossom Valley.

It is not the flowering period at this time, and the pear blossom valley is full of green shade, and a Taoist temple is hidden in it.

Before Xue An and Hu Ye came to the Taoist temple, what they saw was a different scene.

I saw the gate of the temple collapsed, the walls collapsed, the yard was overgrown with weeds, and the main hall was even more dilapidated.

It was obvious that no one had lived here for a long time.

Xue An stood in front of the decayed door and did not go in.

Hu Ye couldn't help but said: "Old Xue, it seems that Old Taoist Zhai doesn't live here, why don't we look for it again?"

With Xue An's current strength, if he wanted to find someone, no matter where he was, he would be able to find him in no time.

But to Hu Ye's surprise, Xue An rejected the proposal.

"No need, I'm here just to express my feelings. Since he doesn't want to see me, forget it!"

"What do you mean? Who doesn't want to see you?" Hu Ye's eyes widened.

"You mean that Old Taoist Zhai is avoiding you on purpose?"

Xue An smiled, "It's not like he's avoiding me, he should have his reasons!"

He looked back at the Taoist temple, then shook his head, "Forget it, let's go back and have breakfast!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An ignored Hu Ye and left.

Hu Ye looked at this dilapidated Taoist temple, and then at Xue An who had already flown into the sky, full of bewilderment.

what is this?

Suddenly picked himself up to accompany him to a place, but left directly after waiting.

Is this a joke?

Puzzled, Hu Ye and Xue An returned to Beijiang.

After entering the restaurant, Hu Ye's nose was almost twisted by anger.

Because at this time Xue An was already sitting on a chair and eating breakfast.

The steaming steamed buns are paired with fragrant millet porridge, which is very suitable for providing energy for the next day after drunkenness.

The key point is that her younger sister, Hu Ying, who put herself to sleep all night and ignored the chair, is talking to Xue An with a smile on her face.

"Brother An, is it delicious? I bought this specially for you!"

"Hmm! It tastes good!"

"Then eat more!"

Hu Ye was so angry that he walked to the table angrily, and sat down on the chair.

"Ying'er, bring me two meat buns for a bowl of rice porridge!"

Hu Ying stared, "Don't you have long hands yourself?"

Hu Ye was so stunned that he couldn't get off the stage, and couldn't help but lamented, "My family is unfortunate, my family is unfortunate! I'm your own brother, and you ended up treating me like this?"

"What's wrong with my brother? Should my brother bully my sister?"

Even so, Hu Ying still served Hu Ye a bowl of porridge.

Then Hu Ye smiled triumphantly, "Is that right! Go, the back kitchen will bring some sugar for my brother to put in the porridge!"

"??? Don't go, drink or not! I'm not used to you!"

Soon, everyone got up one after another and came to the hall.

Of course this breakfast is not It was An Yan, Fan Mengxue and others who cooked the food last night.

After everyone gathered together for breakfast, they all turned their attention to Xue An.

After all, no one knows what to do next!

Xue An smiled slightly, and then said to Hu Ye: "I promised you to help you revive the second princess Ao Yi before, and now the time is ripe, so come with me to the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan!"

Hu Ye was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Really? Then what are you waiting for, don't you hurry up?"

When Ao Yi, the second princess of the Dragon Clan, died saving Hu Ye during the great war, this incident became a huge knot in Hu Ye's heart.

Now that he heard that there was a possibility of resurrection, he was of course ecstatic.

Xue An nodded, "Of course it's true, but I have something to explain before I leave!"

(end of this chapter)


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