Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 3113: stop evil by killing

Chapter 3113 Killing to Stop Evil

Suddenly, this stone erupted with a huge amount of brilliance, and then an invisible barrier isolated the outside world.

A calm voice sounded.

"It seems that my stupid body has finally become smarter and reached an agreement with you."

Following the voice, a figure as light as a cloud appeared on the stone.

This is actually a very beautiful woman.

The whole body is full of brilliance, which is very attractive.

She looked at Xue An and said very seriously: "You are Xue An?"

"You actually know my name?"

Xue An was slightly taken aback.

"Hehe, the master left most of his memories with me when he created us, so of course I know your name."

Speaking of this woman, the subject changed, "Are you here to destroy me?"


Xue An didn't hide it either.

"It must be an agreement between my main body and you. Let me guess, did he say that as long as I was eliminated, he would be free?"

The woman said sarcastically.


Xue An continued.

"Hehe, what an idiot, he really thought that he would be free if he eliminated me, but he didn't know that we are one, and he wouldn't even want to live if I died."

The woman sneered, then looked up at Xue An.

"In this case, let's cooperate once."


How to cooperate. "

"To be honest, I don't want to be against you. It was the little guy's personal behavior to fight with you just now. I also know what you want. I can take you to find the master."

"Can you find it?"

Xue An was slightly shocked.


The woman nodded proudly, "Actually, compared to me, I am the real body, and the guy who relies on parasites to survive is just a waste."

"He tried his best to seal me in this world, thinking that he could rest easy with this, but he didn't know that I didn't want to leave at all, because I knew you would definitely come."

"And I'm waiting for you to come."


how did you know i would come "

Xue An was silent for a moment before asking.

"Because the master once told me."

The woman replied naturally.

"And I can also see that you came here through an ancient technology from the ancient times, and my original power can just promote the upgrade of this technology, and then I can go to the master."

"What's the point of your doing this?"

Xue An couldn't help asking.


The woman smiled and shook her head, "It seems that you still don't quite understand the way of thinking of us evil creatures."

"The main body wants to be free, so he sealed me in this world and persuaded you to destroy me."

"And I only want to find the master, because this is the mission that the master left me when he created me. I know what you are thinking."

"Do you think that me taking you to find the master is equivalent to betrayal?

No, you are wrong, the master will not care about these, he is a truly great creator. "

"Actually, I don't care.

Because I really don't want to fight against you, otherwise I will definitely die, so I might as well cooperate with you and take you to see the master, when the time comes, which of you two will live and who will die is none of my business. "

The woman is very frank, which may also be the speaking habit of a monster at her level.

I don't bother to hide or lie anymore.

As she puts it, it didn't do her any harm.

But Xue An did not agree, but looked at the people outside the light curtain.

The woman saw Xue An's gaze, and immediately said: "You are really different from ordinary people, and you still care about these people at this moment."

"Of course I care about them, because if I wantonly hurt others while seeking the truth, then what is the difference between me and you?

We must know that those who do evil things under the banner of justice are the most evil. "

Xue An said.

The woman shrugged, "You can do whatever you want, but I have been in a state of sleep since I entered this world, and I was discovered by these people somehow."

"Because I would leak my spiritual power when I was asleep, so I was regarded as a **** by this group of people. They wanted to wake me up, and finally adopted this method."

"In fact, these so-called powers of faith don't have much effect on me. I wake up because of you."

"I will return all these powers of faith to them later, so it's okay for the head office."

Xue An was noncommittal, and suddenly asked: "Then what happened to the alienation of the leader of Star Worship?"

"This man is the most pious, so I gave him some power during a brief awakening, that's all."

Speaking of which, the woman suddenly frowned, "How is it?

Is it possible?

If it doesn't work, then we only have one fight. Although we know we can't beat you, we can't wait to die. "

Xue An took a deep look at the woman, "Cooperation is fine, but after leaving this world, how will you face your real body?"

"Don't worry, he wants you to take me away quickly, so that he can get the freedom he dreamed of. As for whether he fought or whether I died or not, he doesn't care at all."

The woman sneered.

Xue An no longer hesitated this time, nodded and said: "In that case, then I will cooperate with you once."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

The woman is about to leave immediately.

Xue An shook his head, "Wait a minute, I still have some things to finish."

"Whatever you want, I'm not in a hurry anyway."

The woman removed the barrier indifferently and returned the power of faith.

The believers present were still a little unclear, so Xue An had already flown out of the small building and came to the sky above the city.

The city below is bustling with people, some people are happy and some people are sad, and of course there are those evil people who oppress the good.

At this time, Xue An naturally didn't need to hide his strength anymore, a brilliance flashed in his eyes, and countless sword lights appeared above the city.

Xue An waved his hand, "Punish evil."

With an order, the sword rain poured down, covering the entire city.

In an instant, countless evildoers were strangled to death by Jianmang.

In the Tianyue Inn, the old **** Ma Lao was there, even thinking about how he would play with that Dan Nan if Xue An didn't come back tomorrow, so that he could vent his anger.

For the past two days, I have been pretending to be my grandson.

Just when he was planning to be A sword glow directly pierced the room, beheading his head instantly.

At the same time, his elder brother and his lackeys were not spared either.

Let's put it this way, in front of this evil sword, all evils have nowhere to hide.

The city under his feet was gradually soaked in blood.

The woman appeared next to Xue An, and said disapprovingly: "You will have no effect at all by doing this, and new crimes will breed again in a short time. This is the nature of your human race and cannot be changed."

"Of course I know this, but isn't it because it will regenerate and not stop the eradication?"

Xue An said coldly.

"And I believe that after this incident, even if someone does evil again, they will definitely feel fear in their hearts."

"What I want is not absolute light, and that's impossible. What I want is darkness to be restrained, and I dare not be unscrupulous."


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