Just when everyone was shocked by it.

Gao Xinghai is quietly retreating.

At this moment, he was full of fear and regret.

Frightened by Xue An's strength, regretted his previous offense.

But before he quit a few steps away, Xue An said calmly: "City Lord Gao, what are you going to do secretly?"

With that, Xue An turned to look at him.

Gao Xinghai froze, and then showed a flattering smile, "Xue...Master Xue, I just remembered an urgent matter and I was about to do it, so I didn't have time to say goodbye to you."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth, "Oh? What emergency has made Gao Chengzhu so panicked, even his face has changed?"

When Gao Xinghai heard this, cold sweat appeared on his pale face, and he said vaguely: "This...I..."

Gao Zuiyu, who had been watching from the side, suddenly took a step forward, blocking her father behind, and said indifferently: "Things are all because of me. My father!"

"Drunk rain, retreat!" Gao Xinghai exclaimed, and then said to Xue An, "Master Xue, my daughter is still too young, don't be familiar with her!"

"Father, don't say anything. It's all because of me. It has nothing to do with you. You have suffered too much for me. Let me solve it by myself this time! Even if I die, I am tall. The family will not bow their heads easily!" Gao Zuiyu said with a serious face.

Gao Xinghai wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he sighed and stopped talking.

Gao Zuiyu gritted his teeth and stared at Xue An without showing any weakness, "Let's do it! If you want to kill, you want to kill you!"

Xue quietly looked at the domineering girl, and then smiled.

"The acting is good!"

This sentence shocked all Gao's father and daughter, especially Gao Zuiyu, his face instantly turned pale.

Xue An shook his head and said faintly: "Although you pretend to be very good, your trembling hands and wandering eyes have already betrayed you!"

"I...I don't." Gao Zuiyu said.

Xue An ignored it, and continued: "Retreat to advance, use this method to blackmail me! I have to say that you are indeed very clever."

Gao Zuiyu no longer had the composure just now and looked at Xue An with horror.

"You will not only win the reputation of being a filial father and daughter, but if I really kill you two, I will leave a word for bullying the weak! Am I right? City Lord Gao."

This sentence is like a steel knife, pierced into the hearts of Gao and his daughter.

Because what Xue An said has completely exposed the cautious thinking of the two of them.

As Xue An said, when Xue An questioned Gao Xinghai who wanted to sneak away, the City Lord Xuan Lei winked his daughter secretly.

Gao Zuiyu understood her heart, and then staged such a big show.

The purpose is nothing more than to use Xue An's sympathy to come back.

Even if the operation is good, it can also win Xue An's appreciation, and thus cling to this peerless master.

But their father and daughter never dreamed that Xue An could see through this trick at a glance.

"Master Xue, I...we have no other choice, just want to survive, please hold your hands high and let our father and daughter go!" Gao Xinghai began to beg for mercy.

As for Gao Zuiyu, who was still very hard just now, he was so scared that he couldn't even speak.

Xue An said indifferently: "City Lord Gao, you don't actually need to do this, because at the beginning, I didn't want to kill you!"

Hearing these words, Gao Xinghai took a deep breath, and Gao Zuiyu, who was shaking like chaff, didn't shiver anymore.

"Master Xie Xue for his mercy!" Gao Xinghai exclaimed with joy.

Xue An shook his head, "No thanks, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

The complexion of Gao's father and daughter changed.

Xue An didn't even look at it, and continued: "But I'm very tired of your performance, because in your eyes, I seem to be a foolish character?"

"No, no! Master Xue, please listen to me..." Gao Xinghai explained hurriedly.

But before he finished speaking, Xue An's eyes flashed with cold light, and a sword light passed directly.


Although Gao Xinghai was also a strong Golden Immortal, he didn't even have the power to fight back in front of Xue An, and was directly cut off by this sword light.

Head down.

The soul floats.

But before his soul was completely detached from his body, the sword lights swallowed it completely, and then strangled it into pieces.

Gao Xinghai, Lord Xuanlei, die!

All this happened so quickly, it was almost like an electric flint.

Wait for everyone to react.

Gao Xinghai was completely destroyed, and the body fell to the ground, becoming a mass of rotten meat.

Gao Zuiyu exclaimed, "Father!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Xue An with extremely bitter eyes.

"Xue An, you actually killed my father?"

"Why not dare?" Xue An said lightly.

Gao Zuiyu's eyes flickered, and then he said in a deep voice, "You are a dignified and peerless strong man. Now my father is dead, do you have the courage to let a weak woman like me go?"

Xue An laughed dumbly, then applauded softly, "Wonderful, it's really wonderful, this routine is just one link after another!"

"I can't do anything, so I want to use words to provoke me? If I don't let you go, I will end up with a reputation for fearing your revenge?"

Then Xue An ignored Gao Zuiyu’s extremely ugly expression and smiled faintly, “But I also want to correct two points. First, you are not a weak woman! From your father’s spiritual thoughts, you can see the many things you committed. Sins, such as... the three-eyed golden retriever that hunted a living person to feed you!"

Gao Zuiyu staggered, almost fell from mid-air, and his complexion became ashes.

"Secondly, you have misestimated me from the beginning. I always act only three words as I want, so if I do it, I do it. As for how others comment...what to do with me?"

After the words fell, Gao Zuiyu seemed to feel the threat of death, and exclaimed: "No..."


Sword Mantle Cover ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ cut it into powder in a flash.

Gao Zuiyu, like his father, was extinguished.

After getting rid of the pair of scheming father and daughter, Xue An just turned his head to look at Xiang Xuelii.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Everyone shook with a word.

Even An Yan looked intolerable, thinking that Xue An's killing was too heavy, so she whispered: "Husband..."

Xue An understood An Yan's meaning, smiled at her, and said in a distant tone: "Aren't you going to give me an explanation for this matter?"

Xue Liuli has been in perplexity since witnessing Xue An's shocking sword.

It wasn't until Xue An asked that she slowly regained consciousness, and then she lowered her head and remained silent for a moment before she said.

"I am the one who moved the greed, if you kill, kill, I have nothing to say!"

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