Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 763: It's easy to be broken just after, the flow is hard to break

The true biography of the Heavenly Sect of Zhanhonglou and the eighth-ranked peerless powerhouse on the Questionnaire list, at this moment he has no fighting spirit, and even his voice is full of a strong sense of decadence.

This surprised Bai Qing'er, Xiao Dancheng and others, and didn't understand why this happened.

Only Xue An knows that all this is because the ideals and confidence of this proud girl of heaven have completely collapsed.

That's the way it is in Kendo.

This proud female of kendo who has been shrouded by the halo of genius since she was a child, because she practiced so smoothly all the way, after witnessing the shocking sword just now, she had deep doubts about herself.

For Jian Xiu, this suspicion is extremely fatal.

What's more, the foundation of Xuelili is not very reliable.

That's why she was so depressed, even one step away from breaking Jian Xin.

Xue An said calmly: "I just want to know why you want to get this Lei Zun so eagerly? You must know that for a sword repairman, the treasure of heaven and earth cannot play a decisive role!"

After a moment of silence, Xue Xue said with a wry smile: "It's okay to tell you now! The reason why I want to get this Lei Zun is completely because in three months, the treasure of the Dream Mountain that has slept for a thousand years will reappear in the world! But that There are many dangers inside, and it requires a powerful thunder spirit when it is turned on, so I want to get this thunder sovereign!"

Hearing Xue Liuli’s words, Bai Qing'er was shocked, and said in disbelief: "Dream Mountain? You mean that 5,000 years ago left by the invincible Great Dream Sword Sovereign who was in all domains. Treasure?"

Xue Liuli nodded, "This news hasn't spread yet, so only Yuanzong Blood Net Mountain and the people of the three three heavenly sects know it!"

Bai Qinger's complexion changed, and she muttered to herself, "No wonder...the disciples of the recent three days sect suddenly began to frequent the major auction houses! This is the reason!"

Xue An noticed the three words Blood Net Mountain, "If you say this, the people from Blood Net Mountain will also go?"

Xueliu smiled bitterly, "Of course he will go. In fact, Blood Net Mountain has long been coveting the treasure left by this Great Dream Sword Master. This time the news should have been the first to know about Blood Net Mountain!"

Xue An nodded, "Well, three months later, I will go to the Big Dream Mountain with you to see how amazing the people in this Blood Net Mountain are!"

Xueliu was startled, "You..."

She obviously didn't understand why Xue An was so interested in Blood Net Mountain, and listening to this, she didn't seem to want to kill herself.

At this time Xue An turned around and said lightly: "Do you know why your kendo is so fragile?"

Xue Liuli looked confused.

"Because you haven't really understood the true meaning of kendo from beginning to end! Every day you hone a sword intent in your chest, and you are practicing while walking, staying, sitting, and lying. This sounds very inspirational! But in the end it just touched yourself!"

"Once you go in the wrong direction, the harder you work, the further away you are from the real goal!"

Xueliu walked away from a huge shock and blurted out, "Then what is the true meaning of kendo?"

Xue An smiled, "The sword is also the blade of the heart! There are millions of people, so there has never been any truth that can be effective for everyone!"

"But for you, I only have eight words for you!"

"It's easy to break just after, and the water is hard to break."

Hearing these eight words, Xue Liuli was stunned, and muttered to herself, "So that's it, is this my kendo?"

As she said, her face showed the color of determination, the decadence that had just been swept away, and then took a deep breath, bowed to Xue An, who had led An Yan away, "Thank you for calling it. Hmm! Displaced... taught!"

At this time, Xue An's indifferent voice came over, "Three months later, go to the Central Region Banten City to find me!"


Xue An is gone.

Xue Liuli also murmured to herself, and left in obsessiveness.

Only Bai Qinger was left standing in place.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Today's matter is not trivial. I want to return to the headquarters of Zhongyu's venue immediately and report all these things!"

After all, she didn't even enter Xuan Lei City, and flew directly towards the middle area.

at the same time.

A land of wealth in the middle area.

A huge manor with an area of ​​10,000 acres stands here.

The ground is paved with mirror-like jade, and even the surrounding walls are piled up with fairy crystal waste stones.

Not to mention all kinds of extravagance.

This is where the ancestral home of Chaotianfang Lu's family is located.


In the study of the ancestral house, Lu Lie, the head of the Lu family of Chaotianfang, is dealing with affairs.


He felt that the entire ancestral house suddenly shook, and then the majestic luck that had pervaded the ancestral house began to quickly dissipate.

This discovery made him furious, "What's the matter?"

Lu Lie roared and flew out of the study, into the air.

At the same time, the brilliance flashed in the Lu family's ancestral home, and countless masters all flew up, densely packed, occupying most of the sky.

"Patriarch, what's the matter?" asked the confidant family.

Lu Lie's face was pale, "Qi luck has faded, is there something wrong with Zudi?"

As he said, he threw himself to the ancestral land located a hundred miles east of the ancestral house.

A hundred miles away, for someone like him, it's just a snap.

But as soon as I arrived here, I saw that the old, picturesque and energetic ancestral land was in a mess.

As if experiencing a huge earthquake, the ground was full of blood and corpses, all of them guarding the ancestral land.

When Lu Lie saw this scene, his eyes turned black with anger, and he almost sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

This is the ancestral land where the ancestors of the Lu family slept!

And it's about the life and death of the entire Chaotianfang Lu Family.

The result has become such a look.

As the Patriarch, how could he not feel angry and distressed?

"What's going on?" Lu Lie was going crazy.

At this time, a guard who was lucky enough to not die in the earthquake just now knelt on the ground tremblingly.

"Patriarch, everything was normal today, but suddenly, the ancestor seemed to be irritated by something. After waking up from a deep sleep, he went to the distance, but after a while, the ancestral land suddenly began to shake , The power is so powerful that most of our guards were killed and injured in an instant! Please be clear from the owner!"

Lü Lie snorted Regardless of whether the matter was true or false, he directly waved his hand and shattered the guard's head, then crushed his spiritual thoughts to extract the picture just now.


Everything is the same as the person described.

Lu Lie's eyelids began to beat frantically.

The ancestors of the Lu family left furiously and violently. They must have been irritated by something, and then they never came back. The ancestral land was also destroyed. That can only explain one thing.

That is, the ancestor of the Lu family has been beheaded.

Who is it that actually had such a way to reach the sky, able to kill the spirits of the ancestors of the Lu family?

But in any case, Chaotianfang Lu's family will avenge such an ancestral revenge!

Therefore, he said solemnly: "Find out the person who destroyed my Lu family's ancestral land immediately!"


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