Chapter 3066 Doomsday Wasteland

Xue An took a light step back, and easily dodged the blow.

After learning the lessons from the previous time travel, Yang Fu and Zhang Tianyou strengthened the power transfer of the system in a targeted manner.

So this time Xue An's strength is basically based on the upper limit of the world's top level, so naturally he won't be afraid of a mere tentacle.

Not only that, Xue An also stretched out his hand and grabbed the tentacle within a short time, and then pulled it towards him.

With a sharp roar from outside the house, a Roshan monster covered in tentacles crashed through the wall and flew in.

The appearance of this monster is enough to make the scalp of the most nervous person go numb and keep him awake at night.

But when Xue An saw it, his eyes lit up.

The chaos and weirdness shown by this monster, the filth and stench, are all obvious evil style.

So far, Xue An can conclude that even if the so-called unknown creatures infesting this planet are not the target he is looking for, they are inextricably related to evil things.

After thinking up to this point, Xue An casually threw the screaming Roshan monster out.


There was a loud noise, and smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the monster was smashed into the ground with such force that its body exploded like a pool of rotten meat.

Even so, there is still a mass of wriggling carrion in the big pit on the ground.

Moreover, this mass of carrion seemed to have self-awareness. After suffering such a severe injury, it was still trembling slightly, and then it struggled to dig down, as if it was trying to escape from here.

However, these actions of it were all in vain, because the next moment, a snow-like sword glow nailed it to the ground.

After a few last squirms, the mass of carrion finally stopped moving completely.

Xue An strolled to the edge of the pit, looking at the rotten flesh that was rapidly decomposing into water, "The combat power is average, but the vitality is tenacious enough."

While speaking, the supermarket behind Xue An was finally overwhelmed and collapsed.

The huge sound shook several blocks, but no creature dared to take a look.

Xue An raised his eyes and glanced around, and found a deserted building not far away, so he jumped to the top of the building.

After standing here, Xue An looked around and had a panoramic view of the entire city.

I saw abandoned high-rise buildings everywhere, and the bustling streets in the past were blocked by scrapped cars and various sundries.

Countless scavengers were circling in the sky, looking for the target below, and there was the faint roar of monsters in the distance.

This is a dead city, but from the huge scale and perfect facilities, a trace of the prosperity of the past can still be vaguely seen.

Xue An watched indifferently.

The battle traces that can be seen everywhere clearly tell Xue An what the city has experienced.

And this kind of style that does not leave chickens and dogs wherever it goes is really like an evil thing.

Xue An was thinking, when a faint cry for help suddenly came from a distance.

The voice was extremely weak, and it was obviously very far away. If Xue An hadn't possessed the world's top combat power, he wouldn't have noticed it.

Is there a living person?

Xue An's heart moved, and then he tiptoed, and the building under his feet let out an overwhelmed groan, and a huge crack extended from the place where Xue An tapped his foot.

But this has nothing to do with Xue An, he has already flew out like an arrow.

The distance of several blocks was fleeting, and the cry for help became clearer.

Finally, a battlefield appeared ahead.

Xue An stopped in his tracks, and did not rush to rescue him, instead he hid around the corner and observed.

A small team was surrounded by dense swarms of poisonous insects, attacking it frantically.

There are not many people in this team, but everyone is well-equipped and not weak.

But even so, he was still powerless in the face of waves of poisonous insects.


A member of the team near the periphery was accidentally bitten on the arm by a poisonous insect.


He screamed and reached for the dagger to cut off his poisoned arm.

But before his hand touched the dagger, his whole body convulsed violently, then collapsed to the ground, turning into a puddle of blood.

Even the combat uniforms were not spared, and they all disappeared together.

This also shows how violent the toxicity is.

Ge Sheng was very anxious.

Although his subordinates are all elites who have experienced many battles, their morale will inevitably be low in the face of this almost desperate battle.

Especially the death of this comrade-in-arms just now has dealt a heavy blow to everyone's morale, and some people have begun to cry softly.

As the captain, he could only force himself to struggle and shout: "Everyone, don't panic. I sent out a distress signal as early as the beginning of the battle. I believe the reinforcements from the base will arrive soon."

Someone sobbed: "Captain, don't lie to everyone. It is absolutely impossible for the base to come to such a barren corner of the city for rescue."

Ge Sheng was speechless.

Because he knew what his subordinates said was right, the base would never come to such a dangerous place for rescue for his team.

That will only cause a huge waste of resources, and even the rescue team may be deeply involved.

Therefore, in order to preserve its strength to the greatest extent, the only thing the base can do is to send people over to collect the corpses after the worm tide recedes.

if so!

Although this is cruel, it is the way it is in this extremely dangerous world.

Life is a resource that can be traded off.

Everything is just to survive.

But for the last ray of hope, Ge Sheng still whispered: "What if! What if there are reinforcements, you must know that I tried my best to ask for help just now."

The more he talked, the lower Ge Sheng's voice was, because even he himself felt that what he said was extremely absurd.

This is an extremely dangerous wilderness, even more dangerous than the wilderness, because here are the ruins of the city.

I don't know how many powerful monsters are entrenched in it.

So although the resources here are very rich, it is rare to hear that survivors will live here.

Even if there is, it will only be some scavengers who want money and life.

But expecting these people to help him is just like a joke.

In the end, Ge Sheng had no choice but to say in a low voice: "Remember to leave the last bullet for yourself, even if we die, we can't die in the hands of these bugs."



The only remaining team members responded in unison, their voices full of solemnity and stirring.

Although death is terrible, after so many years of war, these team members are already used to it.

Now that it happened to me, apart from a trace of sadness, these people calmed down very quickly.

At this moment, the swarm of insects that had receded caused another commotion, and then came again like a wave.

(end of this chapter)

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