Chapter 3114 Return (Part 1)

The woman took a deep look at Xue An, "Your idea is very interesting, but it is also a feasible solution."

At this time, the killing below has stopped, and the sword glow has dissipated.

Xue An said lightly: "Let's go, we will leave when we see someone else."

Tianyue Inn.

The sword glow that fell from the sky just now stunned everyone.

It wasn't until a moment later that someone looked at the corpse on the ground and screamed.

But more people are secretly happy.

Because it was Ma Lao Er and his lackeys who died.

The death of such a person is not a pity at all, but it makes people feel happy.

At the same time, Xue An came to Tianyue Inn and met Shan Nan.

At this time, Qiu Tao had already released the shackles on Shan Nan.

So when she saw Xue An, she immediately rushed over.

It wasn't until they rushed to the front of Xue An that they barely stopped. Then they looked at Xue An carefully, and when they saw that he was not injured, they let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you OK?"

Shan Nan asked in a low voice.

God knows how worried she was just now, and even thought that Xue An would never come back.

Thankfully, he is safe and sound.

Shan Nan rejoiced secretly.

Xue An just smiled slightly.

"I'm fine. Where's your father?"

"He's in another room."

"Go, take me to see him."


Shan Nan didn't know why, so she happily led the way.

She couldn't see the woman following Xue An at all.

But this woman could see her.

At this time, the woman suddenly laughed, "This girl looks pretty good by your human race's standards, are you willing to leave like this?"

Xue An didn't look at her at all, but said indifferently: "I have a wife and children."

"so what?"

Women don't think so.

"I find that you human beings are really interesting. It's just a union for reproduction, but you forcefully come up with so many boring gimmicks. What kind of marriage and family are really boring."

"So you're not human."

After saying that, Xue An stepped into the room.

At this moment, Shan Zhiqiang was lying on the bed.

The condition of this room is naturally much better than that of the courtyard, but Shan Zhiqiang's condition is even worse.

His cheeks were sunken visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were even more dull. Only when he saw Xue An walking in did he struggle to sit up.

"Young Master Xue!"

Xue An walked to the side of the bed and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Brother Shan, you don't need to be like this, just lie down."

Only then did Shan Zhiqiang half lean against the head of the bed, feeling relieved.

"I just heard from Xiao Qi that Mr. Xue was going to do a big event, and I was worried. Fortunately, Mr. Xue returned safely, but in the future, we must not take risks lightly."

Although the words were said calmly, Shan Zhiqiang was not like that just now.

When he heard that Xue An had actually found trouble with the Xingbai Cult, Shan Zhiqiang became so anxious that he almost vomited blood.

In his mind, Xiao Qi has long been Xue An's person, if something happens to Xue An at this time, what should he do?

So this statement is also a warning.

Xue An smiled, as if he didn't understand the meaning of the words.

"It's not that I didn't get nothing from going to worship the Stars this time."

Saying that, Xue An spread out his palms, and there was a small ball of light in his hands.

"This is…."

"This is what I found from the Star Worship Cult. It is exactly the soul you lost, brother Shan."

Shan Zhiqiang was shocked all over, his eyes widened in disbelief, "What?"

He never dreamed that his lost soul could be found again.

Doesn't that mean that my illness is cured?

At this moment, Xue An pointed with confidence, and the light ball in his hand flew into the center of Shan Zhiqiang's eyebrows.

Shan Zhiqiang was shocked, and felt that his head, which had been muddled like lard, suddenly became extremely clear.

He rolled over and got up from the bed.


Xue An said with a smile: "Now that brother Shan has recovered from his illness, the agreement we made earlier can be voided. Let me leave."

After saying that, Xue An turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Shan Zhiqiang and Shan Nan stopped Xue An at the same time.

The difference is that the expression on Shan Zhiqiang's face is very complicated.

In fact, after Xue An found that soul for himself just now, Shan Zhiqiang understood what he meant.

Think about it, if you can find your soul from a place like the Star Worship Sect, then how strong must this Mr. Xue be?

So Shan Zhiqiang understood that those thoughts before were just his own wishful thinking.

Shan Nan is different.

This girl who dared to love and hate had tears in her eyes, staring at Xue An.

"What did you mean by that sentence you just said?"

Xue An paused for a moment, then sighed softly: "Miss Nan, you are a good..."

"Stop talking, let's go."

Before Xue An finished speaking, Shan Nan calmed down, and then turned around with a frosty face.

"I don't want to see you again."

Xue An stood silently for a moment, and finally said softly: "Sorry."

Then turn around and leave.

After he left, Shan Nan burst into tears.

Seeing this, Shan Zhiqiang sighed, "Silly boy, we all thought wrong before. The identity of Mr. Xue is beyond our imagination, so you should give up your mind."

Shan Nan wiped away the tears on his face, nodded silently, but he had already made up his mind.

At the same time, at the gate of Tianyue Inn, Xue An saw He San who was full of panic.

After seeing Xue An, He San was relieved, and then he collapsed to the ground.

"Big... my lord!"

Xue An nodded, "There's no need to say anything, I already know everything, just keep what happened today in your heart, don't tell outsiders."

"Yes Yes."

"Then, there will be a period later!"

After Xue An finished speaking, he took steps to leave.

"Wait...wait a minute."

He San suddenly plucked up the courage to stop Xue An.

"What else is there?"

"Does what happened in the city have something to do with you, my lord?"

He San trembled.

Xue An smiled, "What's wrong?"

"No... nothing, just asking casually."

"That's right, it's about me."

He San opened his mouth wide when he heard Xue An's straightforward admission, his face was full of awe.

Xue An smiled and shook his head, then turned and walked out of Tianyue Inn.

At this time, the entire Acropolis was boiling.

The sudden killing just now killed all the heinous people.

Now the people who have reacted began to celebrate with infinite The sound of firecrackers and cheers rang out.

As for those who are not guilty of death, but who have also done bad things, they are shivering and hiding at home at this moment, not daring to show their faces again.

Xue An was very satisfied with this ending.

He said to the woman and Qiu Tao, "Let's go!"

The woman nodded, "Go!"

With the help of this woman, the departure went smoothly.

But in the blink of an eye, they left this world and came to the crater.

But at this time, the crater was empty, and the parasitic evil thing had disappeared.

Seeing this, the woman sneered, "Sure enough, my main body is really timid. Knowing that we are coming back, he has already slipped away."


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