Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 3067: truly honorable lord

Chapter 3067 A truly honorable adult

Ge Sheng roared, "Kill these sons of **** to death, see you in the next life, brothers!"

As he said that, he rushed to the front immediately, and the submachine gun in his hand spewed out angry tongues of flame, frantically bombarding the insect swarm on the opposite side.

His madness also infected those around him.

"Captain, see you in the next life!"

Speaking of which, everyone chose to attack without reservation.

In an instant, countless bullets poured on these insect swarms, unexpectedly forcibly blocking their momentum of impact.

But this is just a flash in the pan, because soon everyone's bullets will be exhausted.

Therefore, the insect swarm counterattacked again, and everyone had to shrink the battle group, and finally leaned back to back.

Panting heavily, Ge Sheng took out his pistol tremblingly. At this time, there was only one bullet left in the pistol.

He aimed at his own head, looked bitterly at the rushing insect swarm, and then prepared to close his eyes.

The same goes for his subordinates.

But at this moment, Ge Sheng caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of his eye.

He couldn't help but startled.


How could there be people in this ghostly place?

These thoughts just emerged, and then a miraculous scene happened.

The swarm of insects, which had been noisy and boiling, suddenly panicked, and then began to flee around frantically.

At the same time, a figure was slowly approaching in the distance, and all the insect swarms were directly crushed by an invisible force wherever it passed.

Ge Sheng, including his subordinates, all stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene before them in disbelief.

You must know that even in this last world, the tide of poisonous insects can still be regarded as the most vicious scene.

That's why their team ended up like this.

If someone told Ge Sheng before today that someone could walk calmly in this tide of poisonous insects, it would be like entering the land of no one.

Then Ge Sheng would definitely sneer, thinking that this person must have drunk too much fake wine made by a small workshop.

But now this scene actually happened.

Not only that, these poisonous insects, who were still invincible just now, ran away almost crazily as if they had encountered some terrifying natural enemies.

But in front of this approaching figure, any escape is meaningless.

Ka Ka Ka!

Accompanied by the shattering sound of the hard shells of the arthropods, all the poisonous insects were crushed into thin layers by an invisible force.

Poisonous blood flowed horizontally, and the fishy smell tangled in the nostrils.

Ge Sheng trembled uncontrollably.

He is afraid.

Because he didn't know what kind of existence it would be.

But it is conceivable that the existence that can cause such momentum is by no means something that people like myself can provoke.

Could it be the rumored monsters with self-awareness?

This idea churned in Ge Sheng's mind.

At the same time, this figure stepped out of the shadows and appeared in front of everyone.

Then Ge Sheng and the others were stunned.

Because the person who came was neither the ferocious beast that Ge Sheng had guessed before, nor a tall and mighty man.

Instead, it turned out to be a boy in white clothes.

I saw him striding forward, the stumps and blood of poisonous insects on the ground couldn't stop his footsteps at all.

And after getting a little closer, Ge Sheng was even more astonished.

Because this boy was so...beautiful.

Ge Sheng can only use this adjective to describe.

He thinks that he has seen the world. He traveled all over the years and met many descendants of ancient families, including families that existed before the catastrophe.

But no matter how noble the heir of the family is, they can't compare with the young man in front of him.

In particular, this cold temperament on his body is really like the moonlight before the catastrophe.

As for Ge Sheng's subordinates, they were all dumbfounded.

A group of people stared blankly.

At this moment, Xue An came to them, looked at Ge Sheng a few times, and then said, "You... are the leader of this group of people?"

Ge Sheng was shocked.

It's an ancient sound!

The ancient sound before the cataclysm!

This language is spoken only by the oldest and most powerful families, and it is a true status symbol.

Ge Sheng knew that he had met a truly great person today, so he bowed his head very respectfully.

"The former head of the Desert Rose Mercenary Corps, now Ge Sheng, the head of the seventh team guard at the No. 38 base of the Rose Alliance, pay my respects to my lord. Thank you for your life-saving grace just now."

Xue An smiled calmly, "It's nothing more than a little effort."

Even though he said that, the respectful expression on Ge Sheng's face grew stronger.

At this moment, Xue An seemed to have thought of something, and casually threw a small bottle over.

Ge Sheng caught it, "My lord, is this?"

"Oh. Seeing that you are all injured, here are some medicines for you."


How can medicine be like this?

Ge Sheng was a little puzzled, but he opened the vial anyway, and a strange fragrance permeated the air.

Just taking a sip, the body that was exhausted from the battle was much refreshed.

Ge Sheng suddenly thought of some kind of legend, his whole body trembling with excitement, and then bowed respectfully towards Xue An.

"Thank you, my lord!"

A moment later, after taking the small pill in the bottle, Ge Sheng's subordinates were all shocked by the miraculous effect of the pill.

"Oh my god, my left ear, which was completely abolished before, has returned to normal!"

"Me too, my left hand has been aching, but it's gone now!"

Not only the trauma on their bodies healed quickly, but even the hidden wounds on their bodies completely recovered.

Just this time, Xue An's status in the hearts of Ge Sheng and others has been raised to another level.

Especially Ge Sheng, he was too aware of how precious the bottle of medicine that Xue An casually threw to him was.

It can be said that any pill in it can buy many lives.

But judging by Xue An's appearance, it seems that he doesn't care at all.

This couldn't help but make Xue An's identity in his eyes more confusing.

But he didn't know that before this time travel, Xue An stored a lot of materials in his spiritual space.

What was given to Ge Sheng and others was only the most common medicine among them.

At least for Xue An, this thing is as much as possible.

"Have they all recovered?"

"My lord, UU Reading and I have all recovered!"

"Where is the base you mentioned? Can I go and have a look?" Xue An asked with great interest.

If it was someone else, Ge Shengdang would even refuse.

Because everyone knows how precious a refuge base is in these last days.

But when Xue An asked this question, he didn't hesitate at all, and nodded directly: "Of course, it's our honor!"

The crimson crescent moon hangs in the sky, making this deserted city even more weird.

In such weather, even the most desperate scavengers dare not move out.

But at this moment, Ge Sheng and his party were walking through the city talking and laughing.

(end of this chapter)

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